Monday, March 30, 2009

When Men and Mountains Meet

“Great things happen when men and mountains meet”

This was the quote I received out of the air in a synchronistic moment this morning.

To me it spoke volumes. For you see there is a mountain looming over me and most of the world at this precise moment. I stand in the shadow of my own particular mountain looking up at this formidable obstacle, challenge and foe. It has been on the horizon for a long time.

It is now that great things happen. Choices are made. Challenges are met. Obstacles are overcome.

Those that give up turn away and are lost. Those that persevere are rewarded with victory.

When you see the mountain what are you telling yourself? What is your state of mind?

Do you despair and skulk away in defeat or do you declare your victory over this obstacle and get to it.

Reminds me of a great quote from one of my favorite musicians:
“Stand up next to a mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand”- Jimi Hendrix

I find that inspiring and one of the few acceptable solutions when facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The only problem I have with it is that it implies a certain command of willpower, that most think they don’t have. (Most people don’t give themselves enough credit for all the things they could be capable of achieving and being, They instead prefer to be comfortable where they are and let fear rule their life)

A similarly inspiring statement from my favorite teacher comes closer to the truth of the matter.
“I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains” – Jesus Christ

This, to me points to the place where you will find the power and perseverance to climb over or remove that mountain. It is with a level of spiritual connection and guidance that mountains dwindle to mole hills. For not only by gaining proper perspective of the actual obstacle (mountain) but to gain clarity and understanding of the bigger picture.

What does this mean to you? How does one proceed at this point from the shadow of the mountain?

Here is my answer that I am implementing personally, as I write this, to overcome my mountain.

Immediate depth of connection to SPIRIT through fasting

I have realized that I cannot do anything without higher guidance. There is a line in the charter or texts used for Alcoholics Anonymous that really clarifies the point. It is “ your best thinking got you here”. Marrianne Williamson shared this bit of wisdom on her Ten Bridges of Transformation CD’s. It is applicable to most everyone. It says that if you are relying on your ego self or what you consider to be you to “figure it out” you will be disappointed with the results and ultimately, those seeming solutions will only lead to further suffering and pain. No, the choices your small unconnected mind comes up with are not the solutions you need.

You need to connect to your all knowing mind to gain the proper perspective. You need to see the big picture with clarity and understanding. You need to connect to SPIRIT so that you may obtain a state of GRACE. It is only from this vantage point that you should be choosing. Inspired action from your higher self is the only solution that will lead you unerringly to victory over anything in this world.

Right now I am choosing to strengthen my connection to my higher self. This solution works every time and can be easily implemented as long as you state your intention and follow through.

I am now starting a week or more of fasting. As in, not eating! For those of you not familiar with the process and power of fasting please consider this. Fasting is simply a choice that states Spirit is more important to me than the world of flesh. Not only do you receive incredible physical benefits but the spiritual benefits are staggering.

First fasting cleanses your body. Most of us eat regularly which means our body is working to digest something just about all the time. When you stop eating your body will actually start to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate. It really is wonderful and incredible. I highly recommend it. Drink plenty of water!!! It helps remove toxins your body will be trying to flush out.

Now the more important benefit is the spiritual aspect. From my worldly physical perspective, I have a problem. I need help in finding a solution to this problem. I go to SPIRIT (or GOD) to receive the correct solution. This solution will not only always be the correct solution for me but will also be the correct solution for everyone it touches. It is the correct solution for everyone.

Fasting launches your connection to spirit like a rocket because you are saying that this world, this illusion and these issues are not important, but spirit is , truth is , reality is. You are asking your higher self to help you see correctly.

You have set forth the truth that this body is meaningless and just a vehicle for your inner spirit. With that proclamation, you will begin to connect on deeper levels to your inner spirit and divinity and your higher self will show you, lead you, to truth and reality. It will bring clarity of vision and illumination to darkness.

Then, when you look upon your mountain from this higher perspective you may come to the realization that there was never even a mountain there! It was only of your own making.

No matter what, you will know the answer because you asked and you put enough value on the answer by following it through with the action of fasting to ensure you receive it.

The whole process above is exemplified by the great work of Mahatma Gandhi. Do you realize that Gandhi single handedly defeated the British Empire through the simple act of fasting? You have the same power at your disposal. You have the same capabilities and power available, if you choose to accept it. Whatever your needs or problems you may be facing this solution will work.

It would not take an extended period, I would simply say three days would be sufficient and you do not even need to fully fast , just stick to juice(real juice , no sugar added, organic) and fruit. A glass of juice in the morning with maybe an apple and juice for lunch and maybe an orange and juice for dinner. You see, quite simple but incredibly powerful. You will feel the difference and experience a whole new level of clarity and connection. It could easily be your ticket to FREEDOM.

I know it is to mine!

DO IT and see for your self. You can only win.

God bless,


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