Friday, October 31, 2008

Dive! Dive!

No matter what you do in your life. No matter what tasks you may be working on. It always comes back to resting in your center.

That’s right! It is about a continual centering and balancing of your being. If you don’t do this you end up unbalanced and out of kilter. It shows up as a feeling of being somehow off and not right. Of course this is easier to keep track of if you practice awareness.

It takes a depth of knowingness and familiarity with who you are. Believe it or not there are many people out there who only skim and ride on the surface of their own personage. They never dive into who they are. They never experience the depths of their being. This leaves them not ever finding or knowing their true self. This is the biggest shame out there!

Take this moment, to find your true self, right now ! It really is easy.

Go ahead, break the surface and dive. It will be alright, I promise!

As the great Beatles song Everybody ‘s Got Something to Hide(except for me and my monkey) says “the deeper you go the higher you get”. A completely true and profound statement, at least in my mind. It also gets me thinking that the something everyone may be hiding is their own true divine self! What do you think?

So for now use this simple exercise to get calm, centered, balanced and down into the depths of you. This will allow you to find and connect to the true you

So sit comfortably, simply take a few calming breaths. Relax your body and your mind.

Now, when you breathe in imagine and feel the breath entering into the top of the head into the center of the brain or pineal gland located there. Realize that this breath is special. This is no ordinary breath! It is the breath of life itself, the energy/God filled breath of all creation filling and expanding in your brain.

Now on the exhale push the breath down from the brain center into the body. That’s right! Feel the breath surge down through the body, into the chest, arms, hips and down to the feet. Your whole body expanding with this breath!

Try this for a minute or two and tell me you don’t feel awesome!

Now, you can take this even further with a little practice. After you have done this technique tied to the breath, start to imagine and feel that the flow of energy and divineness as a continual stream entering into the top of the head -pineal gland- brain area. That’s right, a constant flow like a faucet that doesn’t shut off but continues to pour in. The trick here is to remember to open your mind. Remain open!

Now realize that while this divine energy stream is flowing and coming in, you can open the brain and allow it to flow through down into the body automatically. That’s right.. The energy coming through the brain area down into the body filling every cell of your being with this pure, healing , vibrant, divine energy. Another trick here to fully open the gate to your body is in the throat area. You might feel a little resistance at this spot. Simply command the area to open. That’s right, you are in charge, simply command the area to be open. Feel the area flow and open. You may do this with any resistance you find. For example, some people may have to consciously command the heart area to open.

This is a truly powerful technique, if you give it a few minutes a day it deserves.

As you do this technique you may ultimately imagine the energy stream flowing completely through your body, down into the earth and passing through the earth to be recycled up into the universe. To be purified and renewed, to once again be brought back and used by you again and again.

The only limits that are here, are the ones you impose on your self.

Feel this flow every moment of the day and you cannot lose!

As always you may find more techniques and inspirational content at my website

and blog -

Love and blessings,



Tuesday, October 28, 2008


God is Love.

God is Life.

These are two true statements.

It brings to mind the choice each of us have to make in this world. We can either choose to hear God and the messenger of your higher self or you can choose not to. The choice not to choose automatically defaults to a level of living that follows the lower ego self.

To sum up this choice every day, you make decisions based between two pathways. Those pathways are “Spirit” or “Flesh”.

That’s right every choice we make, every daily decision is a testimony to which path you choose. Choosing the “Spirit” path empowers your body, mind and spirit to work within a context of harmony, balance and inner peace. Having the guidance of your higher self is a sure thing. For your higher self has access to resources beyond your understanding. Beyond your limiting concepts of space or time. There is no restriction. With God all things are possible. No matter what your logical, analytical, criticizing ego mind might think.

For you see when you choose the “Flesh” path, you encounter limitations and roadblocks. With your limited views, beliefs and capabilities there is no possible way you can succeed. You just do not have the correct guidance. The ego is what might be termed a false prophet. It speaks a lot about all the things you want to hear but it can never truly deliver them. It only supplies failure and suffering. This is a fact. One that each and every person will have to come to terms with. This fact is typically received in an aha! moment or epiphany. When a person who has continually chosen the flesh path finally hits the bottom or hits the wall it leads to brokenness, it is in this breaking that one usually out of desperation, frustration, and a total surrendering all of a sudden cries out for help. In their pain they call out. Yet who are they calling to? The answer of course is to “Spirit”. They call out to the great Spirit in and of all things that some call God.

