“I am not as dumb as I look, but I have surely found out I am not as smart as I think I am either.”
- Gavin Anderson
I am almost convinced that a secret in life is “Don’t Think”.
I believe the reality of that statement is in the actual fact that most typical and daily thoughts that I and others may be thinking are faulty at their foundation. They stem from bad beliefs. In other words a thought based on a foundation of illusion is worthless and can’t possibly be correct but people will fight to the end to defend that thought or point of view because they believe it to be true. So true, in fact, that they have built their house on it. If they admit it is illusion, the house falls. (exactly like our USA economy right now- total illusion, Watch it fall!)
Even after you come to the realization that you cannot figure it out on your own, you still bang your head against the wall trying and insisting that you should be able to. Why?
It is these expectations and “shoulds” that you would be wise in eradicating. They are your false images of what your life should be according to you. Every time you find a discrepancy between what you think your life should be and how it really is, is a time you suffer. You suffer not because of the reality but because it doesn’t match your expectation.
Could we possibly live with no expectations? Could we live without judgments? Could we actually accept life as it really is and not try to image it into our little mold? Could we let perfection be perfect?
I have come to some answers that seem to be true.
1) I don’t know the answers ( always a humbling moment! The real answer is you can’t know the answers through your intellect but the good news is you and I don’t ever really have to! Please start accepting it, it is alright not knowing, just follow the heart and you will realize.)
2) I am not the Judge ( this is where most people over step their boundaries, I KNOW I WAS in this particular area, for some reason it has taken me some serious hard knocks to realize that this is not my job, I believe the ego inflates our own image of self importance, keep a watchful eye on yours. It is not your responsibility to judge right or wrong… let it be. When people want help they will ask for it.)
3) I only have to work on myself to help others (prove your self truth and everything else falls in place)
4) Forgetting is a blessing and a curse ( I think most of us can understand this one, sometimes it feels difficult to know and realize truth, forgetting and denial are easier. I personally take solace in the words of Jesus “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. I already have experienced and know this statement as truth but when the wind blows with hurricane force, it helps as a reminder.)
5) Walk with God ( in this state of realization and being you will never take a wrong turn and never ever worry or regret a moment, align your self now to connect, walk, dance, play, run and live with God in every moment and you are free)
Start reflecting on these and see what comes to you.
Hope it helps
Each and every one of us could be open to new perspectives and perceptions...Open your mind and heal your self... be willing to grow
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
True Guidance
What is it all about?
What is the point? What is the purpose?
Can life be fun?
Does it always have to be so much work?
The answer is sometimes. Indeed sometimes it does call for work. Sometimes it does call for play. Sometimes it calls for relaxing. Sometimes it calls for rest and sometimes it calls for action and persistence. Once we realize that we encompass the full spectrum of life with all it’s different emotions/feelings , thoughts , actions and beliefs, we can start to sort it out.
Take a look inside and see if you can’t separate out all the pieces that make you, you.
Go through your feelings and evaluate them. Do you feel good? Is there a nagging that is tugging at you? What is it?
Are you feeling unhappy? If so, where are you feeling unhappy?
Evaluate the different areas. Is it your relationship? Is it your location? Is it your finances? Is it stress at work? Is it your home life? Is it your body? Is it your friends?
Where are these feelings coming from and what is it exactly that you feel?
Now once you have thoroughly reflected upon, looked at, internalized and evaluated your feelings, here is the big question. What can be done to make the feelings you do not like different?
Here is the point of change, but be careful and do not think you can get out of the messes you made with the same mind that got you there.
This is the point where you have to surrender to your higher self. You see there is a very simple way to think about this.
Life is like a journey through a giant maze. There are twists and turns with miles and miles of maze to walk through. The walls are impenetrable and give no clue, you cannot see through them or over them or around them. All you can do is keep walking and searching and keep hoping that you are going the right way. Every time you hit a dead end all you can do is turn around and trudge back to some other point to head a different way.
Is this really the way it is or has to be?
This is the way it is for most people but it is not the way it has to be.
