Hope everyone is set to enjoy their holidays with their family and loved ones.
I wanted to share a fundamental truth at this time that it seems everyone has difficulty in remembering.
Happiness, self worth and love start and finish on the inside.
If you are one of the many looking out in the world or to another person to supply your happiness or satisfaction then you will fall short every time. It can’t fully be found out there because it needs to cultivate inside each and every one of us. Only once you are happy with your self, once you realize that you are worth more than you can imagine and you love your self fully and unconditionally can these ideas, feelings and concepts of happiness and love be reflected back to you from something external.
You must love yourself! It is crucial to your success and happiness. Any of the seeming roadblocks that keep you from loving yourself must be overcome or removed with systematic persistence.
Do you want to be loved? No one else is going to do it for you. You must do it for you!
Do you want to be happy? Then make the choice to be happy on the inside and work from that point. Do you know that peace, joy and happiness are all intertwined? You can’t have joy and happiness without peace. So get some peace of mind in your life also. It will help cultivate the joy, happiness and love that you are searching for.
I can’t help but think about the Saturday Night Live scene of Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat singing “Looking for nub (love) in all the wrong places”
I think that sums up what most of us do, we look for love in all the wrong places. We look out there instead of inside us. The warm, bright loving truth is God put the divine spark right there in us so we can never be without it. Most can’t see because they look with physical eyes and touch with physical hands and hear with physical ears. When, in reality, understanding could come in a moment if they would use their spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, spiritual hands and spiritual mind.
It all comes back to choice and attention. Where is your attention? Are you looking to something or someone out there to make you happy?
Get in touch with your inner spirit now!
Get quiet for a moment… focus on your breath… relax and… search on the inside and touch your divine essence…cultivate, strengthen and hold that feeling… practice this everyday, till it is habit!
Happy holidays with much love and blessings,
Each and every one of us could be open to new perspectives and perceptions...Open your mind and heal your self... be willing to grow
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Earth Consciousness
Good morning everyone!( if it is morning for you).
Today I have finally processed and come to a realization from my experience in the last two articles. If you haven’t read them, scroll back to the previous articles The Vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox!- pt 1 & 2.
Now that I have perpetually gone down the rabbit hole with those articles I shall tell of the revelation moment and gift I was able to experience from the breakthough. It has taken me some research and time to find the deeper meaning and words just to be able to express this and share it with you.
It also might stretch the limitations you have put on your mind. Which means that some will reject it, some will think it possible but forget it and some will delve into the revelation with an open mind.
After the conclusion ,where, in my dream all the pieces were put together I had the experience of attaining a higher consciousness. It has come to my attention recently that this higher consciousness was what people term the Christ consciousness, Gaia consciousness or even Earth consciousness**.
At the time I could feel the harmony and unity of all creation. This in itself is truly a blessing but it doesn’t end there. Just like the human body has an energy body with chakras and energy points and vortexes. I was given insight to the realization that the earth is a living consciousness also which includes an energy body with a set of these chakras and energy points.
Through feeling and inner vision, I was able to find and connect to each point as it correlated to my own chakra centers. From the root chakra all the way to the sixth and seventh chakra. It truly was amazing. In the vision I was flying over the earth as a bird, I believe a large raven or possibly a hawk. I would intuitively feel a power point on the earth. I would then set the intention to circle and pinpoint the energy center. I would then land and fully feel and absorb the energy. Feeling a response within my own chakra system.
Through this connection I was able to help the energy flow within the planet to strengthen and further a healing process. It was very similar to doing energy work on myself or someone else. I now had a map of energy centers within the planet’s being to help accelerate a healing for the consciousness of the planet Earth and humanity. Very powerful!
I will try to pinpoint them to the best of my ability for you. After this experience, I had to check a map of the world to help me physically locate these centers. They are to the best of my knowledge as follows:
The root chakra(1st)- South American Continent-Located in the Andes mountains of Argentina. Right on the border of Chile and approximately 100-200 miles south of Santiago, Chile.
The Sacral chakra(2nd) – Asian Continent-Located in the North Eastern corner of China. Directly east of Mongolia(about 500 km) and south of Russia(about 500 km). It is located at the entrance opening where China extends at it’s Northern most point into Russia. (Kind of looks like a bay would, if it were water)
The Solar Plexus(power) chakra(3rd)- North American Continent- Located very near the Southern border within New Mexico, USA. Just North of the town of Las Cruces. This is east of Arizona, North east of Mexico, North of Texas. Most likely it is this chakra felt in the known energy vortexes of Arizona.
The Heart chakra(4th)- African Continent- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Just below the equator. North east of the city Hebo, about the exact center of the country.
The Throat chakra(5th )- North American Continent -Located in North Carolina, USA in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Norman. Mid West portion of state.
The Third Eye chakra(6th)- North American Continent- Located on the Nothern most part of the West coast of Greenland above Baffin Bay and south of the city/town of Thule.
The crown chakra(7th)- This is located above the earth at the point of the outer atmosphere of Earth.
Please realize that these energy centers extend out significantly from these areas so they will affect the regions around them.
I certainly found this information fascinating and will personally continue to explore the meaning and depths of it.
I hope this has helped you in some way.
Stay tuned for more coming your way.
**- Christ consciousness or Gaia Consciousness is a seventh dimension level according to the charts used by channelers Lee Harris and Story Waters at www.limitlessness.com (i highly recommend checking out their site and especially going through their "BeyondFreedom Exercises" audios(they are FREE!) They have opened a whole new level for me! The breakthroughs i have been experiencing lately are in part, a direct result from these exercises. They are powerful!
Today I have finally processed and come to a realization from my experience in the last two articles. If you haven’t read them, scroll back to the previous articles The Vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox!- pt 1 & 2.
Now that I have perpetually gone down the rabbit hole with those articles I shall tell of the revelation moment and gift I was able to experience from the breakthough. It has taken me some research and time to find the deeper meaning and words just to be able to express this and share it with you.
It also might stretch the limitations you have put on your mind. Which means that some will reject it, some will think it possible but forget it and some will delve into the revelation with an open mind.
After the conclusion ,where, in my dream all the pieces were put together I had the experience of attaining a higher consciousness. It has come to my attention recently that this higher consciousness was what people term the Christ consciousness, Gaia consciousness or even Earth consciousness**.
At the time I could feel the harmony and unity of all creation. This in itself is truly a blessing but it doesn’t end there. Just like the human body has an energy body with chakras and energy points and vortexes. I was given insight to the realization that the earth is a living consciousness also which includes an energy body with a set of these chakras and energy points.
Through feeling and inner vision, I was able to find and connect to each point as it correlated to my own chakra centers. From the root chakra all the way to the sixth and seventh chakra. It truly was amazing. In the vision I was flying over the earth as a bird, I believe a large raven or possibly a hawk. I would intuitively feel a power point on the earth. I would then set the intention to circle and pinpoint the energy center. I would then land and fully feel and absorb the energy. Feeling a response within my own chakra system.
Through this connection I was able to help the energy flow within the planet to strengthen and further a healing process. It was very similar to doing energy work on myself or someone else. I now had a map of energy centers within the planet’s being to help accelerate a healing for the consciousness of the planet Earth and humanity. Very powerful!
I will try to pinpoint them to the best of my ability for you. After this experience, I had to check a map of the world to help me physically locate these centers. They are to the best of my knowledge as follows:
The root chakra(1st)- South American Continent-Located in the Andes mountains of Argentina. Right on the border of Chile and approximately 100-200 miles south of Santiago, Chile.
The Sacral chakra(2nd) – Asian Continent-Located in the North Eastern corner of China. Directly east of Mongolia(about 500 km) and south of Russia(about 500 km). It is located at the entrance opening where China extends at it’s Northern most point into Russia. (Kind of looks like a bay would, if it were water)
The Solar Plexus(power) chakra(3rd)- North American Continent- Located very near the Southern border within New Mexico, USA. Just North of the town of Las Cruces. This is east of Arizona, North east of Mexico, North of Texas. Most likely it is this chakra felt in the known energy vortexes of Arizona.
The Heart chakra(4th)- African Continent- Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa. Just below the equator. North east of the city Hebo, about the exact center of the country.
The Throat chakra(5th )- North American Continent -Located in North Carolina, USA in the hills of the Blue Ridge Mountains near Lake Norman. Mid West portion of state.
The Third Eye chakra(6th)- North American Continent- Located on the Nothern most part of the West coast of Greenland above Baffin Bay and south of the city/town of Thule.
The crown chakra(7th)- This is located above the earth at the point of the outer atmosphere of Earth.
Please realize that these energy centers extend out significantly from these areas so they will affect the regions around them.
I certainly found this information fascinating and will personally continue to explore the meaning and depths of it.
I hope this has helped you in some way.
Stay tuned for more coming your way.
**- Christ consciousness or Gaia Consciousness is a seventh dimension level according to the charts used by channelers Lee Harris and Story Waters at www.limitlessness.com (i highly recommend checking out their site and especially going through their "BeyondFreedom Exercises" audios(they are FREE!) They have opened a whole new level for me! The breakthroughs i have been experiencing lately are in part, a direct result from these exercises. They are powerful!
Friday, December 5, 2008
The vampire, the guard dog and the bloody fox- pt 2
To continue with the fox, the guard dog and the nasty vampire…
The fox to me, was a symbol that represented my lower ego mind. The one who thinks it is so smart and cunning. The dog was standing over, guarding it with desperation and determination. While the fox(or ego mind) was dying, the dog was staying loyal to the command of it’s owner, the ego mind. “Guard this with your life, it is important”.
The real question is, who is it important to? I can only say to the ego mind itself. For to the true me, at this juncture, it is something I am not looking to hold on to. For you see it is with my heart in control that I now choose to rule.
For a very long, long time my life was led by the ego mind. You know the one filled with seeming self importance and egotistical wants and desires. Most people to this day are still being led by the ego mind but the problem is that the solutions from this mind are limited. It can only work from past experiences. It is not in contact with your higher unlimited self and source. It is actually taking you in the opposite direction where your true higher self would like to see you go.
You see the truth is, the lower ego mind always leads falsely. It always leads to suffering and pain eventually. Reminds me of the Laurel and Hardy line ”this is a fine mess you have gotten us into, Stanley” or the classic Alcoholics Anonymous line “your best thinking got you here”.
Yes, you need your mind but the difference is, you need to discern between the two minds you have at your disposal, the ego mind and the higher mind.
It seems to me in my dream, I was able to finally overcome the ego mind’s last villain(the vampire) and find the hiding place of the ego(the fox)and shine the light on it. Where it was exposed once and for all to become powerless and dissolved. It was with this act that my universe shifted on that fateful night. For you see when this happened the room/ship started to move and shift. It was brought in line and connected to another portion effectively bringing the puzzle pieces together.
At that moment I realized I had recreated the altar and temple within, for all the floors turned over to white gleaming tiles, perfectly seamless and in the center a fountain of pure source essence bubbled up. It was perfect, all clean and beautiful. I now realize that the mess of a house I was in before was the shambles of my inner house but now in its place an inner temple has been erected.
For those interested in getting the higher mind to help you in your life, I say the correct way to discern and choose the proper guiding mind is to always stay connected to the heart. When you are in your heart you automatically connect to your higher self which brings in the influence of your higher mind.
It is with this heart and higher mind connection that you need and want your life to be inspired and guided by. It is the only way to peace and happiness.
This whole experience brought on greater depths of understanding and inner power to my life. Next week or so I will share a particularly powerful revelation I had just after this experience.
Thanks and God bless,
The fox to me, was a symbol that represented my lower ego mind. The one who thinks it is so smart and cunning. The dog was standing over, guarding it with desperation and determination. While the fox(or ego mind) was dying, the dog was staying loyal to the command of it’s owner, the ego mind. “Guard this with your life, it is important”.
The real question is, who is it important to? I can only say to the ego mind itself. For to the true me, at this juncture, it is something I am not looking to hold on to. For you see it is with my heart in control that I now choose to rule.
For a very long, long time my life was led by the ego mind. You know the one filled with seeming self importance and egotistical wants and desires. Most people to this day are still being led by the ego mind but the problem is that the solutions from this mind are limited. It can only work from past experiences. It is not in contact with your higher unlimited self and source. It is actually taking you in the opposite direction where your true higher self would like to see you go.
