What is it all about?
What is the point? What is the purpose?
Can life be fun?
Does it always have to be so much work?
The answer is sometimes. Indeed sometimes it does call for work. Sometimes it does call for play. Sometimes it calls for relaxing. Sometimes it calls for rest and sometimes it calls for action and persistence. Once we realize that we encompass the full spectrum of life with all it’s different emotions/feelings , thoughts , actions and beliefs, we can start to sort it out.
Take a look inside and see if you can’t separate out all the pieces that make you, you.
Go through your feelings and evaluate them. Do you feel good? Is there a nagging that is tugging at you? What is it?
Are you feeling unhappy? If so, where are you feeling unhappy?
Evaluate the different areas. Is it your relationship? Is it your location? Is it your finances? Is it stress at work? Is it your home life? Is it your body? Is it your friends?
Where are these feelings coming from and what is it exactly that you feel?
Now once you have thoroughly reflected upon, looked at, internalized and evaluated your feelings, here is the big question. What can be done to make the feelings you do not like different?
Here is the point of change, but be careful and do not think you can get out of the messes you made with the same mind that got you there.
This is the point where you have to surrender to your higher self. You see there is a very simple way to think about this.
Life is like a journey through a giant maze. There are twists and turns with miles and miles of maze to walk through. The walls are impenetrable and give no clue, you cannot see through them or over them or around them. All you can do is keep walking and searching and keep hoping that you are going the right way. Every time you hit a dead end all you can do is turn around and trudge back to some other point to head a different way.
Is this really the way it is or has to be?
This is the way it is for most people but it is not the way it has to be.
The key to your own help is your higher self. You see your higher self has a different perspective. Your higher self looks down from above and can see the path you are on. Your higher self can look ahead and see where the path you are on will lead.
From your small perspective within the maze you see almost nothing but you are somehow determined to keep pushing through from that low perspective. This can be quite demoralizing and fatiguing. Dead end after dead end, wrong turn after wrong turn. Just hoping for some sign that you are headed in a good direction and that you haven’t been wandering the same path for the last ten years, going round and round, going nowhere.
With just the simple intent to connect to your higher self you could find the correct path!
But that is not the end, it is just the beginning. The obstacles and pitfalls throughout the maze are still along the path but with the correct guidance you could easily overcome and get around all the difficulties that may lay in the way.
The key is to actually listen for, receive and follow the directions that come to you.
If for instance you have been wandering around the maze hitting dead ends and walking in circles for the last year or so until you finally get so disgusted You actually stop and get still and ask, “Help me where do I go.”
You would hear the answered whispered “ why don’t you climb that small wall right there to your left”
You could look to your left and realize that there was a small wall that is scalable and you could get into a new area.
The problem would be that some people would believe that they couldn’t make it over the wall so they would continue going in circles on the same path they have been on. Literally ignoring the guidance they asked for earlier.
The moral is get connected to a higher perspective, your heavenly self, and have the wisdom to follow the guidance you receive.
Trust! Would you lead yourself wrong? Your higher heavenly self won’t but your lower ego self does all the time and then it lies about it and you think everything is ok.
Ask for wisdom, guidance and discernment to know truth.
God bless,
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