No matter what you do in your life. No matter what tasks you may be working on. It always comes back to resting in your center.
That’s right! It is about a continual centering and balancing of your being. If you don’t do this you end up unbalanced and out of kilter. It shows up as a feeling of being somehow off and not right. Of course this is easier to keep track of if you practice awareness.
It takes a depth of knowingness and familiarity with who you are. Believe it or not there are many people out there who only skim and ride on the surface of their own personage. They never dive into who they are. They never experience the depths of their being. This leaves them not ever finding or knowing their true self. This is the biggest shame out there!
Take this moment, to find your true self, right now ! It really is easy.
Go ahead, break the surface and dive. It will be alright, I promise!
As the great Beatles song Everybody ‘s Got Something to Hide(except for me and my monkey) says “the deeper you go the higher you get”. A completely true and profound statement, at least in my mind. It also gets me thinking that the something everyone may be hiding is their own true divine self! What do you think?
So for now use this simple exercise to get calm, centered, balanced and down into the depths of you. This will allow you to find and connect to the true you
So sit comfortably, simply take a few calming breaths. Relax your body and your mind.
Now, when you breathe in imagine and feel the breath entering into the top of the head into the center of the brain or pineal gland located there. Realize that this breath is special. This is no ordinary breath! It is the breath of life itself, the energy/God filled breath of all creation filling and expanding in your brain.
Now on the exhale push the breath down from the brain center into the body. That’s right! Feel the breath surge down through the body, into the chest, arms, hips and down to the feet. Your whole body expanding with this breath!
Try this for a minute or two and tell me you don’t feel awesome!
Now, you can take this even further with a little practice. After you have done this technique tied to the breath, start to imagine and feel that the flow of energy and divineness as a continual stream entering into the top of the head -pineal gland- brain area. That’s right, a constant flow like a faucet that doesn’t shut off but continues to pour in. The trick here is to remember to open your mind. Remain open!
Now realize that while this divine energy stream is flowing and coming in, you can open the brain and allow it to flow through down into the body automatically. That’s right.. The energy coming through the brain area down into the body filling every cell of your being with this pure, healing , vibrant, divine energy. Another trick here to fully open the gate to your body is in the throat area. You might feel a little resistance at this spot. Simply command the area to open. That’s right, you are in charge, simply command the area to be open. Feel the area flow and open. You may do this with any resistance you find. For example, some people may have to consciously command the heart area to open.
This is a truly powerful technique, if you give it a few minutes a day it deserves.
As you do this technique you may ultimately imagine the energy stream flowing completely through your body, down into the earth and passing through the earth to be recycled up into the universe. To be purified and renewed, to once again be brought back and used by you again and again.
The only limits that are here, are the ones you impose on your self.
Feel this flow every moment of the day and you cannot lose!
As always you may find more techniques and inspirational content at my website
and blog -
Love and blessings,
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