You see the truth is, the lower ego mind always leads falsely. It always leads to suffering and pain eventually. Reminds me of the Laurel and Hardy line ”this is a fine mess you have gotten us into, Stanley” or the classic Alcoholics Anonymous line “your best thinking got you here”.
Yes, you need your mind but the difference is, you need to discern between the two minds you have at your disposal, the ego mind and the higher mind.
It seems to me in my dream, I was able to finally overcome the ego mind’s last villain(the vampire) and find the hiding place of the ego(the fox)and shine the light on it. Where it was exposed once and for all to become powerless and dissolved. It was with this act that my universe shifted on that fateful night. For you see when this happened the room/ship started to move and shift. It was brought in line and connected to another portion effectively bringing the puzzle pieces together.
At that moment I realized I had recreated the altar and temple within, for all the floors turned over to white gleaming tiles, perfectly seamless and in the center a fountain of pure source essence bubbled up. It was perfect, all clean and beautiful. I now realize that the mess of a house I was in before was the shambles of my inner house but now in its place an inner temple has been erected.
For those interested in getting the higher mind to help you in your life, I say the correct way to discern and choose the proper guiding mind is to always stay connected to the heart. When you are in your heart you automatically connect to your higher self which brings in the influence of your higher mind.
It is with this heart and higher mind connection that you need and want your life to be inspired and guided by. It is the only way to peace and happiness.
This whole experience brought on greater depths of understanding and inner power to my life. Next week or so I will share a particularly powerful revelation I had just after this experience.
Thanks and God bless,
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Vampire, a guard dog and a bloody fox! - pt 1
A vampire, a guard dog and a bloody fox!
Talk about one incredible experience. I can’t say enough how excited I am to be able to share one of the lesson's from this most recent experience
It all starts in the interior, as it always does. It is within the inner dreamscapes that great lessons become available.
This adventure was no different.
As for a little background, you should be familiar that I consider myself to be somewhat of a pioneer and explorer of inner and universal consciousness. It is within this world of spirit that I connect and resonate most strongly. This is the true passion of my life, “the healing journey of reconnection to higher source".
This holiday weekend happened to be a powerful time for me and I expect for many of you also.
(Who you are and how consciously aware you may be, will determine exactly how these powerful times actually get manifested into each person's life. We each experience a unique and highly personalized message or lesson that is exactly matching where we are on our own journey.)
As for me, I make it a habit to push for higher levels of consciousness everyday. I am constantly striving for the breakthrough to new levels of awareness. In reality what that means is I continually take small daily steps on my personal inner journey to help me find and discover the true me.
So it began(ended?) last night after a short time of inner turmoil(about 3-4 days). A piece of the puzzle in my healing journey got resolved. It is not the only one I have personally experienced this vividly and I am sure it may not be my last but I would like to share it with you anyways. While your experience may not be exactly the same as my experience it will be similar enough that my story may help you in some way.
It starts with the feeling of fear, somewhere within my inner landscape there is a monster, a demon of some sort. Now I am inside but I am not alone(this time). I have a team with me, that is supportive of me. That really feels good to me. I am able to look over to my friend and nod and know that everything is alright.
We are here together, on a mission. We are Vampire hunting. That’s right! This time around it is a vampire we are fighting. This particular vampire has been terrorizing a group of children, about a hundred or so. They are living in a worn down shoddy building with sections of floor missing. It is treacherous walking and certainly not very safe feeling, especially when you have a vampire that can come through at any place, at any time. This is exactly what has been happening.
I find myself in the middle of this scene, feeling the fear. I am standing and walking around and I feel the vampire’s presence below the floor. It is trying to potentially grab me and pull me down. My only weapon is a sharp stick that I poke through the holes in the floor around me to ward this creature off. At a certain point I just get in the habit of jabbing this through the floor boards, hoping it works. It seems to me that this is how the children handled it. They have taught me what to do. I am mimicking what they have been doing to keep this evil at bay. At this point I feel alone and full of fear.
I see one of my team members walking on the fringes of the area. I get concerned for his safety. He comes back from investigating a nearby room with this giant black and brown dog on his heels. This dog is massive and out of control. Not really attacking but very aggressive and anxious. Some one could get seriously injured. I come to the realization that we need a leash of some sort. I realize no one else is going to do it. I run up what appears to be the room but is now some kind of ship or vessel. I start yelling at the nearest person to give me some wire so I can use it to make a leash. I get the material and tie a noose on it while running back down to the room where the dog was. I get there in enough time to be the one that puts this around the neck of this massive dog, I notice his claws are really sharp and are blood red. It takes a while to calm him down.
In the room we uncover the mystery of the dog. At the center of this room we unfold a carpet to reveal a bloody fox. The realization is that this dog has been attempting to guard the fox from the vampire. It was obvious that the dog had been doing this for a long time and was under severe stress. It had become a way of life: survival- fight or flight.
At this point i come in and out of the dream. My heart is pounding and i feel the fear lying in my bed. I center myself and sink back in to the dream.
I realize then that I can’t allow this scenario to continue, I have to face the vampire. The cost is getting too much.
My saving grace is truth, I have been through this before, I know what to do. I prepare myself.
I call the vampire to me. No response. I call a second time. Minor things come to me but not the vampire. I am disappointed. I call a third time and turn away.
The vampire lunges at me mouth open, fierce and fast, flying right at me. I do not fight. I do not flinch. I do not turn, I do not resist.
You see, I know the secret to these confrontations
I open my self and accept him into me and he vanishes!
Does it sound too simple?
It really isn’t "too simple" but any one can do it!
The secret is in pre knowing that the monster or vampire is actually me. It is an aspect of my being, because both the aspects of light and dark, comprise who I am.
I only need to see it, understand it and accept it. I did not fight because I know that I cannot be harmed. There is no inner demon or monster that can harm me or change my eternal truth. If I fight, I resist. If I resist then I am not true. For in realization of oneness, there is NO CONFLICT. Hence there is no need for resistance or fighting.
This sets me free!
Remember on your journey that the true you cannot be harmed, ever!
Do not run from the inner demons but turn and face them. Accept them as you and you too, will be free of them forever. You are the power, they are not! It is this simple truth that will have you overcome each and every monster and inner demon you may run into. You just need to:
1) pre-know that you are invulnerable and cannot be harmed
2) know it so well that even in a sleeping or waking dream it is your truth
3) realize your true power within your true self
4) remain connected to your true self at all times
Already I am feeling the effects of this break through in consciousness; stay tuned for more info on this topic. It is quite amazing!
Thanks ,
Talk about one incredible experience. I can’t say enough how excited I am to be able to share one of the lesson's from this most recent experience
It all starts in the interior, as it always does. It is within the inner dreamscapes that great lessons become available.
This adventure was no different.
As for a little background, you should be familiar that I consider myself to be somewhat of a pioneer and explorer of inner and universal consciousness. It is within this world of spirit that I connect and resonate most strongly. This is the true passion of my life, “the healing journey of reconnection to higher source".
This holiday weekend happened to be a powerful time for me and I expect for many of you also.
(Who you are and how consciously aware you may be, will determine exactly how these powerful times actually get manifested into each person's life. We each experience a unique and highly personalized message or lesson that is exactly matching where we are on our own journey.)
As for me, I make it a habit to push for higher levels of consciousness everyday. I am constantly striving for the breakthrough to new levels of awareness. In reality what that means is I continually take small daily steps on my personal inner journey to help me find and discover the true me.
So it began(ended?) last night after a short time of inner turmoil(about 3-4 days). A piece of the puzzle in my healing journey got resolved. It is not the only one I have personally experienced this vividly and I am sure it may not be my last but I would like to share it with you anyways. While your experience may not be exactly the same as my experience it will be similar enough that my story may help you in some way.
It starts with the feeling of fear, somewhere within my inner landscape there is a monster, a demon of some sort. Now I am inside but I am not alone(this time). I have a team with me, that is supportive of me. That really feels good to me. I am able to look over to my friend and nod and know that everything is alright.
We are here together, on a mission. We are Vampire hunting. That’s right! This time around it is a vampire we are fighting. This particular vampire has been terrorizing a group of children, about a hundred or so. They are living in a worn down shoddy building with sections of floor missing. It is treacherous walking and certainly not very safe feeling, especially when you have a vampire that can come through at any place, at any time. This is exactly what has been happening.
I find myself in the middle of this scene, feeling the fear. I am standing and walking around and I feel the vampire’s presence below the floor. It is trying to potentially grab me and pull me down. My only weapon is a sharp stick that I poke through the holes in the floor around me to ward this creature off. At a certain point I just get in the habit of jabbing this through the floor boards, hoping it works. It seems to me that this is how the children handled it. They have taught me what to do. I am mimicking what they have been doing to keep this evil at bay. At this point I feel alone and full of fear.
I see one of my team members walking on the fringes of the area. I get concerned for his safety. He comes back from investigating a nearby room with this giant black and brown dog on his heels. This dog is massive and out of control. Not really attacking but very aggressive and anxious. Some one could get seriously injured. I come to the realization that we need a leash of some sort. I realize no one else is going to do it. I run up what appears to be the room but is now some kind of ship or vessel. I start yelling at the nearest person to give me some wire so I can use it to make a leash. I get the material and tie a noose on it while running back down to the room where the dog was. I get there in enough time to be the one that puts this around the neck of this massive dog, I notice his claws are really sharp and are blood red. It takes a while to calm him down.
In the room we uncover the mystery of the dog. At the center of this room we unfold a carpet to reveal a bloody fox. The realization is that this dog has been attempting to guard the fox from the vampire. It was obvious that the dog had been doing this for a long time and was under severe stress. It had become a way of life: survival- fight or flight.
At this point i come in and out of the dream. My heart is pounding and i feel the fear lying in my bed. I center myself and sink back in to the dream.
I realize then that I can’t allow this scenario to continue, I have to face the vampire. The cost is getting too much.
My saving grace is truth, I have been through this before, I know what to do. I prepare myself.
I call the vampire to me. No response. I call a second time. Minor things come to me but not the vampire. I am disappointed. I call a third time and turn away.
The vampire lunges at me mouth open, fierce and fast, flying right at me. I do not fight. I do not flinch. I do not turn, I do not resist.
You see, I know the secret to these confrontations
I open my self and accept him into me and he vanishes!
Does it sound too simple?
It really isn’t "too simple" but any one can do it!
The secret is in pre knowing that the monster or vampire is actually me. It is an aspect of my being, because both the aspects of light and dark, comprise who I am.
I only need to see it, understand it and accept it. I did not fight because I know that I cannot be harmed. There is no inner demon or monster that can harm me or change my eternal truth. If I fight, I resist. If I resist then I am not true. For in realization of oneness, there is NO CONFLICT. Hence there is no need for resistance or fighting.
This sets me free!
Remember on your journey that the true you cannot be harmed, ever!
Do not run from the inner demons but turn and face them. Accept them as you and you too, will be free of them forever. You are the power, they are not! It is this simple truth that will have you overcome each and every monster and inner demon you may run into. You just need to:
1) pre-know that you are invulnerable and cannot be harmed
2) know it so well that even in a sleeping or waking dream it is your truth
3) realize your true power within your true self
4) remain connected to your true self at all times
Already I am feeling the effects of this break through in consciousness; stay tuned for more info on this topic. It is quite amazing!
Thanks ,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The belief factor!
Do you know about resistance?
Do you know about release?
Are you questioning every think?
How aware are you of what is going on in your own mind?
What are your belief systems?
I had a client the other day share a belief that he had. It was very interesting. Typically during a session( to Stop Smoking), I talk about the affect our daily choices have on our mind and on our overall health. I usually sum up quickly the abridged version of The Slight Edge Principle by Jeff Olsen.
How our small daily choices compound and accumulate over time to lead us to either a better place or a worse place. The difference is in the small daily choices that are both easy to make and easy not to make. A typical example I use is the choice to eat a big greasy burger and fries or choosing a salad instead.
I usually share some background about that choice. Just the basics really. About how humans are not really designed to eat meat and how it will typically rot in your body and not get digested fully. The fact that these animals are being fed chemicals and antibiotics which is what you are now eating through their flesh. The most important fact is the point that you are eating a piece of meat to get the nutrients into your body that it got into it’s body by eating plants. My thought and suggestion would be “why don’t you just eat the plant directly to get your proper nutrient rich food/fuel?” In my opinion it is like having a third person at a two person party, totally unnecessary.
