Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pressure of the Heart

Right now, there is a big pressure to open the heart. Have you felt it?

Right now, is a time to realize that you could move your awareness from your mind down into your heart energy.

Right now, is a good time to practice releasing all the ideas and thoughts that are whipping you into a suffering mind. Don’t deny it. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. It is now time to stop doing that. If you were in your right mind, do you think you would hurt, chastise or whip yourself?

I would think not. It may not be physical but it is still real. Let it go.
Release all the worries, thoughts and “shoulds” from your mind right now.


I should be better.
I should be more successful.
I should be skinnier.
I should be smarter.
I should conform to society more.
I should do more.

These should statements create bad mojo in your mind, stop using them and stop listening to them from others because a lot of these have been programmed into your mind by these so called others who only wanted what is best for you. Don’t be fooled into it!

One of my favorite teachers, Louise Hay*, says to change your “shoulds” to “coulds”.

Say “ I could_______ if I wanted to.

This implies choice. Which in any given situation is what you have! ALWAYS!

It also implies the power you have because there is a world of difference between your “have to’s” and “want to’s”.

I don’t know about you but my “have to’s” get pushed and pushed as far as they are able to, while my “want to’s” are the ones I passionately work on for the majority of my time.

That may sound selfish but I call it self centered (balanced) and living in my passion. Couldn’t everyone live this way if they wanted to? Yes, they could. I still do “have to’s” but I made the choice to put my passion or “want to’s” first and I willingly receive the consequences of that choice.(This is called RESPONSIBILITY or ability to respond)**

I love helping people but I don’t throw myself under the bus or totally unbalance myself in the process. That would be really silly, wouldn’t it? This is not about sacrifice, struggle and suffering it is about releasing those exact concepts. You don’t need them and they should never have been put there. The good news is you certainly don’t have to accept them. Do you want to? If you said “ no, I don’t want suffering , struggle and sacrifice in my life” , then the solution is, make the decision and DON’T.

Release everything! Right now! Let it go. Only accept love into your life. Realize that only love and loving thoughts are real, accept no substitutes within your mind, for they are false! It is your own mind resisting and bringing up your inner fears. Do not fear. Not in this moment, for there is no need, not in this moment.

Release it, release it and… is released!.

Continue to focus and expand awareness of your heart energy to silence the blabber of your mind.

Yes, the mind is a part of you, but you could be in control of your mind and not have your mind in control of you, if you wanted.

Get silent, get still,
Yes, have your heart and mind work in harmony and unison but set the intention for the heart to be in charge.

Love and blessings ,

* See a copy of Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your life" by clicking here. This book is a must have if you intend to transform your thinking and your life. She is phenomenal with her positive affirmations.

**Jesus sums it up best about stepping into spiritual responsibility with the very true statement when he says: "my yoke is easy and my burden is light". From personal experience i can add that the increased levels of joy and peace that come about are amazing and more than worth it also. (most people shy away from responsibility and change, this only keeps a person getting the same poor results in life that they may be experiencing already, it just changes form)

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