At this lowest moment they are lifted. They are lifted, soothed and comforted as a mother would comfort a loved child. Their cares and worries are washed away with a wave of unconditional love. Their minds are renewed and purified. Their life is changed in one defining moment. God plants the seed. The beginning of consciousness. The beginning of self realization. An opening of the heart and mind. A remembrance of the relationship that should be the experience of every moment. A calling from home, to come home.

The above is a powerful moment that occurs typically only once in a life, as that is all that is needed. However you have the choice not to have the actual experience of the broken state.

That’s right!

All you need to do is consciously choose the path of “Spirit” now to effectively start from where you are today.

Take the initiative, get pro-active, connect to your higher self and be led home.

There you will remember your true glory, your true love and your true joy!

For you see, God is always waiting and always listening.

That’s right, you are never alone but you have to willingly and actively invite “Spirit” into your life

When you call, you will be answered. When you seek, you will find.

When you remember that, you have the key!

For more inspiring articles and info visit our site at:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Great Day!

Hope i have found everyone in a great mood, i know i am.

The point of that is it should be as no surprise that i am in a great mood because i continually strive to be in that great mood. It actually takes a little work, a little will power, a little understanding of truth and a little understanding of who i am. Put all those together and you will be in a great mood too. No matter what may be happening in your world on the outside. Nothing can touch that inner core, that inner joy that you have cultivated! That's right! It goes back to the life essence spark you were born with. It is there no matter what you may think, it is definitely there!

The acorn has it, the bulb of a flower has it. It is their natural tendency to cultivate and grow in it. That could be the crucial difference in your life. Are you cultivating this God given essence? Is it growing within you? Are you keeping your mind and heart fertile?

If you don't know then i think it might be a problem. If you could answer with a definite yes to the questions above then you are on the right track. If not then you need to start feeding your mind inspirational content. Start slowing down your processes to enjoy and reflect on the beauty of life. For life is truly beautiful. If you are not seeing that then you need to search your mind for the cause. Once again , that's right. I said search your mind, for the effects out there in the world start as a cause in your own mind.

You might be incredulous at this point saying what do i have to do with poverty, and suffering and war and hate.

My answer is i don't know, check your mind! Are you cultivating love, joy , peace and abundance in every moment? Are you exemplifying mercy and compassion? Are you extending forgiveness?

If not, then you need to contemplate those simple truths every day and every moment till you do.

Have a great day!! I am!

Thanks ,


P.S.- check out this awesome "9 Intense Experiences" i recently found and will be talking about more at a later date.

go to:

Love and blessings

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What Is Your Success Distance?
by David Cameron Gikandi