The key to your own help is your higher self. You see your higher self has a different perspective. Your higher self looks down from above and can see the path you are on. Your higher self can look ahead and see where the path you are on will lead.
From your small perspective within the maze you see almost nothing but you are somehow determined to keep pushing through from that low perspective. This can be quite demoralizing and fatiguing. Dead end after dead end, wrong turn after wrong turn. Just hoping for some sign that you are headed in a good direction and that you haven’t been wandering the same path for the last ten years, going round and round, going nowhere.
With just the simple intent to connect to your higher self you could find the correct path!
But that is not the end, it is just the beginning. The obstacles and pitfalls throughout the maze are still along the path but with the correct guidance you could easily overcome and get around all the difficulties that may lay in the way.
The key is to actually listen for, receive and follow the directions that come to you.
If for instance you have been wandering around the maze hitting dead ends and walking in circles for the last year or so until you finally get so disgusted You actually stop and get still and ask, “Help me where do I go.”
You would hear the answered whispered “ why don’t you climb that small wall right there to your left”
You could look to your left and realize that there was a small wall that is scalable and you could get into a new area.
The problem would be that some people would believe that they couldn’t make it over the wall so they would continue going in circles on the same path they have been on. Literally ignoring the guidance they asked for earlier.
The moral is get connected to a higher perspective, your heavenly self, and have the wisdom to follow the guidance you receive.
Trust! Would you lead yourself wrong? Your higher heavenly self won’t but your lower ego self does all the time and then it lies about it and you think everything is ok.
Ask for wisdom, guidance and discernment to know truth.
God bless,
What is it all about?
What is the point? What is the purpose?
Can life be fun?
Does it always have to be so much work?
The answer is sometimes. Indeed sometimes it does call for work. Sometimes it does call for play. Sometimes it calls for relaxing. Sometimes it calls for rest and sometimes it calls for action and persistence. Once we realize that we encompass the full spectrum of life with all it’s different emotions/feelings , thoughts , actions and beliefs, we can start to sort it out.
Take a look inside and see if you can’t separate out all the pieces that make you, you.
Go through your feelings and evaluate them. Do you feel good? Is there a nagging that is tugging at you? What is it?
Are you feeling unhappy? If so, where are you feeling unhappy?
Evaluate the different areas. Is it your relationship? Is it your location? Is it your finances? Is it stress at work? Is it your home life? Is it your body? Is it your friends?
Where are these feelings coming from and what is it exactly that you feel?
Now once you have thoroughly reflected upon, looked at, internalized and evaluated your feelings, here is the big question. What can be done to make the feelings you do not like different?
Here is the point of change, but be careful and do not think you can get out of the messes you made with the same mind that got you there.
This is the point where you have to surrender to your higher self. You see there is a very simple way to think about this.
Life is like a journey through a giant maze. There are twists and turns with miles and miles of maze to walk through. The walls are impenetrable and give no clue, you cannot see through them or over them or around them. All you can do is keep walking and searching and keep hoping that you are going the right way. Every time you hit a dead end all you can do is turn around and trudge back to some other point to head a different way.
Is this really the way it is or has to be?
This is the way it is for most people but it is not the way it has to be.
The key to your own help is your higher self. You see your higher self has a different perspective. Your higher self looks down from above and can see the path you are on. Your higher self can look ahead and see where the path you are on will lead.
From your small perspective within the maze you see almost nothing but you are somehow determined to keep pushing through from that low perspective. This can be quite demoralizing and fatiguing. Dead end after dead end, wrong turn after wrong turn. Just hoping for some sign that you are headed in a good direction and that you haven’t been wandering the same path for the last ten years, going round and round, going nowhere.
With just the simple intent to connect to your higher self you could find the correct path!
But that is not the end, it is just the beginning. The obstacles and pitfalls throughout the maze are still along the path but with the correct guidance you could easily overcome and get around all the difficulties that may lay in the way.
The key is to actually listen for, receive and follow the directions that come to you.
If for instance you have been wandering around the maze hitting dead ends and walking in circles for the last year or so until you finally get so disgusted You actually stop and get still and ask, “Help me where do I go.”
