Your beliefs dictate your life.
Do you believe and think in small and limited ways?
Do you think seeing is believing or are you open to the fact that by believing, you will see?
Do you think all the things that happen in your life have some special meaning or do you believe that it is all just random coincidence?
Are you the victim or are you the creator?
Do you even question your own thoughts? Are they actually yours?
Do you know who you are really?
The questions go on and on. A few years ago as part of my journey I came up with the phrase “question everythink”. It is a good piece of advice. I have also come to the conclusion that that piece of advice is partial. The missing clue to the other half is found in the Eagles song “Take it Easy”. The profound quote goes like this “Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy”. The point is, you can question and observe your thoughts and choose whether or not you want to own them. That is how a belief is built.
Here is one of my beliefs.
I believe that everything I see, hear, touch and experience has meaning and has a lesson to learn. Something important and profound can be gleamed from every moment and experience. This includes every small detail. From the songs I hear on the radio and on my Ipod, to the bumper stickers and license plates I see on the road. From the emails I receive, to the books I read. From the dreams I experience, to the sunsets I watch. Each has an impact on revealing who I am. Each reveals a different and unique layer, concept or ideal of who I am. All these layers in total together make up and reveal all I am.
That is why people can easily contradict themselves over the years. It is in the revealing of truth and through personal growth that one may realize that the convictions and beliefs held just a few years ago may not have been truly correct and that their mind has now made a full 180 degree turn in seeming contradiction.
This also illustrates a portrayal of a person who is not consciously aware of how they live and how by living without awareness, at some point in time, they eventually hit a wall of pain and suffering that is so dense, so strong that it hurts a lot. Imagine a body moving at a 120 miles oper hour slamming ionto a wall. It is at this point, crumpled , broken and bleeding at this wall that those who have led their life immersed in the world of flesh and their small limited beliefs finally open to a possibility and potentiality that there must be something more out there. They are in a moment that hurts so bad they do not know what to do. So they do the one thing they have never done before, they reach out with their mind, with their full being to something more. There must be something more. Something more. Someone help me! Help me! Help me! HELP ME!!!
They have reached the most critical and monumental moment in their life. Where there is nowhere to go, nowhere left to run, nothing left to give and nothing left to lose.
In this final moment of complete surrender and futility, the light is revealed because they asked.
“Something more” shows up.
And oh, how one is transformed by that meeting!
For whatever name you may label “something more”, ultimately, it is a meeting with your own self, your true self. Your divine self. It takes many forms, different for each person but it is the same.
The life led after that meeting is never the same. In the mind the 180 degree turn has been made, you are led from that dead end. The self destruction stops, the life destroying habits fall away, the consciousness begins to rise, awareness creeps in, inspiration is received, life and mind are renewed, nothing is the same, and each experience is colored in a different way. Life gets better and better each day. Appreciation and gratitude grow. Self esteem and power are returned. Life is accepted and embraced for the joyous experience it is and always was.
You see, they didn’t know the truth but now they do and so do you.
(“once I was blind but now I can see”- Amazing Grace)
Realize that meeting your true self does not take the amount of pain and struggle in the example above. Mankind is so stubborn that it thinks it can do it on its own, that it doesn’t need help from any one or anything. That concept is false and ridiculous, it is a limited small belief held by the ego mind ( watch out for the wall, it can hurt!).
It is only within unity and harmony with your true self, your divine mind that this world will begin to reflect the inner peace and joy that it could and should be experiencing..
When you truly connect, feel and integrate with your divinity then the world will feel it with you and you shall have saved this world.
You are the savior. One day you shall fully awaken and know this truth.
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