Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Earth Consciousness

Good morning everyone!( if it is morning for you).

Today I have finally processed and come to a realization from my experience in the last two articles. If you haven’t read them, scroll back to the previous articles The Vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox!- pt 1 & 2.

Now that I have perpetually gone down the rabbit hole with those articles I shall tell of the revelation moment and gift I was able to experience from the breakthough. It has taken me some research and time to find the deeper meaning and words just to be able to express this and share it with you.

It also might stretch the limitations you have put on your mind. Which means that some will reject it, some will think it possible but forget it and some will delve into the revelation with an open mind.

After the conclusion ,where, in my dream all the pieces were put together I had the experience of attaining a higher consciousness. It has come to my attention recently that this higher consciousness was what people term the Christ consciousness, Gaia consciousness or even Earth consciousness**.

At the time I could feel the harmony and unity of all creation. This in itself is truly a blessing but it doesn’t end there. Just like the human body has an energy body with chakras and energy points and vortexes. I was given insight to the realization that the earth is a living consciousness also which includes an energy body with a set of these chakras and energy points.

Through feeling and inner vision, I was able to find and connect to each point as it correlated to my own chakra centers. From the root chakra all the way to the sixth and seventh chakra. It truly was amazing. In the vision I was flying over the earth as a bird, I believe a large raven or possibly a hawk. I would intuitively feel a power point on the earth. I would then set the intention to circle and pinpoint the energy center. I would then land and fully feel and absorb the energy. Feeling a response within my own chakra system.

Through this connection I was able to help the energy flow within the planet to strengthen and further a healing process. It was very similar to doing energy work on myself or someone else. I now had a map of energy centers within the planet’s being to help accelerate a healing for the consciousness of the planet Earth and humanity. Very powerful!

I will try to pinpoint them to the best of my ability for you. After this experience, I had to check a map of the world to help me physically locate these centers. They are to the best of my knowledge as follows:

The root chakra(1st)- South American Continent-Located in the Andes mountains of Argentina. Right on the border of Chile and approximately 100-200 miles south of Santiago, Chile.

The Sacral chakra(2nd) – Asian Continent-Located in the North Eastern corner of China. Directly east of Mongolia(about 500 km) and south of Russia(about 500 km). It is located at the entrance opening where China extends at it’s Northern most point into Russia. (Kind of looks like a bay would, if it were water)

The Solar Plexus(power) chakra(3rd)- North American Continent- Located very near the Southern border within New Mexico, USA. Just North of the town of Las Cruces. This is east of Arizona, North east of Mexico, North of Texas. Most likely it is this chakra felt in the known energy vortexes of Arizona.

The Heart chakra(4th)- African Continent- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Just below the equator. North east of the city Hebo, about the exact center of the country.

The Throat chakra(5th )- North American Continent -Located in North Carolina, USA in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Norman. Mid West portion of state.

The Third Eye chakra(6th)- North American Continent- Located on the Nothern most part of the West coast of Greenland above Baffin Bay and south of the city/town of Thule.

The crown chakra(7th)- This is located above the earth at the point of the outer atmosphere of Earth.

Please realize that these energy centers extend out significantly from these areas so they will affect the regions around them.

I certainly found this information fascinating and will personally continue to explore the meaning and depths of it.

I hope this has helped you in some way.

Stay tuned for more coming your way.



**- Christ consciousness or Gaia Consciousness is a seventh dimension level according to the charts used by channelers Lee Harris and Story Waters at www.limitlessness.com (i highly recommend checking out their site and especially going through their "BeyondFreedom Exercises" audios(they are FREE!) They have opened a whole new level for me! The breakthroughs i have been experiencing lately are in part, a direct result from these exercises. They are powerful!

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