My point is this. My client had very strong beliefs on this subject. When I shared with him that I am a vegetarian and started to go into the above facts. He didn’t want to hear it, it totally brought up resistance. He shared amusingly that he would be considered a beefetarian. When I brought up the facts again he started to go into defense mode. He quickly made a comment that his belief is that animals were put here to be our food and then followed it up with he wanted to focus on stopping smoking. Of course I did not push any further but told him I respected his beliefs and steered the conversation into a recap of all the things we had gone over so far that were specifically related to his goal of becoming a non-smoker.
It was a smooth session and totally successful but for me I reflect on these things afterwards. I couldn’t help but ponder what happened. It is funny because we were talking about programs and beliefs in the sub conscious and how they are the ones that actually run a persons life. It was a great example and afterwards I brought his attention to just that, a great example of a belief that is affecting his life and choices.
In a good way of course. It is not my job to judge.
Now I don’t have all the answers and am not going to pretend to. I do know that meat is not healthy for you. Yes, it can keep you alive if you happen to be starving but if you can actually choose your food why would you choose a food that, while keeping you alive for the short term, over time, compounded, is actually killing you. ( more people die in this country from fork related disease than all other ways combined)
I guess it is the same answer as to why a lot of people smoke, drink, overeat, turn to drugs and hang out in bad relationships.
This might hit home for you.
If you would like, please leave your comments!
God bless,
P.S. - Don’t forget to check out the Slight Edge Principle, it is certainly worth it!
Do you know about release?
Are you questioning every think?
How aware are you of what is going on in your own mind?
What are your belief systems?
I had a client the other day share a belief that he had. It was very interesting. Typically during a session( to Stop Smoking), I talk about the affect our daily choices have on our mind and on our overall health. I usually sum up quickly the abridged version of The Slight Edge Principle by Jeff Olsen.
How our small daily choices compound and accumulate over time to lead us to either a better place or a worse place. The difference is in the small daily choices that are both easy to make and easy not to make. A typical example I use is the choice to eat a big greasy burger and fries or choosing a salad instead.
I usually share some background about that choice. Just the basics really. About how humans are not really designed to eat meat and how it will typically rot in your body and not get digested fully. The fact that these animals are being fed chemicals and antibiotics which is what you are now eating through their flesh. The most important fact is the point that you are eating a piece of meat to get the nutrients into your body that it got into it’s body by eating plants. My thought and suggestion would be “why don’t you just eat the plant directly to get your proper nutrient rich food/fuel?” In my opinion it is like having a third person at a two person party, totally unnecessary.
My point is this. My client had very strong beliefs on this subject. When I shared with him that I am a vegetarian and started to go into the above facts. He didn’t want to hear it, it totally brought up resistance. He shared amusingly that he would be considered a beefetarian. When I brought up the facts again he started to go into defense mode. He quickly made a comment that his belief is that animals were put here to be our food and then followed it up with he wanted to focus on stopping smoking. Of course I did not push any further but told him I respected his beliefs and steered the conversation into a recap of all the things we had gone over so far that were specifically related to his goal of becoming a non-smoker.
It was a smooth session and totally successful but for me I reflect on these things afterwards. I couldn’t help but ponder what happened. It is funny because we were talking about programs and beliefs in the sub conscious and how they are the ones that actually run a persons life. It was a great example and afterwards I brought his attention to just that, a great example of a belief that is affecting his life and choices.
In a good way of course. It is not my job to judge.
Now I don’t have all the answers and am not going to pretend to. I do know that meat is not healthy for you. Yes, it can keep you alive if you happen to be starving but if you can actually choose your food why would you choose a food that, while keeping you alive for the short term, over time, compounded, is actually killing you. ( more people die in this country from fork related disease than all other ways combined)
I guess it is the same answer as to why a lot of people smoke, drink, overeat, turn to drugs and hang out in bad relationships.
This might hit home for you.
If you would like, please leave your comments!
God bless,
P.S. - Don’t forget to check out the Slight Edge Principle, it is certainly worth it!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pressure of the Heart
Right now, there is a big pressure to open the heart. Have you felt it?
Right now, is a time to realize that you could move your awareness from your mind down into your heart energy.
Right now, is a good time to practice releasing all the ideas and thoughts that are whipping you into a suffering mind. Don’t deny it. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. It is now time to stop doing that. If you were in your right mind, do you think you would hurt, chastise or whip yourself?
I would think not. It may not be physical but it is still real. Let it go.
Release all the worries, thoughts and “shoulds” from your mind right now.
I should be better.
I should be more successful.
I should be skinnier.
I should be smarter.
I should conform to society more.
I should do more.
These should statements create bad mojo in your mind, stop using them and stop listening to them from others because a lot of these have been programmed into your mind by these so called others who only wanted what is best for you. Don’t be fooled into it!
One of my favorite teachers, Louise Hay*, says to change your “shoulds” to “coulds”.
Say “ I could_______ if I wanted to.
This implies choice. Which in any given situation is what you have! ALWAYS!
It also implies the power you have because there is a world of difference between your “have to’s” and “want to’s”.
I don’t know about you but my “have to’s” get pushed and pushed as far as they are able to, while my “want to’s” are the ones I passionately work on for the majority of my time.
That may sound selfish but I call it self centered (balanced) and living in my passion. Couldn’t everyone live this way if they wanted to? Yes, they could. I still do “have to’s” but I made the choice to put my passion or “want to’s” first and I willingly receive the consequences of that choice.(This is called RESPONSIBILITY or ability to respond)**
I love helping people but I don’t throw myself under the bus or totally unbalance myself in the process. That would be really silly, wouldn’t it? This is not about sacrifice, struggle and suffering it is about releasing those exact concepts. You don’t need them and they should never have been put there. The good news is you certainly don’t have to accept them. Do you want to? If you said “ no, I don’t want suffering , struggle and sacrifice in my life” , then the solution is, make the decision and DON’T.
Release everything! Right now! Let it go. Only accept love into your life. Realize that only love and loving thoughts are real, accept no substitutes within your mind, for they are false! It is your own mind resisting and bringing up your inner fears. Do not fear. Not in this moment, for there is no need, not in this moment.
Release it, release it and…..it is released!.
Continue to focus and expand awareness of your heart energy to silence the blabber of your mind.
Yes, the mind is a part of you, but you could be in control of your mind and not have your mind in control of you, if you wanted.
Get silent, get still,
Yes, have your heart and mind work in harmony and unison but set the intention for the heart to be in charge.
Love and blessings ,
* See a copy of Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your life" by clicking here. This book is a must have if you intend to transform your thinking and your life. She is phenomenal with her positive affirmations.
**Jesus sums it up best about stepping into spiritual responsibility with the very true statement when he says: "my yoke is easy and my burden is light". From personal experience i can add that the increased levels of joy and peace that come about are amazing and more than worth it also. (most people shy away from responsibility and change, this only keeps a person getting the same poor results in life that they may be experiencing already, it just changes form)
Right now, is a time to realize that you could move your awareness from your mind down into your heart energy.
Right now, is a good time to practice releasing all the ideas and thoughts that are whipping you into a suffering mind. Don’t deny it. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy. It is now time to stop doing that. If you were in your right mind, do you think you would hurt, chastise or whip yourself?
I would think not. It may not be physical but it is still real. Let it go.
Release all the worries, thoughts and “shoulds” from your mind right now.
I should be better.
I should be more successful.
I should be skinnier.
I should be smarter.
I should conform to society more.
I should do more.
These should statements create bad mojo in your mind, stop using them and stop listening to them from others because a lot of these have been programmed into your mind by these so called others who only wanted what is best for you. Don’t be fooled into it!
One of my favorite teachers, Louise Hay*, says to change your “shoulds” to “coulds”.
Say “ I could_______ if I wanted to.
This implies choice. Which in any given situation is what you have! ALWAYS!
It also implies the power you have because there is a world of difference between your “have to’s” and “want to’s”.
I don’t know about you but my “have to’s” get pushed and pushed as far as they are able to, while my “want to’s” are the ones I passionately work on for the majority of my time.
That may sound selfish but I call it self centered (balanced) and living in my passion. Couldn’t everyone live this way if they wanted to? Yes, they could. I still do “have to’s” but I made the choice to put my passion or “want to’s” first and I willingly receive the consequences of that choice.(This is called RESPONSIBILITY or ability to respond)**
I love helping people but I don’t throw myself under the bus or totally unbalance myself in the process. That would be really silly, wouldn’t it? This is not about sacrifice, struggle and suffering it is about releasing those exact concepts. You don’t need them and they should never have been put there. The good news is you certainly don’t have to accept them. Do you want to? If you said “ no, I don’t want suffering , struggle and sacrifice in my life” , then the solution is, make the decision and DON’T.
Release everything! Right now! Let it go. Only accept love into your life. Realize that only love and loving thoughts are real, accept no substitutes within your mind, for they are false! It is your own mind resisting and bringing up your inner fears. Do not fear. Not in this moment, for there is no need, not in this moment.
Release it, release it and…..it is released!.
Continue to focus and expand awareness of your heart energy to silence the blabber of your mind.
Yes, the mind is a part of you, but you could be in control of your mind and not have your mind in control of you, if you wanted.
Get silent, get still,
Yes, have your heart and mind work in harmony and unison but set the intention for the heart to be in charge.
Love and blessings ,
* See a copy of Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your life" by clicking here. This book is a must have if you intend to transform your thinking and your life. She is phenomenal with her positive affirmations.
**Jesus sums it up best about stepping into spiritual responsibility with the very true statement when he says: "my yoke is easy and my burden is light". From personal experience i can add that the increased levels of joy and peace that come about are amazing and more than worth it also. (most people shy away from responsibility and change, this only keeps a person getting the same poor results in life that they may be experiencing already, it just changes form)
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Healing Journey
Yet again, I found myself seeking guidance to make it through another day!
I feel really blessed at this point, due to the fact that every time I ask, I receive an answer.
I have yet again upgraded or changed this blog site as a result . As you may realize I changed the title from Spirit Express to HEAL-THY-SELF.
This, I believe, falls more in line with my true inner journey and the expressions of that to you. We are all on a healing journey and I am here to help. I want to help myself along that journey and I want to help you in any way I can. I consider myself to be a healer and a teacher but most important of all, a continuous student.
So I will use this blog to inspire and share the realities and experiences that I find on my journey that may be helpful to you. I will share inspirations, experiences, tips and techniques that work for me and I believe will also have great benefit to you. This will include pointing back to articles and material I may have written 3-4 years ago that are still relevant and also to new current material reflecting my most recent inspirations, experiences and musings.
Like the following:
This morning I had the realization that I was coming too much from the intellect and mind rather than being focused on and working from the heart. I had to let go some of the things I was working on and fall into the shelter of my highest source. The good news is that I am alright with that. There is no other place I would rather be. Sometimes you just have to let things fall the way they may. So having experienced that this morning, I say to you.
“Know that all is exactly as it is supposed to be and attempt to learn the lesson that is right in front of you today. BE PRESENT. Take the time to really appreciate your family and loved ones. You know, the ones you should treat better than the strangers you meet everyday but for some reason, due to built up frustrations, you treat rather horribly.”
Work on that today.
God bless you,
P.S.- if you are not already signed up on my email list please do so now. We will notify you of updates and send our article notifications directly to you. Thank you so much!
(top right corner of our blog) or (at our main website below)
P.P.S- join with us at the SpiritUnited Source Center site to take your healing journey to the next level with our “Empowerment Sessions.”
I feel really blessed at this point, due to the fact that every time I ask, I receive an answer.
I have yet again upgraded or changed this blog site as a result . As you may realize I changed the title from Spirit Express to HEAL-THY-SELF.
This, I believe, falls more in line with my true inner journey and the expressions of that to you. We are all on a healing journey and I am here to help. I want to help myself along that journey and I want to help you in any way I can. I consider myself to be a healer and a teacher but most important of all, a continuous student.
So I will use this blog to inspire and share the realities and experiences that I find on my journey that may be helpful to you. I will share inspirations, experiences, tips and techniques that work for me and I believe will also have great benefit to you. This will include pointing back to articles and material I may have written 3-4 years ago that are still relevant and also to new current material reflecting my most recent inspirations, experiences and musings.
