Monday, January 12, 2009

I am that I am

I am that I am.

You most likely have heard this saying. To most people this saying represents a feeling that a person exists just because they exist. I am because I am, would be another way to say and look at it.

I believe that , yes , existence because you exist is truth and that it can lead to a greater level of surrender in your life however it is really not the most beneficial way to interpret the “I am that I am” statement.

Read the statement, following again, but this time instead of emphasizing the “I am” parts, put the emphasis on the word “that”.

I am THAT I am.

Could you tell the difference? When thought of this way it opens all new meaning to the phrase. It says that your life is full of free will and choice. It says that you have the power of creation!

I am THAT “I am” over there. You get to choose the “I am” you live. Each and every moment you can reset or renew the ideals and beliefs you live by. You can choose high lofty ideals or you can choose low valueless ideals. You set the “I am” value.

I am THAT I am.

Personally I tend to reach to the stars and insert the highest values possible. I look to individuals like Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi, among many others, to help shape my images of the perfect ideal. Everyday I refine my “I am”

You see, I continually strive in every moment to better myself, to uncover and learn something more, to be immersed in higher truth, to realize the secret of the universe, to reach my unchanging and eternal true self.

Now your ideals may be different from mine and that is perfectly fine. It is your own personal free will and freedom of choice that gives each and every one of us our own unique story and journey.

My point is this: Do you know the “I am” you are striving for?

Take a moment now to think about the characteristics and ideals of the “I am” you have chosen that is currently influencing your life( who are you?).

Write down the ideals you would like to have inserted into your life(who do you want to be?).

If you find a difference, insert them in your life and start living them!

God bless,

P.S - Depending on where you are in your journey, realize that your beliefs and ideals can grow and change as you grow and change, so keep them in mind on a daily basis and don’t be afraid of what other people may think. They are free to make their own choices.

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