You would hear the answered whispered “ why don’t you climb that small wall right there to your left”
You could look to your left and realize that there was a small wall that is scalable and you could get into a new area.
The problem would be that some people would believe that they couldn’t make it over the wall so they would continue going in circles on the same path they have been on. Literally ignoring the guidance they asked for earlier.
The moral is get connected to a higher perspective, your heavenly self, and have the wisdom to follow the guidance you receive.
Trust! Would you lead yourself wrong? Your higher heavenly self won’t but your lower ego self does all the time and then it lies about it and you think everything is ok.
Ask for wisdom, guidance and discernment to know truth.
God bless,
Monday, October 12, 2009
Open Up!
Learn to breathe
Learn to receive
Learn to be the beauty you are.
–WT Anderson-
“You cannot give what you do not have.”
– Gavin Anderson-
For decades, even centuries, the receptive feminine energy (yin) has been out of balance. We have lived in a masculine dominated world (yang). This imbalance has swung so far it has literally taken this world right to the brink of destruction. The seeming craziness and chaos in the world right now is the correction. It is the pendulum swinging back into balance. This is a good thing!
Right now, the majority of the people that you see on the street still have very limited or wounded female energy. They do not know how to receive. They cannot receive. Our culture has made it nearly impossible to live in a balanced w-holistic way. As I said, this is now changing. We are in the process of a rebalancing shift.
More and more people are awakening to the realization that on a bigger level something has not been right. There are many now that are working for deep inner personal change to promote a massive cultural and global change. This is where the true work takes place. The battlefield is always found on the inner plane. Conquer the inner demons and the exterior world will reflect those changes. Be the peace you want to see. Let go the anger, the jealousy and the condemnation. You only hurt yourself. It is only you that has ever been hurting your self. When you become in harmony and peace within your self, then the world will have harmony and peace also.
The best way I have found to be whole and complete is to breathe in and receive the attributes and qualities that are true, to truly own them. Now be careful, for when I say “true” realize it is based upon objective and subjective truth. This means, in a nutshell, that what you believe to be true will be true, no matter what others may think or believe. So I am saying to you Know what you believe, for what you believe to be true is the crucial key that creates the world you live in.
You see, in my world, I accept only love. Only love is real. All else is illusionary, meaningless and unreal.
I say this with conviction and authority because I believe that I am not my body. I believe that each of us live with two main options or choices. We can choose to be the body and experience all the ups and downs that go with that or we can realize (make real) the divine spirit within, the one that the body is a house and vehicle for, and thereby rise above these endless cycles of pleasure and pain.( because of the massive unbalance most experience only a majority of pain now)
I too was wounded once. I would not allow myself to receive. I had classic symptoms of this. I couldn’t even receive hugs from people. I have since come to the realization of truth. I now allow myself to receive infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite peace and unlimited levels of abundance and prosperity, as you can too. These do not start in the physical external world but within the inner real world which, once received, will then be reflected back again through the external physical world. In this way I create my world as I go. However I cannot give something I have not received. How can I give unconditional love if I don’t have it and don’t even know what it is? How can I know the gift of peace if I have never received it? How can I give it?
You see, I made the decision a while back to release the ego images of my self, to surrender to my much wiser, knowledgeable and higher divine self. My higher divine self is the one connected to God, to all that is. It is a part of everything and no-thing, it encompasses all that is, all that could be and all that ever will be. From the emptiness comes life. That is how I receive infinite love, for I know I AM love. I know I AM innocent and pure. I can be at peace because I know I AM peace.
Do you know that most people are afraid to die? This, in reality, is not that big a shock because it is now more commonly understood that death is really just a new beginning. The true you cannot die or end, it just progresses to a new and different level. (your level of attachment usually dictates how traumatic and suffering physical death will be)
The real problem today is that most people are even more afraid to actually live. This is the disaster that we are faced with today. This is how far we have destroyed everything around us. People are afraid to live. This is the true crime, the true enemy. This is what we need to reverse. We need to remove from this world the fear of living. Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear for you have done nothing wrong. Allow yourself to receive the love that is right there in you. It is there but you are not receiving it. It is there but you are closed. Open up. Open up!
