“I am not as dumb as I look, but I have surely found out I am not as smart as I think I am either.”
- Gavin Anderson
I am almost convinced that a secret in life is “Don’t Think”.
I believe the reality of that statement is in the actual fact that most typical and daily thoughts that I and others may be thinking are faulty at their foundation. They stem from bad beliefs. In other words a thought based on a foundation of illusion is worthless and can’t possibly be correct but people will fight to the end to defend that thought or point of view because they believe it to be true. So true, in fact, that they have built their house on it. If they admit it is illusion, the house falls. (exactly like our USA economy right now- total illusion, Watch it fall!)
Even after you come to the realization that you cannot figure it out on your own, you still bang your head against the wall trying and insisting that you should be able to. Why?
It is these expectations and “shoulds” that you would be wise in eradicating. They are your false images of what your life should be according to you. Every time you find a discrepancy between what you think your life should be and how it really is, is a time you suffer. You suffer not because of the reality but because it doesn’t match your expectation.
Could we possibly live with no expectations? Could we live without judgments? Could we actually accept life as it really is and not try to image it into our little mold? Could we let perfection be perfect?
I have come to some answers that seem to be true.
1) I don’t know the answers ( always a humbling moment! The real answer is you can’t know the answers through your intellect but the good news is you and I don’t ever really have to! Please start accepting it, it is alright not knowing, just follow the heart and you will realize.)
2) I am not the Judge ( this is where most people over step their boundaries, I KNOW I WAS in this particular area, for some reason it has taken me some serious hard knocks to realize that this is not my job, I believe the ego inflates our own image of self importance, keep a watchful eye on yours. It is not your responsibility to judge right or wrong… let it be. When people want help they will ask for it.)
3) I only have to work on myself to help others (prove your self truth and everything else falls in place)
4) Forgetting is a blessing and a curse ( I think most of us can understand this one, sometimes it feels difficult to know and realize truth, forgetting and denial are easier. I personally take solace in the words of Jesus “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. I already have experienced and know this statement as truth but when the wind blows with hurricane force, it helps as a reminder.)
5) Walk with God ( in this state of realization and being you will never take a wrong turn and never ever worry or regret a moment, align your self now to connect, walk, dance, play, run and live with God in every moment and you are free)
Start reflecting on these and see what comes to you.
Hope it helps
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