The ease and speed at which you get from point A to B depends on the distance between point A and B. So, what is the distance between you and success in whatever field you choose? What is the distance between you and success in your marketing, financial, relationship, happiness or health matters? It does not matter what you are looking to succeed at – the principle here is the same.
Success Distance is measured by three components: Body, Mind, and Soul or in other words physical distance, intellectual knowledge and emotional bearing. Let us examine each one.
Body, or physical distance, is simply the physical distance in miles between you and your marketplace, your target health point, or your relationship partner. Physical distance is the easiest distance component to understand, so we shall not spend too much time on it. It is all about location. Like they say in real estate, it is all about location, location, and location. Where are you physically in relation to your marketplace, target health point, or your relationship partner? Are you easy or hard to get in touch with? Do you network with people in similar situations so you can help each other out? Do you live near your most attractive marketplaces, target health point, or your relationship partner? If you do business online, can people find you easily through links from other web sites, search engines, articles and so on? Is it easy to order from you, help you, and be with you? Always keep improving and shortening your physical distance.
Mind or intellectual knowledge is next. It is even more powerful than physical distance. The only thing more powerful than it is Soul or emotional distance. To put it simply, you are paid for the knowledge that you posses and express. A doctor is paid for medical knowledge, but only when she uses it to heal, when she expresses it. So is a plumber, and so on. So it is very obvious that to get more success in any area of life, you must improve your knowledge of that area of life. In that way, you are shortening the distance between you and that area, by coming to know it for what it really is instead of what you think it is. It is the errors in your thinking that cause ‘failure’. Failure is merely a gentle prodding telling you that you need to fix an error in thought. So read. Ask. In fact, learn to ask your Higher Self questions. Ask and you shall always receive. Just formulate your question and consciously ask your Higher Self this question. There is no particular way of doing it – your Self is always listening and knows when your attention is directed to it. It is only you who have been ignoring it because of too much worry and mental noise. Ask. Then drop your worries and be observant! In the very next moment, or day, or person, or movie, or magazine, or book you see on the bookshelf, your answer will have been brought to you. Trust me, ask your Higher Self a question and within minutes or hours or perhaps a day or so, if you are aware and observant, you will be led to exactly the right place to find your answer. The answer may not be the one you expect, but it will be the one that will lead you to success, even if at first you may not see how.
Finally, but most importantly, is your Soul, or emotional distance. Simply put, you are an energy system. You are not a chunk of flesh, you are energy. If you were to magnify yourself, you would find that you are made of cells, which are in turn made up of molecules of various substances. These are in turn made up of atoms. And atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. An electron is an energy packet. Yes, you are one big ball of energy. And so is everything else. And here is what you are here to do: to experience energy in motion, to experience e-motion, emotions. At every moment, even if you are not aware of it, you are feeling a certain emotion. And whatever emotion that is, it resonates and attracts similar energy systems around you. So when you are happy, you attract happy conditions. Your inner state creates your outside experience. Therefore, the most important thing is this: how do you FEEL Now? Always, all ways, it matters most how you feel now, because that is what creates your experiences. To succeed, you must bridge the emotional distance between you and the thing you wish to succeed in. to succeed in finances, you must heal all feelings of negativity towards money, low self-esteem, poor self worth, victim mentality, certain fears, and so on. These feelings push you away from money, no matter how hard you work. Effort begets the results of effort, nothing more or less. And the result of effort, if you haven’t noticed, is much strain. Look, if hard work was all you needed to succeed, half this planet would be rich. How obvious is that. People work like dogs nowadays! Anyway, let us move on. To succeed in your relationships, you must be love itself, yourself. Unconditional love. All other feelings of fear and so on increase the distance between you and your success. And to succeed in health, again you shorten the distance by increasing your self-love, self-esteem, and dropping worry and fear. By the way, when I say ‘drop fear’ I do not mean that you resist it. No. in fat, what you resist persists and grows stronger. I mean that you face it, embrace it, look at it directly, find its original cause in your life, forgive all of it, and you will see that it was just a cloud of smoke, it was nothing really.
Well, there you go. You are now armed with some very easy to follow, logical processes that will get you where you wish to be. Well, it is a start, but you must follow through yourself – no one can do it for you. People can only guide and help you but you must choose and act yourself. Don’t let your old fears imprison you for ever. The pain of life-long mediocrity is greater than the pain of changing. Just do it! If you wish to learn more about the above processes and wealth consciousness,

Please go here for more... and free downloads!



Monday, October 13, 2008


I get the best inspirations at night. Usually somewhere between 1-5 am. Last night was no exception.

I had read a little story the day before about the importance of breathing. It was included in the Crimson Circle Newsletter for this month. I had also been digesting the most recent channeled message from them, really powerful! If you are not familiar with their work then check them out at:

You can literally feel the energy come off the page as you read the latest channeled message!

The point is this. Everyone breathes.

The real question is, are you consciously breathing?

By following the breath you connect to the source of life or God. Yes, it is this simple and this easy. You need to understand that every breath you take is an inhalation of the God force or the essence of life itself. So every time you breathe, you breathe in a little spark of divinity.

Now there are a couple of techniques that can be used to consciously breathe. The first is to center your awareness on the tip of the nose and follow the breath on the in and out. Try it right now! Breathing consciously for just a few moments. It brings such peace, such a level of relaxation. It literally sweeps the mind!

Now the next technique i love to use is to breathe in and on the exhale breathe it back into your body. This is an extremely powerful technique. The best place to start is to breathe in and then send the out breath to your energy or chi storage area located right below your navel. Do this for a minute or two. After you get acustomed to this technique you can send your exhale/awareness to your entire body or any specific area you want to. What it does is narrows and focuses your mind into a type of dynamic meditation centered on your breath. This technique will help heal ailments, ease emotions and will supply a myriad of other benefits. You can also focus on breathing through the chakras if you are familiar with them. If you want more info then visit my site, i have a great article on chakra breathing.