Like the following:
This morning I had the realization that I was coming too much from the intellect and mind rather than being focused on and working from the heart. I had to let go some of the things I was working on and fall into the shelter of my highest source. The good news is that I am alright with that. There is no other place I would rather be. Sometimes you just have to let things fall the way they may. So having experienced that this morning, I say to you.
“Know that all is exactly as it is supposed to be and attempt to learn the lesson that is right in front of you today. BE PRESENT. Take the time to really appreciate your family and loved ones. You know, the ones you should treat better than the strangers you meet everyday but for some reason, due to built up frustrations, you treat rather horribly.”
Work on that today.
God bless you,
P.S.- if you are not already signed up on my email list please do so now. We will notify you of updates and send our article notifications directly to you. Thank you so much!
(top right corner of our blog) or (at our main website below)
P.P.S- join with us at the SpiritUnited Source Center site to take your healing journey to the next level with our “Empowerment Sessions.”
Thursday, November 6, 2008
YOU, the Business Warrior!
You, The Business Warrior
by David Cameron Gikandi
What is The Way of the Business Warrior? If business is your game, get ready for the ride of your life.
First, let us begin with the obvious. In your business, you either make the sale, or you don't. You do or you don't, there is no try. You get the customer or you don't, there is no try. Your business makes a profit or it doesn't, there is no try. There is no in between. Why? Why do things work this way?
There is an order by which all things arise and work. Every moment is a moment of new creation. On and off states, called dualities, is what we experience in all of life, including business.
Here is a question for you. Do you think our moments arise
by accident or as an exactly perfect outcome of a series of natural laws? Remember, there is no middle ground. It is either all accidental or all perfection, but not a mixture of the two.
If it was all accidental, none of the laws of physics would work, biology would not work, nothing would work. Therefore, it is all a precise outcome of set laws. The Way of the Business Warrior is the one that gets you on the path to discovering the truth behind what happens in your business.
Now you can make your life a glorious adventure financially
by understanding the totality of experience and creation.
Michael Gerber, author of the best-selling business book,
The E-Myth Revisited, says in that book that "Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know, but because of their insatiable need to know more. The problem with most failing businesses I've encountered is not that their owners don't know enough about finance, marketing, management, and operations - they don't, but those things are easy enough to learn - but they spend their time and energy defending what they think they know. The greatest businesspeople I've met are determined to get it right no matter what the cost."
Here is another interesting bit of information. Harvard Business School and INSEAD (the top European business
school) have concluded from research that the two most effective new business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition. These are metaphysical subjects! Why?
Robert Kiyosaki, in his best-selling book Rich Dad, Poor
Dad, says that money is just an idea.
In fact, money is merely an 'energy exchange system', a
means of exchanging complimentary values built within any
two participants. The Way of the Business Warrior looks
under the hood to know how this all works, and uses that knowledge to create exact outcomes, to create and thrive instead of react and survive.
Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you
can't - either way you are right."
Everyone has things that they can do now that they could not
do before.
You can now walk while as a child you could not. The ground never changed, but you did.
You can now read while you once could not. The English
language never changed, but you did.
At one time, Bill Gates could not write software, now he
can. The world did not change, Bill did.
At one time, Oprah Winfrey did not have the attention of millions of people worldwide, now she has. The world did not change, Oprah did.
At one time, Jesus could not perform miracles, and then he
did. Miracles did not change, Jesus did.
At one time, the Buddha was not enlightened, and then he
was. The ways of the universe did not change, the Buddha
As Deepak Chopra says, "Within every desire is the mechanics
of its fulfillment." And of course there is the famous quote
by Jesus Christ that says, "If you can? Anything is possible for him who believes."
Do you get the picture?
There are a million things that a great person can do now
that they could not do years ago. Why is that?
It is never those things that changed. What changed was the idea that this person had of himself or herself. Have you seen the movie The Matrix? When Neo changed his idea of himself, he was able to do the undoable. It is so with everyone.
Capability is nothing more than a shift in what you think
you are. What You Really Are is a being with infinite possibilities. Everyone is. We are all literally an idea.
As such, success is not something we can chase and get, it
is something that we attract by the persons we become. We become those persons by changing the idea of what we think we are.
The problem is not with the world. The problem, if there is one, is with your recognition of yourself and your world. The way you perceive and interpret yourself and your world is a system. Change that system, through seeking new truths, and you change your world. This is The Way of the Business Warrior.
Think now of a Karate dojo. In a dojo, the sensei gives you
an opponent to fight with. But your opponent is not really
an opponent. He or she is there simply to give you a
framework through which to test yourself. In a dojo, you get
to discover and learn about yourself, your flexibility,
focus, potential, and so on. You rapidly do so using the illusion of having an opponent to beat, go back and train, so you can come back and beat. But in reality, the dojo is merely a place where you can work on your inside. The externals, such as the opponent, merely give you a frame of reference to work on your inside. And the better you get inside, the more you master outside.
A business is the same. It is an inner work mirror, an inner training harness. Whatever successes you see in your business are a reflection of your inner state in that regard. Whatever challenges you face in business are a reflection of the illusions or fears you still hold and believe in. In fact, even childhood fearful events that you never resolve can show up in your business as negative business matters until you resolve them. The essence will be the same, but the context will change.
Carl Jung put it well when he said, "The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when an individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves."
And James Allen points out that "What you are, so is your world. Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience. It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly."
The Way of the Business Warrior is to look at all things in
her or his business as fun challenges for inner work. The Business Warrior recognizes that things are not good or bad, blessings or curses, but all opportunities either for enjoyment or for finding new truths to break through to new levels. Even a really hard challenge has fruit hidden within it.
The choice is simple. You can either remain in the rat race
or join the eagles. A rat and an eagle have different
cognitive systems, different ways they perceive the world.
The Way of the Business Warrior is to change their cognitive system, for it is the only way to move from the rat race to the eagle's open skies. It is a choice to go through to the end without retreat, detached and open, asking why at all turns, asking for help, being unstoppable by refusing to stop, and moving forward with nothing to defend. As Carlos Castenada says, "Every living thing has been granted the power, if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and go through it."
"There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty." These are the words of Wallace D. Wattles.
You may have often wondered why some people seems to have
all the luck and others do not, even though they may
outwardly look to be more deserving. Now you are beginning
to see that The Way does not discriminate. The Laws work precisely, no matter who applies them. All that matters, therefore, is to know The Way. And in that, from one Business Warrior to another, I wish you the highest possible achievements.
If you wish to know more about this fascinating topic, click here:
Blessings ,
by David Cameron Gikandi
What is The Way of the Business Warrior? If business is your game, get ready for the ride of your life.
First, let us begin with the obvious. In your business, you either make the sale, or you don't. You do or you don't, there is no try. You get the customer or you don't, there is no try. Your business makes a profit or it doesn't, there is no try. There is no in between. Why? Why do things work this way?
There is an order by which all things arise and work. Every moment is a moment of new creation. On and off states, called dualities, is what we experience in all of life, including business.
Here is a question for you. Do you think our moments arise
by accident or as an exactly perfect outcome of a series of natural laws? Remember, there is no middle ground. It is either all accidental or all perfection, but not a mixture of the two.
If it was all accidental, none of the laws of physics would work, biology would not work, nothing would work. Therefore, it is all a precise outcome of set laws. The Way of the Business Warrior is the one that gets you on the path to discovering the truth behind what happens in your business.
Now you can make your life a glorious adventure financially
by understanding the totality of experience and creation.
Michael Gerber, author of the best-selling business book,
The E-Myth Revisited, says in that book that "Contrary to popular belief, my experience has shown me that the people who are exceptionally good in business aren't so because of what they know, but because of their insatiable need to know more. The problem with most failing businesses I've encountered is not that their owners don't know enough about finance, marketing, management, and operations - they don't, but those things are easy enough to learn - but they spend their time and energy defending what they think they know. The greatest businesspeople I've met are determined to get it right no matter what the cost."
Here is another interesting bit of information. Harvard Business School and INSEAD (the top European business
school) have concluded from research that the two most effective new business tools for twenty-first century executives are meditation and intuition. These are metaphysical subjects! Why?
Robert Kiyosaki, in his best-selling book Rich Dad, Poor
Dad, says that money is just an idea.
In fact, money is merely an 'energy exchange system', a
means of exchanging complimentary values built within any
two participants. The Way of the Business Warrior looks
under the hood to know how this all works, and uses that knowledge to create exact outcomes, to create and thrive instead of react and survive.
Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you
can't - either way you are right."
Everyone has things that they can do now that they could not
do before.
You can now walk while as a child you could not. The ground never changed, but you did.
You can now read while you once could not. The English
language never changed, but you did.
At one time, Bill Gates could not write software, now he
can. The world did not change, Bill did.
At one time, Oprah Winfrey did not have the attention of millions of people worldwide, now she has. The world did not change, Oprah did.
At one time, Jesus could not perform miracles, and then he
did. Miracles did not change, Jesus did.
At one time, the Buddha was not enlightened, and then he
was. The ways of the universe did not change, the Buddha
As Deepak Chopra says, "Within every desire is the mechanics
of its fulfillment." And of course there is the famous quote
by Jesus Christ that says, "If you can? Anything is possible for him who believes."
Do you get the picture?
There are a million things that a great person can do now
that they could not do years ago. Why is that?
It is never those things that changed. What changed was the idea that this person had of himself or herself. Have you seen the movie The Matrix? When Neo changed his idea of himself, he was able to do the undoable. It is so with everyone.
Capability is nothing more than a shift in what you think
you are. What You Really Are is a being with infinite possibilities. Everyone is. We are all literally an idea.
As such, success is not something we can chase and get, it
is something that we attract by the persons we become. We become those persons by changing the idea of what we think we are.
The problem is not with the world. The problem, if there is one, is with your recognition of yourself and your world. The way you perceive and interpret yourself and your world is a system. Change that system, through seeking new truths, and you change your world. This is The Way of the Business Warrior.
Think now of a Karate dojo. In a dojo, the sensei gives you
an opponent to fight with. But your opponent is not really
an opponent. He or she is there simply to give you a
framework through which to test yourself. In a dojo, you get
to discover and learn about yourself, your flexibility,
focus, potential, and so on. You rapidly do so using the illusion of having an opponent to beat, go back and train, so you can come back and beat. But in reality, the dojo is merely a place where you can work on your inside. The externals, such as the opponent, merely give you a frame of reference to work on your inside. And the better you get inside, the more you master outside.
A business is the same. It is an inner work mirror, an inner training harness. Whatever successes you see in your business are a reflection of your inner state in that regard. Whatever challenges you face in business are a reflection of the illusions or fears you still hold and believe in. In fact, even childhood fearful events that you never resolve can show up in your business as negative business matters until you resolve them. The essence will be the same, but the context will change.
Carl Jung put it well when he said, "The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate. That is to say, when an individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner contradictions, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposite halves."
And James Allen points out that "What you are, so is your world. Everything in the universe is resolved into your own inward experience. It matters little what is without, for it is all a reflection of your own state of consciousness. It matters everything what you are within, for everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly."
The Way of the Business Warrior is to look at all things in
her or his business as fun challenges for inner work. The Business Warrior recognizes that things are not good or bad, blessings or curses, but all opportunities either for enjoyment or for finding new truths to break through to new levels. Even a really hard challenge has fruit hidden within it.
The choice is simple. You can either remain in the rat race
or join the eagles. A rat and an eagle have different
cognitive systems, different ways they perceive the world.
The Way of the Business Warrior is to change their cognitive system, for it is the only way to move from the rat race to the eagle's open skies. It is a choice to go through to the end without retreat, detached and open, asking why at all turns, asking for help, being unstoppable by refusing to stop, and moving forward with nothing to defend. As Carlos Castenada says, "Every living thing has been granted the power, if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and go through it."
"There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty." These are the words of Wallace D. Wattles.
You may have often wondered why some people seems to have
all the luck and others do not, even though they may
outwardly look to be more deserving. Now you are beginning
to see that The Way does not discriminate. The Laws work precisely, no matter who applies them. All that matters, therefore, is to know The Way. And in that, from one Business Warrior to another, I wish you the highest possible achievements.
If you wish to know more about this fascinating topic, click here:
Blessings ,
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dive! Dive!
No matter what you do in your life. No matter what tasks you may be working on. It always comes back to resting in your center.