Open up and receive life. It is your natural birthright!
Do not fear for you cannot be harmed.
Learn to breathe.
Learn to receive.
Learn to be the beauty you are.
Love, peace, joy, happiness, wisdom and life are all waiting for you to claim them as yours. Receive them, claim them and truly live!
Realize and know they are already yours.
Learn to receive
Learn to be the beauty you are.
–WT Anderson-
“You cannot give what you do not have.”
– Gavin Anderson-
For decades, even centuries, the receptive feminine energy (yin) has been out of balance. We have lived in a masculine dominated world (yang). This imbalance has swung so far it has literally taken this world right to the brink of destruction. The seeming craziness and chaos in the world right now is the correction. It is the pendulum swinging back into balance. This is a good thing!
Right now, the majority of the people that you see on the street still have very limited or wounded female energy. They do not know how to receive. They cannot receive. Our culture has made it nearly impossible to live in a balanced w-holistic way. As I said, this is now changing. We are in the process of a rebalancing shift.
More and more people are awakening to the realization that on a bigger level something has not been right. There are many now that are working for deep inner personal change to promote a massive cultural and global change. This is where the true work takes place. The battlefield is always found on the inner plane. Conquer the inner demons and the exterior world will reflect those changes. Be the peace you want to see. Let go the anger, the jealousy and the condemnation. You only hurt yourself. It is only you that has ever been hurting your self. When you become in harmony and peace within your self, then the world will have harmony and peace also.
The best way I have found to be whole and complete is to breathe in and receive the attributes and qualities that are true, to truly own them. Now be careful, for when I say “true” realize it is based upon objective and subjective truth. This means, in a nutshell, that what you believe to be true will be true, no matter what others may think or believe. So I am saying to you Know what you believe, for what you believe to be true is the crucial key that creates the world you live in.
You see, in my world, I accept only love. Only love is real. All else is illusionary, meaningless and unreal.
I say this with conviction and authority because I believe that I am not my body. I believe that each of us live with two main options or choices. We can choose to be the body and experience all the ups and downs that go with that or we can realize (make real) the divine spirit within, the one that the body is a house and vehicle for, and thereby rise above these endless cycles of pleasure and pain.( because of the massive unbalance most experience only a majority of pain now)
I too was wounded once. I would not allow myself to receive. I had classic symptoms of this. I couldn’t even receive hugs from people. I have since come to the realization of truth. I now allow myself to receive infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite peace and unlimited levels of abundance and prosperity, as you can too. These do not start in the physical external world but within the inner real world which, once received, will then be reflected back again through the external physical world. In this way I create my world as I go. However I cannot give something I have not received. How can I give unconditional love if I don’t have it and don’t even know what it is? How can I know the gift of peace if I have never received it? How can I give it?
You see, I made the decision a while back to release the ego images of my self, to surrender to my much wiser, knowledgeable and higher divine self. My higher divine self is the one connected to God, to all that is. It is a part of everything and no-thing, it encompasses all that is, all that could be and all that ever will be. From the emptiness comes life. That is how I receive infinite love, for I know I AM love. I know I AM innocent and pure. I can be at peace because I know I AM peace.
Do you know that most people are afraid to die? This, in reality, is not that big a shock because it is now more commonly understood that death is really just a new beginning. The true you cannot die or end, it just progresses to a new and different level. (your level of attachment usually dictates how traumatic and suffering physical death will be)
The real problem today is that most people are even more afraid to actually live. This is the disaster that we are faced with today. This is how far we have destroyed everything around us. People are afraid to live. This is the true crime, the true enemy. This is what we need to reverse. We need to remove from this world the fear of living. Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear for you have done nothing wrong. Allow yourself to receive the love that is right there in you. It is there but you are not receiving it. It is there but you are closed. Open up. Open up!
Open up and receive life. It is your natural birthright!
Do not fear for you cannot be harmed.
Learn to breathe.
Learn to receive.
Learn to be the beauty you are.
Love, peace, joy, happiness, wisdom and life are all waiting for you to claim them as yours. Receive them, claim them and truly live!
