Thursday, October 9, 2008

Self Empowerment

I want to take today to talk about the whole purpose of this blog and the "SpiritUnited Source Center" website. This ties in with the title- Self Empowerment.

This is what it is all about. It means the power is in you. If you are giving your power away then you will not survive. If you are trying to find happiness and contentment in anything out in the external world, then you are searching in vain!

The answer lies in being self centered and self empowered.

I did not say selfish. I said self centered. This means to be centered within your true self. If you have followed anything i have said or written then you know that to me "true self" means God or your infinite source of creation within.

This force within is not seperate from who you think you are, it is the true essence of the true actuality and potentiality of all you are.

The oak tree starts with an acorn. Within the acorn is the same potentiality and code for life that is within you. The spark of life within an acorn is God. The spark of life within you is God.
The acorn in it's beginning form and in it's end form still is the potentiality and actualization of this God force, it is not seperate from it nor can it be seperated from it!

By the same token the God force within you at the beginning of this human life is still within you, it cannot be seperated from you, ever! So you may wonder why do people seem to be seperate or think themselves seperate from this force?

The answer is in the illusion. The great illusion that surrounds you at all times. For you see truth is covered and hidden from you as you grow. It is scolded out of you . it is reprimanded out of you. Anything and everything was done to make sure that you were normalized and acceptable within the eyes of the society that raised you. Why?

Because they didn't know any better. Finding the God within is a choice. You must choose to look and see. You must go within and connect. You must fight against all you have ever been taught and ever known. All your thoughts and perceptions have to be examined in the light of truth.

Most people don't want to move out of their comfort zone, so they don't. They use any reason or excuse to stay where they are. They blame everyone else and everything outside themselves to not look at the truth within their hearts.

It takes a strength of will to penetrate the illusion, it takes the strength to take that first step.
One tiny step is all it takes. One tiny miracle is all that will be needed to propel you down a completely different path.

I am here to deliver that miracle to you.

Are you ready to awaken? Are you willing?

Awaken now!

Awaken to the fact that the divine essence is within you. Awaken to the fact that what you think and believe is either drawing you closer or moving you further away from your true inner source.

I believe it was Henry Ford who said " If you believe you can , your right! If you believe you can't, your right!"

You see, you have the power to make your reality. Accept your inner power, accept the responsibility that is part of your power. The omnipotent potential of your creator is within you.
As he creates , so do you! You can create hell or heaven, the choice is yours!

IT is your job to uncover or realize your truth! To empower your self! You are the master and commander of your life. Do not let others control you. Do not put limitations on your self!

To help you on this journey i have created the "Empowerment Sessions". These sessions will start to have you realize your true potential. You will start uncovering your truth layer by layer. You will start realizing the programs and habits that have been controlling you will now be yours to control. For you see, ultimitely you have the choice!

Start today to unlock your inner power! Visit our resource and support center at

Go ahead and find the articles, books and materials to start feeding and inspiring higher truth within your life but make sure to join with us today to receive your life transforming "Empowerment Sessions" now! They are the doorway to a miracle!

We are on a grand adventure of a lifetime and we want you with us!

Join Now!

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