Friday, December 5, 2008

The vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox- pt 2

To continue with the fox, the guard dog and the nasty vampire…

The fox to me, was a symbol that represented my lower ego mind. The one who thinks it is so smart and cunning. The dog was standing over, guarding it with desperation and determination. While the fox(or ego mind) was dying, the dog was staying loyal to the command of it’s owner, the ego mind. “Guard this with your life, it is important”.

The real question is, who is it important to? I can only say to the ego mind itself. For to the true me, at this juncture, it is something I am not looking to hold on to. For you see it is with my heart in control that I now choose to rule.

For a very long, long time my life was led by the ego mind. You know the one filled with seeming self importance and egotistical wants and desires. Most people to this day are still being led by the ego mind but the problem is that the solutions from this mind are limited. It can only work from past experiences. It is not in contact with your higher unlimited self and source. It is actually taking you in the opposite direction where your true higher self would like to see you go.
You see the truth is, the lower ego mind always leads falsely. It always leads to suffering and pain eventually. Reminds me of the Laurel and Hardy line ”this is a fine mess you have gotten us into, Stanley” or the classic Alcoholics Anonymous line “your best thinking got you here”.

Yes, you need your mind but the difference is, you need to discern between the two minds you have at your disposal, the ego mind and the higher mind.

It seems to me in my dream, I was able to finally overcome the ego mind’s last villain(the vampire) and find the hiding place of the ego(the fox)and shine the light on it. Where it was exposed once and for all to become powerless and dissolved. It was with this act that my universe shifted on that fateful night. For you see when this happened the room/ship started to move and shift. It was brought in line and connected to another portion effectively bringing the puzzle pieces together.

At that moment I realized I had recreated the altar and temple within, for all the floors turned over to white gleaming tiles, perfectly seamless and in the center a fountain of pure source essence bubbled up. It was perfect, all clean and beautiful. I now realize that the mess of a house I was in before was the shambles of my inner house but now in its place an inner temple has been erected.

For those interested in getting the higher mind to help you in your life, I say the correct way to discern and choose the proper guiding mind is to always stay connected to the heart. When you are in your heart you automatically connect to your higher self which brings in the influence of your higher mind.

It is with this heart and higher mind connection that you need and want your life to be inspired and guided by. It is the only way to peace and happiness.

This whole experience brought on greater depths of understanding and inner power to my life. Next week or so I will share a particularly powerful revelation I had just after this experience.

Thanks and God bless,


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