Realize and know they are already yours.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I dare to walk alone
I dare to walk alone.
Do not be misled by this ego challenge. For that, is all it is.
A while ago I had a client who partook of my smoking cessation hypnotherapy session. All went well as usual but I could recognize the resistance he was holding. While all it usually takes is one session sometimes people resist or overanalyze themselves into doubt and have to have a backup session to hit home. I enjoy these sessions because they allow me to interact at a deeper level of relationship to each client.
This particular person told me, when asked what happened, that it was as if he challenged or dared himself to go ahead and have another cigarette. His ego spoke loudly saying “I dare you, you’re not strong enough to have just one more.” Needless to say that cigarette was lit.
The point is this; the ego uses any and all things to keep you doing what it wants. The problem is that you don’t even realize that the ego is not you. Not the true you.
The ego is like a character you have made up in your mind. It is your image of yourself. The problem is that most people are delusional and not able to see reality. They live in the movie images in their mind and it is projected out there on the world you think you are seeing. In reality what you see in the world is only the mind movie being projected back to you and the image of you is the lead character or hero of your film. None of it is real.
The real you is not contained in this world and that is why every great teacher throughout time has said the same thing in many different ways but can be summed up by the following statement.
”Do not be attached to this world and it’s trappings for they are meaningless”
Only you give meaning and value to the things in this world. Please notice that throughout your life you most likely have experienced great suffering and anguish over these worldly attachments. Yes, they can feel good for a time and be pleasurable but in the long run it never lasts. It always turns, at some point, to dust.
The only way to move through the dilemma the ego presents is to believe and understand the truth that you never walk alone.
God’s grace shines on you in every moment, from every angle, from every frame of time. All you have to do is stop watching and acting in your movie and start watching and playing in God’s.
Have a great day!
Do not be misled by this ego challenge. For that, is all it is.
A while ago I had a client who partook of my smoking cessation hypnotherapy session. All went well as usual but I could recognize the resistance he was holding. While all it usually takes is one session sometimes people resist or overanalyze themselves into doubt and have to have a backup session to hit home. I enjoy these sessions because they allow me to interact at a deeper level of relationship to each client.
This particular person told me, when asked what happened, that it was as if he challenged or dared himself to go ahead and have another cigarette. His ego spoke loudly saying “I dare you, you’re not strong enough to have just one more.” Needless to say that cigarette was lit.
The point is this; the ego uses any and all things to keep you doing what it wants. The problem is that you don’t even realize that the ego is not you. Not the true you.
The ego is like a character you have made up in your mind. It is your image of yourself. The problem is that most people are delusional and not able to see reality. They live in the movie images in their mind and it is projected out there on the world you think you are seeing. In reality what you see in the world is only the mind movie being projected back to you and the image of you is the lead character or hero of your film. None of it is real.
The real you is not contained in this world and that is why every great teacher throughout time has said the same thing in many different ways but can be summed up by the following statement.
”Do not be attached to this world and it’s trappings for they are meaningless”
Only you give meaning and value to the things in this world. Please notice that throughout your life you most likely have experienced great suffering and anguish over these worldly attachments. Yes, they can feel good for a time and be pleasurable but in the long run it never lasts. It always turns, at some point, to dust.
The only way to move through the dilemma the ego presents is to believe and understand the truth that you never walk alone.
God’s grace shines on you in every moment, from every angle, from every frame of time. All you have to do is stop watching and acting in your movie and start watching and playing in God’s.
Have a great day!
Open Mind, Open Heart,Open Hands
Open mind, open heart, open hands
The mind is the transmitter, the heart is the receiver, keep the hands empty.
“My mind holds only what I think with God”. –A Course in Miracles
Give your thoughts to God to be purified, cleansed, and corrected. The truth shall remain while illusion shall be removed.
Imagine opening a channel from your mind to God.
This is like an air flow cannon. Anything put in is shot straight to God. You are giving to God. The air flows only one way. The mind is the transmitter only, which is its correct function.