The point is this.

Learn to breathe, it will help you through the tougher times in life.
Learn to breathe, it will deepen your connection to your true self.
Learn to breathe and you will dissolve fear, doubt and worry.
Learn to breathe and happiness shall be!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Self Empowerment

I want to take today to talk about the whole purpose of this blog and the "SpiritUnited Source Center" website. This ties in with the title- Self Empowerment.

This is what it is all about. It means the power is in you. If you are giving your power away then you will not survive. If you are trying to find happiness and contentment in anything out in the external world, then you are searching in vain!

The answer lies in being self centered and self empowered.

I did not say selfish. I said self centered. This means to be centered within your true self. If you have followed anything i have said or written then you know that to me "true self" means God or your infinite source of creation within.

This force within is not seperate from who you think you are, it is the true essence of the true actuality and potentiality of all you are.

The oak tree starts with an acorn. Within the acorn is the same potentiality and code for life that is within you. The spark of life within an acorn is God. The spark of life within you is God.
The acorn in it's beginning form and in it's end form still is the potentiality and actualization of this God force, it is not seperate from it nor can it be seperated from it!

By the same token the God force within you at the beginning of this human life is still within you, it cannot be seperated from you, ever! So you may wonder why do people seem to be seperate or think themselves seperate from this force?

The answer is in the illusion. The great illusion that surrounds you at all times. For you see truth is covered and hidden from you as you grow. It is scolded out of you . it is reprimanded out of you. Anything and everything was done to make sure that you were normalized and acceptable within the eyes of the society that raised you. Why?

Because they didn't know any better. Finding the God within is a choice. You must choose to look and see. You must go within and connect. You must fight against all you have ever been taught and ever known. All your thoughts and perceptions have to be examined in the light of truth.

Most people don't want to move out of their comfort zone, so they don't. They use any reason or excuse to stay where they are. They blame everyone else and everything outside themselves to not look at the truth within their hearts.

It takes a strength of will to penetrate the illusion, it takes the strength to take that first step.
One tiny step is all it takes. One tiny miracle is all that will be needed to propel you down a completely different path.

I am here to deliver that miracle to you.

Are you ready to awaken? Are you willing?

Awaken now!

Awaken to the fact that the divine essence is within you. Awaken to the fact that what you think and believe is either drawing you closer or moving you further away from your true inner source.

I believe it was Henry Ford who said " If you believe you can , your right! If you believe you can't, your right!"

You see, you have the power to make your reality. Accept your inner power, accept the responsibility that is part of your power. The omnipotent potential of your creator is within you.
As he creates , so do you! You can create hell or heaven, the choice is yours!

IT is your job to uncover or realize your truth! To empower your self! You are the master and commander of your life. Do not let others control you. Do not put limitations on your self!

To help you on this journey i have created the "Empowerment Sessions". These sessions will start to have you realize your true potential. You will start uncovering your truth layer by layer. You will start realizing the programs and habits that have been controlling you will now be yours to control. For you see, ultimitely you have the choice!

Start today to unlock your inner power! Visit our resource and support center at

Go ahead and find the articles, books and materials to start feeding and inspiring higher truth within your life but make sure to join with us today to receive your life transforming "Empowerment Sessions" now! They are the doorway to a miracle!

We are on a grand adventure of a lifetime and we want you with us!

Join Now!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A day of gratitude

I would like to take today to express my gratitude and thankfulness to God.

My life is truly a blessing. I have a wonderful wife who challenges me every day and keeps me on my toes. I can honestly say that I don’t think I would be the person I am without her to help keep me on track.

I have 3 beautiful children, who are bright, active, enthusiastic and healthy.

I live in a comfortable and loving home that I enjoy being at.

I have been blessed with the money that I have needed to live a wonderful life and I wholeheartedly expect to continue receiving unlimited financial abundance daily.

I can say with assuredness that my blessings stem from one source.

I am fortunate to have an incredible and close connection to my higher self and God. I am so happy that I have cultivated, searched for and committed myself to this connection to my true source. It really is my passion in life!

