Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fundamental Truth

Hope everyone is set to enjoy their holidays with their family and loved ones.

I wanted to share a fundamental truth at this time that it seems everyone has difficulty in remembering.

Happiness, self worth and love start and finish on the inside.

If you are one of the many looking out in the world or to another person to supply your happiness or satisfaction then you will fall short every time. It can’t fully be found out there because it needs to cultivate inside each and every one of us. Only once you are happy with your self, once you realize that you are worth more than you can imagine and you love your self fully and unconditionally can these ideas, feelings and concepts of happiness and love be reflected back to you from something external.

You must love yourself! It is crucial to your success and happiness. Any of the seeming roadblocks that keep you from loving yourself must be overcome or removed with systematic persistence.

Do you want to be loved? No one else is going to do it for you. You must do it for you!

Do you want to be happy? Then make the choice to be happy on the inside and work from that point. Do you know that peace, joy and happiness are all intertwined? You can’t have joy and happiness without peace. So get some peace of mind in your life also. It will help cultivate the joy, happiness and love that you are searching for.

I can’t help but think about the Saturday Night Live scene of Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat singing “Looking for nub (love) in all the wrong places”

I think that sums up what most of us do, we look for love in all the wrong places. We look out there instead of inside us. The warm, bright loving truth is God put the divine spark right there in us so we can never be without it. Most can’t see because they look with physical eyes and touch with physical hands and hear with physical ears. When, in reality, understanding could come in a moment if they would use their spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, spiritual hands and spiritual mind.

It all comes back to choice and attention. Where is your attention? Are you looking to something or someone out there to make you happy?

Get in touch with your inner spirit now!
Get quiet for a moment… focus on your breath… relax and… search on the inside and touch your divine essence…cultivate, strengthen and hold that feeling… practice this everyday, till it is habit!

Happy holidays with much love and blessings,


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Earth Consciousness

Good morning everyone!( if it is morning for you).

Today I have finally processed and come to a realization from my experience in the last two articles. If you haven’t read them, scroll back to the previous articles The Vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox!- pt 1 & 2.

Now that I have perpetually gone down the rabbit hole with those articles I shall tell of the revelation moment and gift I was able to experience from the breakthough. It has taken me some research and time to find the deeper meaning and words just to be able to express this and share it with you.

It also might stretch the limitations you have put on your mind. Which means that some will reject it, some will think it possible but forget it and some will delve into the revelation with an open mind.

After the conclusion ,where, in my dream all the pieces were put together I had the experience of attaining a higher consciousness. It has come to my attention recently that this higher consciousness was what people term the Christ consciousness, Gaia consciousness or even Earth consciousness**.

At the time I could feel the harmony and unity of all creation. This in itself is truly a blessing but it doesn’t end there. Just like the human body has an energy body with chakras and energy points and vortexes. I was given insight to the realization that the earth is a living consciousness also which includes an energy body with a set of these chakras and energy points.

Through feeling and inner vision, I was able to find and connect to each point as it correlated to my own chakra centers. From the root chakra all the way to the sixth and seventh chakra. It truly was amazing. In the vision I was flying over the earth as a bird, I believe a large raven or possibly a hawk. I would intuitively feel a power point on the earth. I would then set the intention to circle and pinpoint the energy center. I would then land and fully feel and absorb the energy. Feeling a response within my own chakra system.

Through this connection I was able to help the energy flow within the planet to strengthen and further a healing process. It was very similar to doing energy work on myself or someone else. I now had a map of energy centers within the planet’s being to help accelerate a healing for the consciousness of the planet Earth and humanity. Very powerful!

I will try to pinpoint them to the best of my ability for you. After this experience, I had to check a map of the world to help me physically locate these centers. They are to the best of my knowledge as follows:

The root chakra(1st)- South American Continent-Located in the Andes mountains of Argentina. Right on the border of Chile and approximately 100-200 miles south of Santiago, Chile.

The Sacral chakra(2nd) – Asian Continent-Located in the North Eastern corner of China. Directly east of Mongolia(about 500 km) and south of Russia(about 500 km). It is located at the entrance opening where China extends at it’s Northern most point into Russia. (Kind of looks like a bay would, if it were water)

The Solar Plexus(power) chakra(3rd)- North American Continent- Located very near the Southern border within New Mexico, USA. Just North of the town of Las Cruces. This is east of Arizona, North east of Mexico, North of Texas. Most likely it is this chakra felt in the known energy vortexes of Arizona.

