Monday, October 13, 2008


I get the best inspirations at night. Usually somewhere between 1-5 am. Last night was no exception.

I had read a little story the day before about the importance of breathing. It was included in the Crimson Circle Newsletter for this month. I had also been digesting the most recent channeled message from them, really powerful! If you are not familiar with their work then check them out at:

You can literally feel the energy come off the page as you read the latest channeled message!

The point is this. Everyone breathes.

The real question is, are you consciously breathing?

By following the breath you connect to the source of life or God. Yes, it is this simple and this easy. You need to understand that every breath you take is an inhalation of the God force or the essence of life itself. So every time you breathe, you breathe in a little spark of divinity.

Now there are a couple of techniques that can be used to consciously breathe. The first is to center your awareness on the tip of the nose and follow the breath on the in and out. Try it right now! Breathing consciously for just a few moments. It brings such peace, such a level of relaxation. It literally sweeps the mind!

Now the next technique i love to use is to breathe in and on the exhale breathe it back into your body. This is an extremely powerful technique. The best place to start is to breathe in and then send the out breath to your energy or chi storage area located right below your navel. Do this for a minute or two. After you get acustomed to this technique you can send your exhale/awareness to your entire body or any specific area you want to. What it does is narrows and focuses your mind into a type of dynamic meditation centered on your breath. This technique will help heal ailments, ease emotions and will supply a myriad of other benefits. You can also focus on breathing through the chakras if you are familiar with them. If you want more info then visit my site, i have a great article on chakra breathing.

The point is this.

Learn to breathe, it will help you through the tougher times in life.
Learn to breathe, it will deepen your connection to your true self.
Learn to breathe and you will dissolve fear, doubt and worry.
Learn to breathe and happiness shall be!

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