That’s right! It is about a continual centering and balancing of your being. If you don’t do this you end up unbalanced and out of kilter. It shows up as a feeling of being somehow off and not right. Of course this is easier to keep track of if you practice awareness.
It takes a depth of knowingness and familiarity with who you are. Believe it or not there are many people out there who only skim and ride on the surface of their own personage. They never dive into who they are. They never experience the depths of their being. This leaves them not ever finding or knowing their true self. This is the biggest shame out there!
Take this moment, to find your true self, right now ! It really is easy.
Go ahead, break the surface and dive. It will be alright, I promise!
As the great Beatles song Everybody ‘s Got Something to Hide(except for me and my monkey) says “the deeper you go the higher you get”. A completely true and profound statement, at least in my mind. It also gets me thinking that the something everyone may be hiding is their own true divine self! What do you think?
So for now use this simple exercise to get calm, centered, balanced and down into the depths of you. This will allow you to find and connect to the true you
So sit comfortably, simply take a few calming breaths. Relax your body and your mind.
Now, when you breathe in imagine and feel the breath entering into the top of the head into the center of the brain or pineal gland located there. Realize that this breath is special. This is no ordinary breath! It is the breath of life itself, the energy/God filled breath of all creation filling and expanding in your brain.
Now on the exhale push the breath down from the brain center into the body. That’s right! Feel the breath surge down through the body, into the chest, arms, hips and down to the feet. Your whole body expanding with this breath!
Try this for a minute or two and tell me you don’t feel awesome!
Now, you can take this even further with a little practice. After you have done this technique tied to the breath, start to imagine and feel that the flow of energy and divineness as a continual stream entering into the top of the head -pineal gland- brain area. That’s right, a constant flow like a faucet that doesn’t shut off but continues to pour in. The trick here is to remember to open your mind. Remain open!
Now realize that while this divine energy stream is flowing and coming in, you can open the brain and allow it to flow through down into the body automatically. That’s right.. The energy coming through the brain area down into the body filling every cell of your being with this pure, healing , vibrant, divine energy. Another trick here to fully open the gate to your body is in the throat area. You might feel a little resistance at this spot. Simply command the area to open. That’s right, you are in charge, simply command the area to be open. Feel the area flow and open. You may do this with any resistance you find. For example, some people may have to consciously command the heart area to open.
This is a truly powerful technique, if you give it a few minutes a day it deserves.
As you do this technique you may ultimately imagine the energy stream flowing completely through your body, down into the earth and passing through the earth to be recycled up into the universe. To be purified and renewed, to once again be brought back and used by you again and again.
The only limits that are here, are the ones you impose on your self.
Feel this flow every moment of the day and you cannot lose!
As always you may find more techniques and inspirational content at my website http://www.spiritunitedsourcecenter.com/
and blog - http://www.iamhelp4u.blogspot.com/
Love and blessings,
That’s right! It is about a continual centering and balancing of your being. If you don’t do this you end up unbalanced and out of kilter. It shows up as a feeling of being somehow off and not right. Of course this is easier to keep track of if you practice awareness.
It takes a depth of knowingness and familiarity with who you are. Believe it or not there are many people out there who only skim and ride on the surface of their own personage. They never dive into who they are. They never experience the depths of their being. This leaves them not ever finding or knowing their true self. This is the biggest shame out there!
Take this moment, to find your true self, right now ! It really is easy.
Go ahead, break the surface and dive. It will be alright, I promise!
As the great Beatles song Everybody ‘s Got Something to Hide(except for me and my monkey) says “the deeper you go the higher you get”. A completely true and profound statement, at least in my mind. It also gets me thinking that the something everyone may be hiding is their own true divine self! What do you think?
So for now use this simple exercise to get calm, centered, balanced and down into the depths of you. This will allow you to find and connect to the true you
So sit comfortably, simply take a few calming breaths. Relax your body and your mind.
Now, when you breathe in imagine and feel the breath entering into the top of the head into the center of the brain or pineal gland located there. Realize that this breath is special. This is no ordinary breath! It is the breath of life itself, the energy/God filled breath of all creation filling and expanding in your brain.
Now on the exhale push the breath down from the brain center into the body. That’s right! Feel the breath surge down through the body, into the chest, arms, hips and down to the feet. Your whole body expanding with this breath!
Try this for a minute or two and tell me you don’t feel awesome!
Now, you can take this even further with a little practice. After you have done this technique tied to the breath, start to imagine and feel that the flow of energy and divineness as a continual stream entering into the top of the head -pineal gland- brain area. That’s right, a constant flow like a faucet that doesn’t shut off but continues to pour in. The trick here is to remember to open your mind. Remain open!
Now realize that while this divine energy stream is flowing and coming in, you can open the brain and allow it to flow through down into the body automatically. That’s right.. The energy coming through the brain area down into the body filling every cell of your being with this pure, healing , vibrant, divine energy. Another trick here to fully open the gate to your body is in the throat area. You might feel a little resistance at this spot. Simply command the area to open. That’s right, you are in charge, simply command the area to be open. Feel the area flow and open. You may do this with any resistance you find. For example, some people may have to consciously command the heart area to open.
This is a truly powerful technique, if you give it a few minutes a day it deserves.
As you do this technique you may ultimately imagine the energy stream flowing completely through your body, down into the earth and passing through the earth to be recycled up into the universe. To be purified and renewed, to once again be brought back and used by you again and again.
The only limits that are here, are the ones you impose on your self.
Feel this flow every moment of the day and you cannot lose!
As always you may find more techniques and inspirational content at my website http://www.spiritunitedsourcecenter.com/
and blog - http://www.iamhelp4u.blogspot.com/
Love and blessings,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
God is Love.
God is Life.
These are two true statements.
It brings to mind the choice each of us have to make in this world. We can either choose to hear God and the messenger of your higher self or you can choose not to. The choice not to choose automatically defaults to a level of living that follows the lower ego self.
To sum up this choice every day, you make decisions based between two pathways. Those pathways are “Spirit” or “Flesh”.
That’s right every choice we make, every daily decision is a testimony to which path you choose. Choosing the “Spirit” path empowers your body, mind and spirit to work within a context of harmony, balance and inner peace. Having the guidance of your higher self is a sure thing. For your higher self has access to resources beyond your understanding. Beyond your limiting concepts of space or time. There is no restriction. With God all things are possible. No matter what your logical, analytical, criticizing ego mind might think.
For you see when you choose the “Flesh” path, you encounter limitations and roadblocks. With your limited views, beliefs and capabilities there is no possible way you can succeed. You just do not have the correct guidance. The ego is what might be termed a false prophet. It speaks a lot about all the things you want to hear but it can never truly deliver them. It only supplies failure and suffering. This is a fact. One that each and every person will have to come to terms with. This fact is typically received in an aha! moment or epiphany. When a person who has continually chosen the flesh path finally hits the bottom or hits the wall it leads to brokenness, it is in this breaking that one usually out of desperation, frustration, and a total surrendering all of a sudden cries out for help. In their pain they call out. Yet who are they calling to? The answer of course is to “Spirit”. They call out to the great Spirit in and of all things that some call God.
At this lowest moment they are lifted. They are lifted, soothed and comforted as a mother would comfort a loved child. Their cares and worries are washed away with a wave of unconditional love. Their minds are renewed and purified. Their life is changed in one defining moment. God plants the seed. The beginning of consciousness. The beginning of self realization. An opening of the heart and mind. A remembrance of the relationship that should be the experience of every moment. A calling from home, to come home.
The above is a powerful moment that occurs typically only once in a life, as that is all that is needed. However you have the choice not to have the actual experience of the broken state.
That’s right!
All you need to do is consciously choose the path of “Spirit” now to effectively start from where you are today.
Take the initiative, get pro-active, connect to your higher self and be led home.
There you will remember your true glory, your true love and your true joy!
For you see, God is always waiting and always listening.
That’s right, you are never alone but you have to willingly and actively invite “Spirit” into your life
When you call, you will be answered. When you seek, you will find.
When you remember that, you have the key!
For more inspiring articles and info visit our site at:
God is Life.
These are two true statements.
It brings to mind the choice each of us have to make in this world. We can either choose to hear God and the messenger of your higher self or you can choose not to. The choice not to choose automatically defaults to a level of living that follows the lower ego self.
To sum up this choice every day, you make decisions based between two pathways. Those pathways are “Spirit” or “Flesh”.
That’s right every choice we make, every daily decision is a testimony to which path you choose. Choosing the “Spirit” path empowers your body, mind and spirit to work within a context of harmony, balance and inner peace. Having the guidance of your higher self is a sure thing. For your higher self has access to resources beyond your understanding. Beyond your limiting concepts of space or time. There is no restriction. With God all things are possible. No matter what your logical, analytical, criticizing ego mind might think.
For you see when you choose the “Flesh” path, you encounter limitations and roadblocks. With your limited views, beliefs and capabilities there is no possible way you can succeed. You just do not have the correct guidance. The ego is what might be termed a false prophet. It speaks a lot about all the things you want to hear but it can never truly deliver them. It only supplies failure and suffering. This is a fact. One that each and every person will have to come to terms with. This fact is typically received in an aha! moment or epiphany. When a person who has continually chosen the flesh path finally hits the bottom or hits the wall it leads to brokenness, it is in this breaking that one usually out of desperation, frustration, and a total surrendering all of a sudden cries out for help. In their pain they call out. Yet who are they calling to? The answer of course is to “Spirit”. They call out to the great Spirit in and of all things that some call God.
At this lowest moment they are lifted. They are lifted, soothed and comforted as a mother would comfort a loved child. Their cares and worries are washed away with a wave of unconditional love. Their minds are renewed and purified. Their life is changed in one defining moment. God plants the seed. The beginning of consciousness. The beginning of self realization. An opening of the heart and mind. A remembrance of the relationship that should be the experience of every moment. A calling from home, to come home.
The above is a powerful moment that occurs typically only once in a life, as that is all that is needed. However you have the choice not to have the actual experience of the broken state.
That’s right!
All you need to do is consciously choose the path of “Spirit” now to effectively start from where you are today.
Take the initiative, get pro-active, connect to your higher self and be led home.
There you will remember your true glory, your true love and your true joy!
For you see, God is always waiting and always listening.
That’s right, you are never alone but you have to willingly and actively invite “Spirit” into your life
When you call, you will be answered. When you seek, you will find.
When you remember that, you have the key!
For more inspiring articles and info visit our site at:
Friday, October 17, 2008
Great Day!
Hope i have found everyone in a great mood, i know i am.
The point of that is it should be as no surprise that i am in a great mood because i continually strive to be in that great mood. It actually takes a little work, a little will power, a little understanding of truth and a little understanding of who i am. Put all those together and you will be in a great mood too. No matter what may be happening in your world on the outside. Nothing can touch that inner core, that inner joy that you have cultivated! That's right! It goes back to the life essence spark you were born with. It is there no matter what you may think, it is definitely there!
The acorn has it, the bulb of a flower has it. It is their natural tendency to cultivate and grow in it. That could be the crucial difference in your life. Are you cultivating this God given essence? Is it growing within you? Are you keeping your mind and heart fertile?
If you don't know then i think it might be a problem. If you could answer with a definite yes to the questions above then you are on the right track. If not then you need to start feeding your mind inspirational content. Start slowing down your processes to enjoy and reflect on the beauty of life. For life is truly beautiful. If you are not seeing that then you need to search your mind for the cause. Once again , that's right. I said search your mind, for the effects out there in the world start as a cause in your own mind.
You might be incredulous at this point saying what do i have to do with poverty, and suffering and war and hate.
My answer is i don't know, check your mind! Are you cultivating love, joy , peace and abundance in every moment? Are you exemplifying mercy and compassion? Are you extending forgiveness?
If not, then you need to contemplate those simple truths every day and every moment till you do.
Have a great day!! I am!
Thanks ,
P.S.- check out this awesome "9 Intense Experiences" i recently found and will be talking about more at a later date.
go to: http://www.the9intenseexperiences.com/?a_aid=d8da0a51
Love and blessings
The point of that is it should be as no surprise that i am in a great mood because i continually strive to be in that great mood. It actually takes a little work, a little will power, a little understanding of truth and a little understanding of who i am. Put all those together and you will be in a great mood too. No matter what may be happening in your world on the outside. Nothing can touch that inner core, that inner joy that you have cultivated! That's right! It goes back to the life essence spark you were born with. It is there no matter what you may think, it is definitely there!
