Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I dare to walk alone

I dare to walk alone.

Do not be misled by this ego challenge. For that, is all it is.

A while ago I had a client who partook of my smoking cessation hypnotherapy session. All went well as usual but I could recognize the resistance he was holding. While all it usually takes is one session sometimes people resist or overanalyze themselves into doubt and have to have a backup session to hit home. I enjoy these sessions because they allow me to interact at a deeper level of relationship to each client.

This particular person told me, when asked what happened, that it was as if he challenged or dared himself to go ahead and have another cigarette. His ego spoke loudly saying “I dare you, you’re not strong enough to have just one more.” Needless to say that cigarette was lit.
The point is this; the ego uses any and all things to keep you doing what it wants. The problem is that you don’t even realize that the ego is not you. Not the true you.

The ego is like a character you have made up in your mind. It is your image of yourself. The problem is that most people are delusional and not able to see reality. They live in the movie images in their mind and it is projected out there on the world you think you are seeing. In reality what you see in the world is only the mind movie being projected back to you and the image of you is the lead character or hero of your film. None of it is real.

The real you is not contained in this world and that is why every great teacher throughout time has said the same thing in many different ways but can be summed up by the following statement.

”Do not be attached to this world and it’s trappings for they are meaningless”

Only you give meaning and value to the things in this world. Please notice that throughout your life you most likely have experienced great suffering and anguish over these worldly attachments. Yes, they can feel good for a time and be pleasurable but in the long run it never lasts. It always turns, at some point, to dust.

The only way to move through the dilemma the ego presents is to believe and understand the truth that you never walk alone.

God’s grace shines on you in every moment, from every angle, from every frame of time. All you have to do is stop watching and acting in your movie and start watching and playing in God’s.

Have a great day!

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