The Heart chakra(4th)- African Continent- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Just below the equator. North east of the city Hebo, about the exact center of the country.

The Throat chakra(5th )- North American Continent -Located in North Carolina, USA in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Norman. Mid West portion of state.

The Third Eye chakra(6th)- North American Continent- Located on the Nothern most part of the West coast of Greenland above Baffin Bay and south of the city/town of Thule.

The crown chakra(7th)- This is located above the earth at the point of the outer atmosphere of Earth.

Please realize that these energy centers extend out significantly from these areas so they will affect the regions around them.

I certainly found this information fascinating and will personally continue to explore the meaning and depths of it.

I hope this has helped you in some way.

Stay tuned for more coming your way.



**- Christ consciousness or Gaia Consciousness is a seventh dimension level according to the charts used by channelers Lee Harris and Story Waters at www.limitlessness.com (i highly recommend checking out their site and especially going through their "BeyondFreedom Exercises" audios(they are FREE!) They have opened a whole new level for me! The breakthroughs i have been experiencing lately are in part, a direct result from these exercises. They are powerful!

Friday, December 5, 2008

The vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox- pt 2

To continue with the fox, the guard dog and the nasty vampire…

The fox to me, was a symbol that represented my lower ego mind. The one who thinks it is so smart and cunning. The dog was standing over, guarding it with desperation and determination. While the fox(or ego mind) was dying, the dog was staying loyal to the command of it’s owner, the ego mind. “Guard this with your life, it is important”.

The real question is, who is it important to? I can only say to the ego mind itself. For to the true me, at this juncture, it is something I am not looking to hold on to. For you see it is with my heart in control that I now choose to rule.

For a very long, long time my life was led by the ego mind. You know the one filled with seeming self importance and egotistical wants and desires. Most people to this day are still being led by the ego mind but the problem is that the solutions from this mind are limited. It can only work from past experiences. It is not in contact with your higher unlimited self and source. It is actually taking you in the opposite direction where your true higher self would like to see you go.
You see the truth is, the lower ego mind always leads falsely. It always leads to suffering and pain eventually. Reminds me of the Laurel and Hardy line ”this is a fine mess you have gotten us into, Stanley” or the classic Alcoholics Anonymous line “your best thinking got you here”.

Yes, you need your mind but the difference is, you need to discern between the two minds you have at your disposal, the ego mind and the higher mind.

It seems to me in my dream, I was able to finally overcome the ego mind’s last villain(the vampire) and find the hiding place of the ego(the fox)and shine the light on it. Where it was exposed once and for all to become powerless and dissolved. It was with this act that my universe shifted on that fateful night. For you see when this happened the room/ship started to move and shift. It was brought in line and connected to another portion effectively bringing the puzzle pieces together.

At that moment I realized I had recreated the altar and temple within, for all the floors turned over to white gleaming tiles, perfectly seamless and in the center a fountain of pure source essence bubbled up. It was perfect, all clean and beautiful. I now realize that the mess of a house I was in before was the shambles of my inner house but now in its place an inner temple has been erected.

For those interested in getting the higher mind to help you in your life, I say the correct way to discern and choose the proper guiding mind is to always stay connected to the heart. When you are in your heart you automatically connect to your higher self which brings in the influence of your higher mind.

It is with this heart and higher mind connection that you need and want your life to be inspired and guided by. It is the only way to peace and happiness.

This whole experience brought on greater depths of understanding and inner power to my life. Next week or so I will share a particularly powerful revelation I had just after this experience.

Thanks and God bless,


Monday, December 1, 2008

A Vampire, a guard dog and a bloody fox! - pt 1

A vampire, a guard dog and a bloody fox!

Talk about one incredible experience. I can’t say enough how excited I am to be able to share one of the lesson's from this most recent experience

It all starts in the interior, as it always does. It is within the inner dreamscapes that great lessons become available.

This adventure was no different.

As for a little background, you should be familiar that I consider myself to be somewhat of a pioneer and explorer of inner and universal consciousness. It is within this world of spirit that I connect and resonate most strongly. This is the true passion of my life, “the healing journey of reconnection to higher source".

This holiday weekend happened to be a powerful time for me and I expect for many of you also.
(Who you are and how consciously aware you may be, will determine exactly how these powerful times actually get manifested into each person's life. We each experience a unique and highly personalized message or lesson that is exactly matching where we are on our own journey.)