I believe, with my whole heart, that true success comes from your connection to your true self(God) and your higher self(God’s messenger/Holy Spirit/ intuition). When you realize this fact then you become empowered and successful. All things flow from this source.

So, if you have not been cultivating this relationship to source, then I strongly suggest you start immediately. It is the most important foundation for any works you do in this life. For in knowing God, you know your true self. When you know truth you will discern reality from illusion. When you are able to understand that your higher self leads you out of illusion then you will know who to look to for guidance to help you dispel the illusions around you. When you understand the illusion then you do not invest into it or attach your self to it, as it is not real. This keeps your power in you, not out there in the illusion where you may have placed it. It is through non attachment to the illusion that true freedom is found.

“What is the illusion?” you may ask

I like to think of it in the context of a dream.
A dream at night is a projection of your consciousness. While you are in this projection it seems very real. You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. You seem to be just living normal life. Now take that scenario and apply it to your seemingly real life you live every day.

You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. It seems to be a normal life.

Could it be possible that you are living in a projection of your consciousness that to you, seems to be real? Could it be that at night you are dreaming within a dream? Would this be possible?

At this point you may be asking yourself. “What does it mean? Am I supposed to do something about it? What is the point?”

The point and answer is to start cultivating awareness. Awaken to what is real. That is the true goal and purpose!

That true goal and purpose is the union with your true self and infinite spirit(God). When you completely merge with spirit, realizing that your true essence is spiritual in form-not your physical body, then you will be able to access your true potential. That potential is actually an unlimited potentiality as you will be part of infinite spirit and have infinite resources, infinite abundance and infinite knowledge at your command.

So, the reality is not so much a “what to do” action step, but a “who being” or a “who becoming” step.

No wonder I feel blessed!

Train your mind with right perceptions and blessings will follow.

Peace, Love and Blessings,

Gavin Anderson

Visit my site where I am creating the adventure of a lifetime, join with me on this journey of self discovery, awakening and financial freedom. Realize and uncover your true potentiality and receive the blessings you truly deserve.

Set sail with us immediately and partake in the wonderful treasures that await our discovery.

The investment is little, the rewards are huge!

The journey starts with a single step.

Join Now.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What do you want?

So what is it going to take, to get you to realize the true potential you have?

What will it take to motivate you to make some changes in your life?
What is it you want?
It reminds me about the 9/11 attacks. I knew that in reality it was a cry for help. But at the same time my immediate question was “ What do they want? Was it better food, is it new cars. Do they want better roads? What is it they want?
What is it that you want?
Most people ,by the time you get down to the core matter just want peace, they just want to be happy.
It might disguise itself in another form but what is it really?

Do you want more money, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a better job, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a relationship, why? So you will be happy.
You see it is not really what we think the things we want are. It is the state of being and the state of mind we really desire.
If you desire peace then you must be peace. If you desire happiness then you must be happiness
If you desire to be content and fulfilled then you must be content and fulfilled now!
Do not put your state of mind off on something in the future. When you say “oh I will be happy when I get that new job” or “I will be happy when I find the right person in my life”.
Those sayings are dooming your peaceful and joyous state of mind. You will never be happy because even if you did get those things you would say the same thing about something else ,it would be a never ending cycle. Be happy now and all the things you desire will come. You see it is actually the reverse of your thinking. If you wait upon happiness it will never be but if you be happy now it already is.

It is the same with finding the Kingdom of God. As Jesus stated “The kingdom is within you”.
Here is a secret that few actually know: The kingdom of God or Heaven is actually a state of being and a state of mind. It is not out there or up there, it is within you. All you need to do is live in it, connect to it and you shall have no worry, no fear and no doubt. It is this simple. Connect to and live in, the state of Heaven, God created in your heart and you shall prosper beyond your wildest dreams. All your desires shall be given as you will finally be capable of receiving your true and full inheritance.

Gavin Anderson
To learn more about living with blessings fom God, visit our site:

The Blessing

I want every person that reads this to be blessed.

I bless you!

Now here is the question, did you receive it? Or did you block the blessing I just sent you.

It really is that simple. If you want it, it is there. If you consciously say you want it but didn’t receive it, why didn’t you?

You need to find out!