The acorn has it, the bulb of a flower has it. It is their natural tendency to cultivate and grow in it. That could be the crucial difference in your life. Are you cultivating this God given essence? Is it growing within you? Are you keeping your mind and heart fertile?
If you don't know then i think it might be a problem. If you could answer with a definite yes to the questions above then you are on the right track. If not then you need to start feeding your mind inspirational content. Start slowing down your processes to enjoy and reflect on the beauty of life. For life is truly beautiful. If you are not seeing that then you need to search your mind for the cause. Once again , that's right. I said search your mind, for the effects out there in the world start as a cause in your own mind.
You might be incredulous at this point saying what do i have to do with poverty, and suffering and war and hate.
My answer is i don't know, check your mind! Are you cultivating love, joy , peace and abundance in every moment? Are you exemplifying mercy and compassion? Are you extending forgiveness?
If not, then you need to contemplate those simple truths every day and every moment till you do.
Have a great day!! I am!
Thanks ,
P.S.- check out this awesome "9 Intense Experiences" i recently found and will be talking about more at a later date.
go to: http://www.the9intenseexperiences.com/?a_aid=d8da0a51
Love and blessings
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What Is Your Success Distance?
by David Cameron Gikandi
The ease and speed at which you get from point A to B depends on the distance between point A and B. So, what is the distance between you and success in whatever field you choose? What is the distance between you and success in your marketing, financial, relationship, happiness or health matters? It does not matter what you are looking to succeed at – the principle here is the same.
Success Distance is measured by three components: Body, Mind, and Soul or in other words physical distance, intellectual knowledge and emotional bearing. Let us examine each one.
Body, or physical distance, is simply the physical distance in miles between you and your marketplace, your target health point, or your relationship partner. Physical distance is the easiest distance component to understand, so we shall not spend too much time on it. It is all about location. Like they say in real estate, it is all about location, location, and location. Where are you physically in relation to your marketplace, target health point, or your relationship partner? Are you easy or hard to get in touch with? Do you network with people in similar situations so you can help each other out? Do you live near your most attractive marketplaces, target health point, or your relationship partner? If you do business online, can people find you easily through links from other web sites, search engines, articles and so on? Is it easy to order from you, help you, and be with you? Always keep improving and shortening your physical distance.
Mind or intellectual knowledge is next. It is even more powerful than physical distance. The only thing more powerful than it is Soul or emotional distance. To put it simply, you are paid for the knowledge that you posses and express. A doctor is paid for medical knowledge, but only when she uses it to heal, when she expresses it. So is a plumber, and so on. So it is very obvious that to get more success in any area of life, you must improve your knowledge of that area of life. In that way, you are shortening the distance between you and that area, by coming to know it for what it really is instead of what you think it is. It is the errors in your thinking that cause ‘failure’. Failure is merely a gentle prodding telling you that you need to fix an error in thought. So read. Ask. In fact, learn to ask your Higher Self questions. Ask and you shall always receive. Just formulate your question and consciously ask your Higher Self this question. There is no particular way of doing it – your Self is always listening and knows when your attention is directed to it. It is only you who have been ignoring it because of too much worry and mental noise. Ask. Then drop your worries and be observant! In the very next moment, or day, or person, or movie, or magazine, or book you see on the bookshelf, your answer will have been brought to you. Trust me, ask your Higher Self a question and within minutes or hours or perhaps a day or so, if you are aware and observant, you will be led to exactly the right place to find your answer. The answer may not be the one you expect, but it will be the one that will lead you to success, even if at first you may not see how.
Finally, but most importantly, is your Soul, or emotional distance. Simply put, you are an energy system. You are not a chunk of flesh, you are energy. If you were to magnify yourself, you would find that you are made of cells, which are in turn made up of molecules of various substances. These are in turn made up of atoms. And atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. An electron is an energy packet. Yes, you are one big ball of energy. And so is everything else. And here is what you are here to do: to experience energy in motion, to experience e-motion, emotions. At every moment, even if you are not aware of it, you are feeling a certain emotion. And whatever emotion that is, it resonates and attracts similar energy systems around you. So when you are happy, you attract happy conditions. Your inner state creates your outside experience. Therefore, the most important thing is this: how do you FEEL Now? Always, all ways, it matters most how you feel now, because that is what creates your experiences. To succeed, you must bridge the emotional distance between you and the thing you wish to succeed in. to succeed in finances, you must heal all feelings of negativity towards money, low self-esteem, poor self worth, victim mentality, certain fears, and so on. These feelings push you away from money, no matter how hard you work. Effort begets the results of effort, nothing more or less. And the result of effort, if you haven’t noticed, is much strain. Look, if hard work was all you needed to succeed, half this planet would be rich. How obvious is that. People work like dogs nowadays! Anyway, let us move on. To succeed in your relationships, you must be love itself, yourself. Unconditional love. All other feelings of fear and so on increase the distance between you and your success. And to succeed in health, again you shorten the distance by increasing your self-love, self-esteem, and dropping worry and fear. By the way, when I say ‘drop fear’ I do not mean that you resist it. No. in fat, what you resist persists and grows stronger. I mean that you face it, embrace it, look at it directly, find its original cause in your life, forgive all of it, and you will see that it was just a cloud of smoke, it was nothing really.
Well, there you go. You are now armed with some very easy to follow, logical processes that will get you where you wish to be. Well, it is a start, but you must follow through yourself – no one can do it for you. People can only guide and help you but you must choose and act yourself. Don’t let your old fears imprison you for ever. The pain of life-long mediocrity is greater than the pain of changing. Just do it! If you wish to learn more about the above processes and wealth consciousness,
Please go here for more... and free downloads!
by David Cameron Gikandi
The ease and speed at which you get from point A to B depends on the distance between point A and B. So, what is the distance between you and success in whatever field you choose? What is the distance between you and success in your marketing, financial, relationship, happiness or health matters? It does not matter what you are looking to succeed at – the principle here is the same.
Success Distance is measured by three components: Body, Mind, and Soul or in other words physical distance, intellectual knowledge and emotional bearing. Let us examine each one.
Body, or physical distance, is simply the physical distance in miles between you and your marketplace, your target health point, or your relationship partner. Physical distance is the easiest distance component to understand, so we shall not spend too much time on it. It is all about location. Like they say in real estate, it is all about location, location, and location. Where are you physically in relation to your marketplace, target health point, or your relationship partner? Are you easy or hard to get in touch with? Do you network with people in similar situations so you can help each other out? Do you live near your most attractive marketplaces, target health point, or your relationship partner? If you do business online, can people find you easily through links from other web sites, search engines, articles and so on? Is it easy to order from you, help you, and be with you? Always keep improving and shortening your physical distance.
Mind or intellectual knowledge is next. It is even more powerful than physical distance. The only thing more powerful than it is Soul or emotional distance. To put it simply, you are paid for the knowledge that you posses and express. A doctor is paid for medical knowledge, but only when she uses it to heal, when she expresses it. So is a plumber, and so on. So it is very obvious that to get more success in any area of life, you must improve your knowledge of that area of life. In that way, you are shortening the distance between you and that area, by coming to know it for what it really is instead of what you think it is. It is the errors in your thinking that cause ‘failure’. Failure is merely a gentle prodding telling you that you need to fix an error in thought. So read. Ask. In fact, learn to ask your Higher Self questions. Ask and you shall always receive. Just formulate your question and consciously ask your Higher Self this question. There is no particular way of doing it – your Self is always listening and knows when your attention is directed to it. It is only you who have been ignoring it because of too much worry and mental noise. Ask. Then drop your worries and be observant! In the very next moment, or day, or person, or movie, or magazine, or book you see on the bookshelf, your answer will have been brought to you. Trust me, ask your Higher Self a question and within minutes or hours or perhaps a day or so, if you are aware and observant, you will be led to exactly the right place to find your answer. The answer may not be the one you expect, but it will be the one that will lead you to success, even if at first you may not see how.
Finally, but most importantly, is your Soul, or emotional distance. Simply put, you are an energy system. You are not a chunk of flesh, you are energy. If you were to magnify yourself, you would find that you are made of cells, which are in turn made up of molecules of various substances. These are in turn made up of atoms. And atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. An electron is an energy packet. Yes, you are one big ball of energy. And so is everything else. And here is what you are here to do: to experience energy in motion, to experience e-motion, emotions. At every moment, even if you are not aware of it, you are feeling a certain emotion. And whatever emotion that is, it resonates and attracts similar energy systems around you. So when you are happy, you attract happy conditions. Your inner state creates your outside experience. Therefore, the most important thing is this: how do you FEEL Now? Always, all ways, it matters most how you feel now, because that is what creates your experiences. To succeed, you must bridge the emotional distance between you and the thing you wish to succeed in. to succeed in finances, you must heal all feelings of negativity towards money, low self-esteem, poor self worth, victim mentality, certain fears, and so on. These feelings push you away from money, no matter how hard you work. Effort begets the results of effort, nothing more or less. And the result of effort, if you haven’t noticed, is much strain. Look, if hard work was all you needed to succeed, half this planet would be rich. How obvious is that. People work like dogs nowadays! Anyway, let us move on. To succeed in your relationships, you must be love itself, yourself. Unconditional love. All other feelings of fear and so on increase the distance between you and your success. And to succeed in health, again you shorten the distance by increasing your self-love, self-esteem, and dropping worry and fear. By the way, when I say ‘drop fear’ I do not mean that you resist it. No. in fat, what you resist persists and grows stronger. I mean that you face it, embrace it, look at it directly, find its original cause in your life, forgive all of it, and you will see that it was just a cloud of smoke, it was nothing really.
Well, there you go. You are now armed with some very easy to follow, logical processes that will get you where you wish to be. Well, it is a start, but you must follow through yourself – no one can do it for you. People can only guide and help you but you must choose and act yourself. Don’t let your old fears imprison you for ever. The pain of life-long mediocrity is greater than the pain of changing. Just do it! If you wish to learn more about the above processes and wealth consciousness,
Please go here for more... and free downloads!
Monday, October 13, 2008
I get the best inspirations at night. Usually somewhere between 1-5 am. Last night was no exception.
I had read a little story the day before about the importance of breathing. It was included in the Crimson Circle Newsletter for this month. I had also been digesting the most recent channeled message from them, really powerful! If you are not familiar with their work then check them out at: www.CrimsonCircle.com
You can literally feel the energy come off the page as you read the latest channeled message!
The point is this. Everyone breathes.
The real question is, are you consciously breathing?
By following the breath you connect to the source of life or God. Yes, it is this simple and this easy. You need to understand that every breath you take is an inhalation of the God force or the essence of life itself. So every time you breathe, you breathe in a little spark of divinity.
Now there are a couple of techniques that can be used to consciously breathe. The first is to center your awareness on the tip of the nose and follow the breath on the in and out. Try it right now! Breathing consciously for just a few moments. It brings such peace, such a level of relaxation. It literally sweeps the mind!
Now the next technique i love to use is to breathe in and on the exhale breathe it back into your body. This is an extremely powerful technique. The best place to start is to breathe in and then send the out breath to your energy or chi storage area located right below your navel. Do this for a minute or two. After you get acustomed to this technique you can send your exhale/awareness to your entire body or any specific area you want to. What it does is narrows and focuses your mind into a type of dynamic meditation centered on your breath. This technique will help heal ailments, ease emotions and will supply a myriad of other benefits. You can also focus on breathing through the chakras if you are familiar with them. If you want more info then visit my site, i have a great article on chakra breathing.
The point is this.
Learn to breathe, it will help you through the tougher times in life.
Learn to breathe, it will deepen your connection to your true self.
Learn to breathe and you will dissolve fear, doubt and worry.
Learn to breathe and happiness shall be!
I had read a little story the day before about the importance of breathing. It was included in the Crimson Circle Newsletter for this month. I had also been digesting the most recent channeled message from them, really powerful! If you are not familiar with their work then check them out at: www.CrimsonCircle.com
You can literally feel the energy come off the page as you read the latest channeled message!
The point is this. Everyone breathes.
The real question is, are you consciously breathing?
By following the breath you connect to the source of life or God. Yes, it is this simple and this easy. You need to understand that every breath you take is an inhalation of the God force or the essence of life itself. So every time you breathe, you breathe in a little spark of divinity.