As for me, I make it a habit to push for higher levels of consciousness everyday. I am constantly striving for the breakthrough to new levels of awareness. In reality what that means is I continually take small daily steps on my personal inner journey to help me find and discover the true me.

So it began(ended?) last night after a short time of inner turmoil(about 3-4 days). A piece of the puzzle in my healing journey got resolved. It is not the only one I have personally experienced this vividly and I am sure it may not be my last but I would like to share it with you anyways. While your experience may not be exactly the same as my experience it will be similar enough that my story may help you in some way.

It starts with the feeling of fear, somewhere within my inner landscape there is a monster, a demon of some sort. Now I am inside but I am not alone(this time). I have a team with me, that is supportive of me. That really feels good to me. I am able to look over to my friend and nod and know that everything is alright.

We are here together, on a mission. We are Vampire hunting. That’s right! This time around it is a vampire we are fighting. This particular vampire has been terrorizing a group of children, about a hundred or so. They are living in a worn down shoddy building with sections of floor missing. It is treacherous walking and certainly not very safe feeling, especially when you have a vampire that can come through at any place, at any time. This is exactly what has been happening.

I find myself in the middle of this scene, feeling the fear. I am standing and walking around and I feel the vampire’s presence below the floor. It is trying to potentially grab me and pull me down. My only weapon is a sharp stick that I poke through the holes in the floor around me to ward this creature off. At a certain point I just get in the habit of jabbing this through the floor boards, hoping it works. It seems to me that this is how the children handled it. They have taught me what to do. I am mimicking what they have been doing to keep this evil at bay. At this point I feel alone and full of fear.

I see one of my team members walking on the fringes of the area. I get concerned for his safety. He comes back from investigating a nearby room with this giant black and brown dog on his heels. This dog is massive and out of control. Not really attacking but very aggressive and anxious. Some one could get seriously injured. I come to the realization that we need a leash of some sort. I realize no one else is going to do it. I run up what appears to be the room but is now some kind of ship or vessel. I start yelling at the nearest person to give me some wire so I can use it to make a leash. I get the material and tie a noose on it while running back down to the room where the dog was. I get there in enough time to be the one that puts this around the neck of this massive dog, I notice his claws are really sharp and are blood red. It takes a while to calm him down.

In the room we uncover the mystery of the dog. At the center of this room we unfold a carpet to reveal a bloody fox. The realization is that this dog has been attempting to guard the fox from the vampire. It was obvious that the dog had been doing this for a long time and was under severe stress. It had become a way of life: survival- fight or flight.

At this point i come in and out of the dream. My heart is pounding and i feel the fear lying in my bed. I center myself and sink back in to the dream.

I realize then that I can’t allow this scenario to continue, I have to face the vampire. The cost is getting too much.

My saving grace is truth, I have been through this before, I know what to do. I prepare myself.

I call the vampire to me. No response. I call a second time. Minor things come to me but not the vampire. I am disappointed. I call a third time and turn away.

The vampire lunges at me mouth open, fierce and fast, flying right at me. I do not fight. I do not flinch. I do not turn, I do not resist.

You see, I know the secret to these confrontations

I open my self and accept him into me and he vanishes!

Does it sound too simple?

It really isn’t "too simple" but any one can do it!

The secret is in pre knowing that the monster or vampire is actually me. It is an aspect of my being, because both the aspects of light and dark, comprise who I am.

I only need to see it, understand it and accept it. I did not fight because I know that I cannot be harmed. There is no inner demon or monster that can harm me or change my eternal truth. If I fight, I resist. If I resist then I am not true. For in realization of oneness, there is NO CONFLICT. Hence there is no need for resistance or fighting.

This sets me free!

Remember on your journey that the true you cannot be harmed, ever!
Do not run from the inner demons but turn and face them. Accept them as you and you too, will be free of them forever. You are the power, they are not! It is this simple truth that will have you overcome each and every monster and inner demon you may run into. You just need to:
1) pre-know that you are invulnerable and cannot be harmed
2) know it so well that even in a sleeping or waking dream it is your truth
3) realize your true power within your true self
4) remain connected to your true self at all times

Already I am feeling the effects of this break through in consciousness; stay tuned for more info on this topic. It is quite amazing!

Thanks ,