God has a blessing and miracle for you in each and every moment, are you receiving it?

Are you receptive and open or are you busy and closed minded. Does your life consist of the littleness of your self ego or the big expansiveness of the Holy Spirit and God.

It really does come down to choice. Every time I write something I always come back to the power of choice and thinking.

Choose not to let this world control your mind and your power. You have a divine inheritance that is all yours, start understanding what this means. Start reclaiming your personal and spiritual power. It is there if you want it.

Is your life out of your control? Do you have a suffering mind? If I took away your next paycheck would you be suffering. If your loved one was taken would you suffer. If you couldn’t have your favorite food or your favorite drink would you suffer. Do you see the attachments you have created? Where are your attachments?

Your state of mind should not be dependant upon external factors. You should not suffer when you miss a paycheck, you should not be so attached to anything that without it your world crumbles. Your happiness should not be dictated by the material things in your life. Your happiness should not hinge upon some future action or person. “If only I had more I would be happy. If only I could find someone than I would be happy. If only, if only, if only. This is the pattern of addiction and codependancy. It doesn’t matter what you are addicted to or dependant upon. It could be alcohol, it could be drugs, it could be sex, it could be cigarettes, it could be food, it could be your spouse . It is anything that gives you a sense of temporary relief from your suffering mind, it is your place to hide.

I am here to tell you that you do not need to hide. I am here to tell you that you are looking in the wrong place and you are following the wrong guide. PERIOD. No discussion needed.

That may get some of your panties in a bunch but it doesn’t make it not true. As a matter of fact if you have resistance and anger at the thought that you could be wrong imagine a giant red flag waving wildly. This is definitely a call to awaken for you.

One of the best sayings from Alcoholics Anonymous is “Your best thinking got you here”. That best thinking comes from your ego by the way.

So if you find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be, understand, your best thinking got you there! You are going to need help getting out of the mess that your best thinking got you into. You need to understand this as it implies that you need to come to a point of surrender. A point where you can say you have made some mistakes, you don’t know what to do and you need help. You have to ask. Sometimes a lot of us hold on and hold on till we are broken and crying but it doesn’t have to be that way. One of the basic spiritual laws is ask and you shall receive. If you do not ask and invite, then the holy spirit and God cannot enter. You have free will, even in your suffering, God will not violate your will, you have to invite him in. You have to choose to be guided by the holy spirit. It is this choice, this crying out that will transform your life and mind from suffering to incredible.

This is the first step. Ask God and the Holy Spirit for guidance. The next step is to do it over and over everyday for the rest of your life. If you continue to focus on God and his messenger, the Holy Spirit, you will be seeing and receiving those miracles and blessings everyday!

If you enjoyed this article and would like more blessings go to:
The Doorway to Health, Wealth and Spiritual Freedom

Spirit and Money

Thanks for joining me on my newly created blogsite.

Iwant to give you an overview of the material you will be seeing on this blog in future entries.

I will write most of the entries myself but am open to including anything that is good from the articles i can reprint here.

The content of my blogs will have two general avenues. First and foremost i will be talking about :

How to unlock your hidden power!

This is the most crucial aspect i believe every person on earth should be working on. The way to have everything you desire in this life is to set yourself on a spiritual path to find the true you. This includes all aspects like personal development and self growth. I will be talking about the steps and tools needed to propel yourself to higher levels of success. I will talk about miracles, perception and God. This will be the majority of the content. However this is a inner thing and each individual is unique, so typically it takes a while to go through the inner growth process. The spiritual journey is a lifetime journey but we are going to give you a jumpstart.

This brings me to our second topic. It is my mission to help you have a better life. The first topic mentioned above will do it and it will do it by itself every time, this is guaranteed. However there are some things that help out the journey above and the main item that helps the journey is a level of comfort to be able to focus and spend your precious time immersed on the journey to spirit. That's right, i am talking about MONEY!

Everyone wants more of it, every one likes the security it brings but most people can't seem to hold on to it or accumulate enough of it to ever get out of survival mode.

We are going to resolve this issue too! You are deserving of an abundance of wealth as we all are.

Today is the first step to realizing your true inner potential. Today we start unlocking your hidden inner power to create the life you dream about.

Stay tuned to this blog, visit our sites!

Love and blessings,