Now there are a couple of techniques that can be used to consciously breathe. The first is to center your awareness on the tip of the nose and follow the breath on the in and out. Try it right now! Breathing consciously for just a few moments. It brings such peace, such a level of relaxation. It literally sweeps the mind!
Now the next technique i love to use is to breathe in and on the exhale breathe it back into your body. This is an extremely powerful technique. The best place to start is to breathe in and then send the out breath to your energy or chi storage area located right below your navel. Do this for a minute or two. After you get acustomed to this technique you can send your exhale/awareness to your entire body or any specific area you want to. What it does is narrows and focuses your mind into a type of dynamic meditation centered on your breath. This technique will help heal ailments, ease emotions and will supply a myriad of other benefits. You can also focus on breathing through the chakras if you are familiar with them. If you want more info then visit my site, i have a great article on chakra breathing.
The point is this.
Learn to breathe, it will help you through the tougher times in life.
Learn to breathe, it will deepen your connection to your true self.
Learn to breathe and you will dissolve fear, doubt and worry.
Learn to breathe and happiness shall be!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Self Empowerment
I want to take today to talk about the whole purpose of this blog and the "SpiritUnited Source Center" website. This ties in with the title- Self Empowerment.
This is what it is all about. It means the power is in you. If you are giving your power away then you will not survive. If you are trying to find happiness and contentment in anything out in the external world, then you are searching in vain!
The answer lies in being self centered and self empowered.
I did not say selfish. I said self centered. This means to be centered within your true self. If you have followed anything i have said or written then you know that to me "true self" means God or your infinite source of creation within.
This force within is not seperate from who you think you are, it is the true essence of the true actuality and potentiality of all you are.
The oak tree starts with an acorn. Within the acorn is the same potentiality and code for life that is within you. The spark of life within an acorn is God. The spark of life within you is God.
The acorn in it's beginning form and in it's end form still is the potentiality and actualization of this God force, it is not seperate from it nor can it be seperated from it!
By the same token the God force within you at the beginning of this human life is still within you, it cannot be seperated from you, ever! So you may wonder why do people seem to be seperate or think themselves seperate from this force?
The answer is in the illusion. The great illusion that surrounds you at all times. For you see truth is covered and hidden from you as you grow. It is scolded out of you . it is reprimanded out of you. Anything and everything was done to make sure that you were normalized and acceptable within the eyes of the society that raised you. Why?
Because they didn't know any better. Finding the God within is a choice. You must choose to look and see. You must go within and connect. You must fight against all you have ever been taught and ever known. All your thoughts and perceptions have to be examined in the light of truth.
Most people don't want to move out of their comfort zone, so they don't. They use any reason or excuse to stay where they are. They blame everyone else and everything outside themselves to not look at the truth within their hearts.
It takes a strength of will to penetrate the illusion, it takes the strength to take that first step.
One tiny step is all it takes. One tiny miracle is all that will be needed to propel you down a completely different path.
I am here to deliver that miracle to you.
Are you ready to awaken? Are you willing?
Awaken now!
Awaken to the fact that the divine essence is within you. Awaken to the fact that what you think and believe is either drawing you closer or moving you further away from your true inner source.
I believe it was Henry Ford who said " If you believe you can , your right! If you believe you can't, your right!"
You see, you have the power to make your reality. Accept your inner power, accept the responsibility that is part of your power. The omnipotent potential of your creator is within you.
As he creates , so do you! You can create hell or heaven, the choice is yours!
IT is your job to uncover or realize your truth! To empower your self! You are the master and commander of your life. Do not let others control you. Do not put limitations on your self!
To help you on this journey i have created the "Empowerment Sessions". These sessions will start to have you realize your true potential. You will start uncovering your truth layer by layer. You will start realizing the programs and habits that have been controlling you will now be yours to control. For you see, ultimitely you have the choice!
Start today to unlock your inner power! Visit our resource and support center at
Go ahead and find the articles, books and materials to start feeding and inspiring higher truth within your life but make sure to join with us today to receive your life transforming "Empowerment Sessions" now! They are the doorway to a miracle!
We are on a grand adventure of a lifetime and we want you with us!
Join Now!
This is what it is all about. It means the power is in you. If you are giving your power away then you will not survive. If you are trying to find happiness and contentment in anything out in the external world, then you are searching in vain!
The answer lies in being self centered and self empowered.
I did not say selfish. I said self centered. This means to be centered within your true self. If you have followed anything i have said or written then you know that to me "true self" means God or your infinite source of creation within.
This force within is not seperate from who you think you are, it is the true essence of the true actuality and potentiality of all you are.
The oak tree starts with an acorn. Within the acorn is the same potentiality and code for life that is within you. The spark of life within an acorn is God. The spark of life within you is God.
The acorn in it's beginning form and in it's end form still is the potentiality and actualization of this God force, it is not seperate from it nor can it be seperated from it!
By the same token the God force within you at the beginning of this human life is still within you, it cannot be seperated from you, ever! So you may wonder why do people seem to be seperate or think themselves seperate from this force?
The answer is in the illusion. The great illusion that surrounds you at all times. For you see truth is covered and hidden from you as you grow. It is scolded out of you . it is reprimanded out of you. Anything and everything was done to make sure that you were normalized and acceptable within the eyes of the society that raised you. Why?
Because they didn't know any better. Finding the God within is a choice. You must choose to look and see. You must go within and connect. You must fight against all you have ever been taught and ever known. All your thoughts and perceptions have to be examined in the light of truth.
Most people don't want to move out of their comfort zone, so they don't. They use any reason or excuse to stay where they are. They blame everyone else and everything outside themselves to not look at the truth within their hearts.
It takes a strength of will to penetrate the illusion, it takes the strength to take that first step.
One tiny step is all it takes. One tiny miracle is all that will be needed to propel you down a completely different path.
I am here to deliver that miracle to you.
Are you ready to awaken? Are you willing?
Awaken now!
Awaken to the fact that the divine essence is within you. Awaken to the fact that what you think and believe is either drawing you closer or moving you further away from your true inner source.
I believe it was Henry Ford who said " If you believe you can , your right! If you believe you can't, your right!"
You see, you have the power to make your reality. Accept your inner power, accept the responsibility that is part of your power. The omnipotent potential of your creator is within you.
As he creates , so do you! You can create hell or heaven, the choice is yours!
IT is your job to uncover or realize your truth! To empower your self! You are the master and commander of your life. Do not let others control you. Do not put limitations on your self!
To help you on this journey i have created the "Empowerment Sessions". These sessions will start to have you realize your true potential. You will start uncovering your truth layer by layer. You will start realizing the programs and habits that have been controlling you will now be yours to control. For you see, ultimitely you have the choice!
Start today to unlock your inner power! Visit our resource and support center at
Go ahead and find the articles, books and materials to start feeding and inspiring higher truth within your life but make sure to join with us today to receive your life transforming "Empowerment Sessions" now! They are the doorway to a miracle!
We are on a grand adventure of a lifetime and we want you with us!
Join Now!
Monday, October 6, 2008
A day of gratitude
I would like to take today to express my gratitude and thankfulness to God.
My life is truly a blessing. I have a wonderful wife who challenges me every day and keeps me on my toes. I can honestly say that I don’t think I would be the person I am without her to help keep me on track.
I have 3 beautiful children, who are bright, active, enthusiastic and healthy.
I live in a comfortable and loving home that I enjoy being at.
I have been blessed with the money that I have needed to live a wonderful life and I wholeheartedly expect to continue receiving unlimited financial abundance daily.
I can say with assuredness that my blessings stem from one source.
I am fortunate to have an incredible and close connection to my higher self and God. I am so happy that I have cultivated, searched for and committed myself to this connection to my true source. It really is my passion in life!
I believe, with my whole heart, that true success comes from your connection to your true self(God) and your higher self(God’s messenger/Holy Spirit/ intuition). When you realize this fact then you become empowered and successful. All things flow from this source.
So, if you have not been cultivating this relationship to source, then I strongly suggest you start immediately. It is the most important foundation for any works you do in this life. For in knowing God, you know your true self. When you know truth you will discern reality from illusion. When you are able to understand that your higher self leads you out of illusion then you will know who to look to for guidance to help you dispel the illusions around you. When you understand the illusion then you do not invest into it or attach your self to it, as it is not real. This keeps your power in you, not out there in the illusion where you may have placed it. It is through non attachment to the illusion that true freedom is found.
“What is the illusion?” you may ask
I like to think of it in the context of a dream.
A dream at night is a projection of your consciousness. While you are in this projection it seems very real. You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. You seem to be just living normal life. Now take that scenario and apply it to your seemingly real life you live every day.
You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. It seems to be a normal life.
Could it be possible that you are living in a projection of your consciousness that to you, seems to be real? Could it be that at night you are dreaming within a dream? Would this be possible?
At this point you may be asking yourself. “What does it mean? Am I supposed to do something about it? What is the point?”
The point and answer is to start cultivating awareness. Awaken to what is real. That is the true goal and purpose!
That true goal and purpose is the union with your true self and infinite spirit(God). When you completely merge with spirit, realizing that your true essence is spiritual in form-not your physical body, then you will be able to access your true potential. That potential is actually an unlimited potentiality as you will be part of infinite spirit and have infinite resources, infinite abundance and infinite knowledge at your command.
So, the reality is not so much a “what to do” action step, but a “who being” or a “who becoming” step.
No wonder I feel blessed!
Train your mind with right perceptions and blessings will follow.
Peace, Love and Blessings,
Gavin Anderson
Visit my site where I am creating the adventure of a lifetime, join with me on this journey of self discovery, awakening and financial freedom. Realize and uncover your true potentiality and receive the blessings you truly deserve.
Set sail with us immediately and partake in the wonderful treasures that await our discovery.
The investment is little, the rewards are huge!
The journey starts with a single step.
Join Now.
My life is truly a blessing. I have a wonderful wife who challenges me every day and keeps me on my toes. I can honestly say that I don’t think I would be the person I am without her to help keep me on track.
I have 3 beautiful children, who are bright, active, enthusiastic and healthy.
I live in a comfortable and loving home that I enjoy being at.
I have been blessed with the money that I have needed to live a wonderful life and I wholeheartedly expect to continue receiving unlimited financial abundance daily.
I can say with assuredness that my blessings stem from one source.
I am fortunate to have an incredible and close connection to my higher self and God. I am so happy that I have cultivated, searched for and committed myself to this connection to my true source. It really is my passion in life!
I believe, with my whole heart, that true success comes from your connection to your true self(God) and your higher self(God’s messenger/Holy Spirit/ intuition). When you realize this fact then you become empowered and successful. All things flow from this source.
So, if you have not been cultivating this relationship to source, then I strongly suggest you start immediately. It is the most important foundation for any works you do in this life. For in knowing God, you know your true self. When you know truth you will discern reality from illusion. When you are able to understand that your higher self leads you out of illusion then you will know who to look to for guidance to help you dispel the illusions around you. When you understand the illusion then you do not invest into it or attach your self to it, as it is not real. This keeps your power in you, not out there in the illusion where you may have placed it. It is through non attachment to the illusion that true freedom is found.
“What is the illusion?” you may ask
I like to think of it in the context of a dream.
A dream at night is a projection of your consciousness. While you are in this projection it seems very real. You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. You seem to be just living normal life. Now take that scenario and apply it to your seemingly real life you live every day.
You interact with people, things happen, you feel emotions and feelings. It seems to be a normal life.
Could it be possible that you are living in a projection of your consciousness that to you, seems to be real? Could it be that at night you are dreaming within a dream? Would this be possible?
At this point you may be asking yourself. “What does it mean? Am I supposed to do something about it? What is the point?”
The point and answer is to start cultivating awareness. Awaken to what is real. That is the true goal and purpose!
That true goal and purpose is the union with your true self and infinite spirit(God). When you completely merge with spirit, realizing that your true essence is spiritual in form-not your physical body, then you will be able to access your true potential. That potential is actually an unlimited potentiality as you will be part of infinite spirit and have infinite resources, infinite abundance and infinite knowledge at your command.
So, the reality is not so much a “what to do” action step, but a “who being” or a “who becoming” step.
No wonder I feel blessed!
Train your mind with right perceptions and blessings will follow.
Peace, Love and Blessings,
Gavin Anderson
Visit my site where I am creating the adventure of a lifetime, join with me on this journey of self discovery, awakening and financial freedom. Realize and uncover your true potentiality and receive the blessings you truly deserve.
