Monday, October 12, 2009

Open Up!

Learn to breathe
Learn to receive
Learn to be the beauty you are.
–WT Anderson-

“You cannot give what you do not have.”
– Gavin Anderson-

For decades, even centuries, the receptive feminine energy (yin) has been out of balance. We have lived in a masculine dominated world (yang). This imbalance has swung so far it has literally taken this world right to the brink of destruction. The seeming craziness and chaos in the world right now is the correction. It is the pendulum swinging back into balance. This is a good thing!

Right now, the majority of the people that you see on the street still have very limited or wounded female energy. They do not know how to receive. They cannot receive. Our culture has made it nearly impossible to live in a balanced w-holistic way. As I said, this is now changing. We are in the process of a rebalancing shift.

More and more people are awakening to the realization that on a bigger level something has not been right. There are many now that are working for deep inner personal change to promote a massive cultural and global change. This is where the true work takes place. The battlefield is always found on the inner plane. Conquer the inner demons and the exterior world will reflect those changes. Be the peace you want to see. Let go the anger, the jealousy and the condemnation. You only hurt yourself. It is only you that has ever been hurting your self. When you become in harmony and peace within your self, then the world will have harmony and peace also.

The best way I have found to be whole and complete is to breathe in and receive the attributes and qualities that are true, to truly own them. Now be careful, for when I say “true” realize it is based upon objective and subjective truth. This means, in a nutshell, that what you believe to be true will be true, no matter what others may think or believe. So I am saying to you Know what you believe, for what you believe to be true is the crucial key that creates the world you live in.

You see, in my world, I accept only love. Only love is real. All else is illusionary, meaningless and unreal.

I say this with conviction and authority because I believe that I am not my body. I believe that each of us live with two main options or choices. We can choose to be the body and experience all the ups and downs that go with that or we can realize (make real) the divine spirit within, the one that the body is a house and vehicle for, and thereby rise above these endless cycles of pleasure and pain.( because of the massive unbalance most experience only a majority of pain now)

I too was wounded once. I would not allow myself to receive. I had classic symptoms of this. I couldn’t even receive hugs from people. I have since come to the realization of truth. I now allow myself to receive infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite peace and unlimited levels of abundance and prosperity, as you can too. These do not start in the physical external world but within the inner real world which, once received, will then be reflected back again through the external physical world. In this way I create my world as I go. However I cannot give something I have not received. How can I give unconditional love if I don’t have it and don’t even know what it is? How can I know the gift of peace if I have never received it? How can I give it?

You see, I made the decision a while back to release the ego images of my self, to surrender to my much wiser, knowledgeable and higher divine self. My higher divine self is the one connected to God, to all that is. It is a part of everything and no-thing, it encompasses all that is, all that could be and all that ever will be. From the emptiness comes life. That is how I receive infinite love, for I know I AM love. I know I AM innocent and pure. I can be at peace because I know I AM peace.

Do you know that most people are afraid to die? This, in reality, is not that big a shock because it is now more commonly understood that death is really just a new beginning. The true you cannot die or end, it just progresses to a new and different level. (your level of attachment usually dictates how traumatic and suffering physical death will be)

The real problem today is that most people are even more afraid to actually live. This is the disaster that we are faced with today. This is how far we have destroyed everything around us. People are afraid to live. This is the true crime, the true enemy. This is what we need to reverse. We need to remove from this world the fear of living. Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear for you have done nothing wrong. Allow yourself to receive the love that is right there in you. It is there but you are not receiving it. It is there but you are closed. Open up. Open up!

Open up and receive life. It is your natural birthright!

Do not fear for you cannot be harmed.

Learn to breathe.
Learn to receive.
Learn to be the beauty you are.

Love, peace, joy, happiness, wisdom and life are all waiting for you to claim them as yours. Receive them, claim them and truly live!

Realize and know they are already yours.

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