Set sail with us immediately and partake in the wonderful treasures that await our discovery.
The investment is little, the rewards are huge!
The journey starts with a single step.
Join Now.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
What do you want?
So what is it going to take, to get you to realize the true potential you have?
What will it take to motivate you to make some changes in your life?
What is it you want?
It reminds me about the 9/11 attacks. I knew that in reality it was a cry for help. But at the same time my immediate question was “ What do they want? Was it better food, is it new cars. Do they want better roads? What is it they want?
What is it that you want?
Most people ,by the time you get down to the core matter just want peace, they just want to be happy.
It might disguise itself in another form but what is it really?
Do you want more money, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a better job, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a relationship, why? So you will be happy.
You see it is not really what we think the things we want are. It is the state of being and the state of mind we really desire.
If you desire peace then you must be peace. If you desire happiness then you must be happiness
If you desire to be content and fulfilled then you must be content and fulfilled now!
Do not put your state of mind off on something in the future. When you say “oh I will be happy when I get that new job” or “I will be happy when I find the right person in my life”.
Those sayings are dooming your peaceful and joyous state of mind. You will never be happy because even if you did get those things you would say the same thing about something else ,it would be a never ending cycle. Be happy now and all the things you desire will come. You see it is actually the reverse of your thinking. If you wait upon happiness it will never be but if you be happy now it already is.
It is the same with finding the Kingdom of God. As Jesus stated “The kingdom is within you”.
Here is a secret that few actually know: The kingdom of God or Heaven is actually a state of being and a state of mind. It is not out there or up there, it is within you. All you need to do is live in it, connect to it and you shall have no worry, no fear and no doubt. It is this simple. Connect to and live in, the state of Heaven, God created in your heart and you shall prosper beyond your wildest dreams. All your desires shall be given as you will finally be capable of receiving your true and full inheritance.
Gavin Anderson
To learn more about living with blessings fom God, visit our site:
What will it take to motivate you to make some changes in your life?
What is it you want?
It reminds me about the 9/11 attacks. I knew that in reality it was a cry for help. But at the same time my immediate question was “ What do they want? Was it better food, is it new cars. Do they want better roads? What is it they want?
What is it that you want?
Most people ,by the time you get down to the core matter just want peace, they just want to be happy.
It might disguise itself in another form but what is it really?
Do you want more money, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a better job, why? So you will be happy.
Do you want a relationship, why? So you will be happy.
You see it is not really what we think the things we want are. It is the state of being and the state of mind we really desire.
If you desire peace then you must be peace. If you desire happiness then you must be happiness
If you desire to be content and fulfilled then you must be content and fulfilled now!
Do not put your state of mind off on something in the future. When you say “oh I will be happy when I get that new job” or “I will be happy when I find the right person in my life”.
Those sayings are dooming your peaceful and joyous state of mind. You will never be happy because even if you did get those things you would say the same thing about something else ,it would be a never ending cycle. Be happy now and all the things you desire will come. You see it is actually the reverse of your thinking. If you wait upon happiness it will never be but if you be happy now it already is.
It is the same with finding the Kingdom of God. As Jesus stated “The kingdom is within you”.
Here is a secret that few actually know: The kingdom of God or Heaven is actually a state of being and a state of mind. It is not out there or up there, it is within you. All you need to do is live in it, connect to it and you shall have no worry, no fear and no doubt. It is this simple. Connect to and live in, the state of Heaven, God created in your heart and you shall prosper beyond your wildest dreams. All your desires shall be given as you will finally be capable of receiving your true and full inheritance.
Gavin Anderson
To learn more about living with blessings fom God, visit our site:
The Blessing
I want every person that reads this to be blessed.
I bless you!
Now here is the question, did you receive it? Or did you block the blessing I just sent you.
It really is that simple. If you want it, it is there. If you consciously say you want it but didn’t receive it, why didn’t you?
You need to find out!
God has a blessing and miracle for you in each and every moment, are you receiving it?
Are you receptive and open or are you busy and closed minded. Does your life consist of the littleness of your self ego or the big expansiveness of the Holy Spirit and God.
It really does come down to choice. Every time I write something I always come back to the power of choice and thinking.
Choose not to let this world control your mind and your power. You have a divine inheritance that is all yours, start understanding what this means. Start reclaiming your personal and spiritual power. It is there if you want it.
Is your life out of your control? Do you have a suffering mind? If I took away your next paycheck would you be suffering. If your loved one was taken would you suffer. If you couldn’t have your favorite food or your favorite drink would you suffer. Do you see the attachments you have created? Where are your attachments?
Your state of mind should not be dependant upon external factors. You should not suffer when you miss a paycheck, you should not be so attached to anything that without it your world crumbles. Your happiness should not be dictated by the material things in your life. Your happiness should not hinge upon some future action or person. “If only I had more I would be happy. If only I could find someone than I would be happy. If only, if only, if only. This is the pattern of addiction and codependancy. It doesn’t matter what you are addicted to or dependant upon. It could be alcohol, it could be drugs, it could be sex, it could be cigarettes, it could be food, it could be your spouse . It is anything that gives you a sense of temporary relief from your suffering mind, it is your place to hide.
I am here to tell you that you do not need to hide. I am here to tell you that you are looking in the wrong place and you are following the wrong guide. PERIOD. No discussion needed.
That may get some of your panties in a bunch but it doesn’t make it not true. As a matter of fact if you have resistance and anger at the thought that you could be wrong imagine a giant red flag waving wildly. This is definitely a call to awaken for you.
One of the best sayings from Alcoholics Anonymous is “Your best thinking got you here”. That best thinking comes from your ego by the way.
So if you find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be, understand, your best thinking got you there! You are going to need help getting out of the mess that your best thinking got you into. You need to understand this as it implies that you need to come to a point of surrender. A point where you can say you have made some mistakes, you don’t know what to do and you need help. You have to ask. Sometimes a lot of us hold on and hold on till we are broken and crying but it doesn’t have to be that way. One of the basic spiritual laws is ask and you shall receive. If you do not ask and invite, then the holy spirit and God cannot enter. You have free will, even in your suffering, God will not violate your will, you have to invite him in. You have to choose to be guided by the holy spirit. It is this choice, this crying out that will transform your life and mind from suffering to incredible.
This is the first step. Ask God and the Holy Spirit for guidance. The next step is to do it over and over everyday for the rest of your life. If you continue to focus on God and his messenger, the Holy Spirit, you will be seeing and receiving those miracles and blessings everyday!
If you enjoyed this article and would like more blessings go to:
The Doorway to Health, Wealth and Spiritual Freedom
I bless you!
Now here is the question, did you receive it? Or did you block the blessing I just sent you.
It really is that simple. If you want it, it is there. If you consciously say you want it but didn’t receive it, why didn’t you?
You need to find out!
God has a blessing and miracle for you in each and every moment, are you receiving it?
Are you receptive and open or are you busy and closed minded. Does your life consist of the littleness of your self ego or the big expansiveness of the Holy Spirit and God.
It really does come down to choice. Every time I write something I always come back to the power of choice and thinking.
Choose not to let this world control your mind and your power. You have a divine inheritance that is all yours, start understanding what this means. Start reclaiming your personal and spiritual power. It is there if you want it.
Is your life out of your control? Do you have a suffering mind? If I took away your next paycheck would you be suffering. If your loved one was taken would you suffer. If you couldn’t have your favorite food or your favorite drink would you suffer. Do you see the attachments you have created? Where are your attachments?
Your state of mind should not be dependant upon external factors. You should not suffer when you miss a paycheck, you should not be so attached to anything that without it your world crumbles. Your happiness should not be dictated by the material things in your life. Your happiness should not hinge upon some future action or person. “If only I had more I would be happy. If only I could find someone than I would be happy. If only, if only, if only. This is the pattern of addiction and codependancy. It doesn’t matter what you are addicted to or dependant upon. It could be alcohol, it could be drugs, it could be sex, it could be cigarettes, it could be food, it could be your spouse . It is anything that gives you a sense of temporary relief from your suffering mind, it is your place to hide.
I am here to tell you that you do not need to hide. I am here to tell you that you are looking in the wrong place and you are following the wrong guide. PERIOD. No discussion needed.
That may get some of your panties in a bunch but it doesn’t make it not true. As a matter of fact if you have resistance and anger at the thought that you could be wrong imagine a giant red flag waving wildly. This is definitely a call to awaken for you.
One of the best sayings from Alcoholics Anonymous is “Your best thinking got you here”. That best thinking comes from your ego by the way.
So if you find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be, understand, your best thinking got you there! You are going to need help getting out of the mess that your best thinking got you into. You need to understand this as it implies that you need to come to a point of surrender. A point where you can say you have made some mistakes, you don’t know what to do and you need help. You have to ask. Sometimes a lot of us hold on and hold on till we are broken and crying but it doesn’t have to be that way. One of the basic spiritual laws is ask and you shall receive. If you do not ask and invite, then the holy spirit and God cannot enter. You have free will, even in your suffering, God will not violate your will, you have to invite him in. You have to choose to be guided by the holy spirit. It is this choice, this crying out that will transform your life and mind from suffering to incredible.
This is the first step. Ask God and the Holy Spirit for guidance. The next step is to do it over and over everyday for the rest of your life. If you continue to focus on God and his messenger, the Holy Spirit, you will be seeing and receiving those miracles and blessings everyday!
If you enjoyed this article and would like more blessings go to:
The Doorway to Health, Wealth and Spiritual Freedom
Spirit and Money
Thanks for joining me on my newly created blogsite.
Iwant to give you an overview of the material you will be seeing on this blog in future entries.
I will write most of the entries myself but am open to including anything that is good from the articles i can reprint here.
The content of my blogs will have two general avenues. First and foremost i will be talking about :
How to unlock your hidden power!
This is the most crucial aspect i believe every person on earth should be working on. The way to have everything you desire in this life is to set yourself on a spiritual path to find the true you. This includes all aspects like personal development and self growth. I will be talking about the steps and tools needed to propel yourself to higher levels of success. I will talk about miracles, perception and God. This will be the majority of the content. However this is a inner thing and each individual is unique, so typically it takes a while to go through the inner growth process. The spiritual journey is a lifetime journey but we are going to give you a jumpstart.
This brings me to our second topic. It is my mission to help you have a better life. The first topic mentioned above will do it and it will do it by itself every time, this is guaranteed. However there are some things that help out the journey above and the main item that helps the journey is a level of comfort to be able to focus and spend your precious time immersed on the journey to spirit. That's right, i am talking about MONEY!
Everyone wants more of it, every one likes the security it brings but most people can't seem to hold on to it or accumulate enough of it to ever get out of survival mode.
We are going to resolve this issue too! You are deserving of an abundance of wealth as we all are.
Today is the first step to realizing your true inner potential. Today we start unlocking your hidden inner power to create the life you dream about.
Stay tuned to this blog, visit our sites!
Love and blessings,
Iwant to give you an overview of the material you will be seeing on this blog in future entries.
I will write most of the entries myself but am open to including anything that is good from the articles i can reprint here.
The content of my blogs will have two general avenues. First and foremost i will be talking about :
How to unlock your hidden power!
This is the most crucial aspect i believe every person on earth should be working on. The way to have everything you desire in this life is to set yourself on a spiritual path to find the true you. This includes all aspects like personal development and self growth. I will be talking about the steps and tools needed to propel yourself to higher levels of success. I will talk about miracles, perception and God. This will be the majority of the content. However this is a inner thing and each individual is unique, so typically it takes a while to go through the inner growth process. The spiritual journey is a lifetime journey but we are going to give you a jumpstart.
This brings me to our second topic. It is my mission to help you have a better life. The first topic mentioned above will do it and it will do it by itself every time, this is guaranteed. However there are some things that help out the journey above and the main item that helps the journey is a level of comfort to be able to focus and spend your precious time immersed on the journey to spirit. That's right, i am talking about MONEY!
Everyone wants more of it, every one likes the security it brings but most people can't seem to hold on to it or accumulate enough of it to ever get out of survival mode.
We are going to resolve this issue too! You are deserving of an abundance of wealth as we all are.
Today is the first step to realizing your true inner potential. Today we start unlocking your hidden inner power to create the life you dream about.
Stay tuned to this blog, visit our sites!
Love and blessings,
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