The heart is the receiver. It is the pump or engine that takes in the flow. It sucks in the air, energy, inspiration, intuition or light from God. This is the stuff that has already been corrected and filtered by God coming back to you in a cycle like way from the heart and mind of God. God is continually giving.
Now, any thoughts you have that may come up are not to be kept in your mind and analyzed or fretted over. They are to be placed immediately within this beam of air or light that is connected to God and shot up and out straight to God. This cannon is continually on all the time, it is always flowing 24/7. The goal here is to send the thoughts to God to be corrected before you even think about them. You need only ever concern yourself with the truthful corrected thoughts!
“My mind holds only what I think with God”. –A Course in Miracles
The air/energy/light is brought into the heart, sent up into the mind and then released to God.
The renewed energy/air/light/thoughts are received back through the heart. The heart shares what is received with the mind and the mind gives it to God. This is the simple way the ego/lower mind is easily bypassed.
Any time you have a thought arise in your mind immediately send it to God via this light beam. God immediately removes the untrue illusion and sends the pure, cleansed truth back to be received by the heart. If you continuously do this with habitual consistency you will eliminate all suffering, pain, worry and stress from your life.
You will also end up automatically replacing those illusions with the truth of joy, peace, love and harmony.
In the act of giving you will be receiving. They are just about simultaneous. There is only about a second or two needed to receive back the truth from specific thoughts given.
Specific thoughts can be given at any time. Either when they arise or manually at any time.
Imagine your hand placing the word or thought into the air stream/cannon flow.
At this point anything in your body that is connected to the thought will try to go with it to be released. You need to make sure you let it go! Your part is to release it, some thoughts naturally do not want to be let go of. That is the ego mind holding onto it’s illusions. Do not be afraid to empty yourself out. You will be filled with truth in just a moment but you have to empty the space first. Giving is receiving.
“Only what you are not giving can be lacking”.- A Course in Miracles
“The usefulness of a cup is in its emptiness”- Chinese proverb
The most resistance, I have found, has been with the thoughts about money, sex, food and the body. These are the most powerful illusions the ego mind uses to keep you trapped in its destructive cycle of illusion. These are the ones that typically you see as the “you” that you think you are.
So to get rid of these incorrect beliefs and thoughts all you need do is place the image of the word within this light cannon and shoot it to God. You will feel other connected thoughts try to leave the body and mind. Do not resist let it go, it is not you. If you have trouble, stay relaxed and keep giving to God, keep the channel open and flowing.
Now realize that all this takes just a single moment. It is very similar to what A Course in Miracles calls the “Holy Instant”. This is instantaneous. You can release any and all thoughts one after the other in just an instant each. They are immediately transformed and sent back in truth and light to be received by your heart only to be given up again. It is a continuous cycle that never stops.
And you will not want it to stop for you will feel more alive, more in tune than you have ever felt in your entire life. For once you start this process you will be living in truth and you will be living in your passion and in the full abundance and truth of God. The falseness and sickness of the ego cannot touch you. With just a little consistent practice you will be able to master a continuous level of “no thought” so quickly that monks who have been searching for this truth throughout lifetimes will be flabbergasted and amazed.
The only thing left to do is work this technique and expand upon it to work flawlessly for you.
Good Luck!
Blessings ,
P.S.- Once you become fully clear and have released all you need to, it is quite fun to imagine placing a large bag of love, joy or happiness and send it to God. Not only do you receive it back in an instant but it is magnified and multiplied. You can also feel good that you are not the only one that receives the benefits from it. Try it out!
Practice this techniques everyday, keep the flow going and you will transform your thoughts and your life!
Check out past articles at www.LIFEHEALING.biz
The mind is the transmitter, the heart is the receiver, keep the hands empty.
“My mind holds only what I think with God”. –A Course in Miracles
Give your thoughts to God to be purified, cleansed, and corrected. The truth shall remain while illusion shall be removed.
Imagine opening a channel from your mind to God.
This is like an air flow cannon. Anything put in is shot straight to God. You are giving to God. The air flows only one way. The mind is the transmitter only, which is its correct function.
The heart is the receiver. It is the pump or engine that takes in the flow. It sucks in the air, energy, inspiration, intuition or light from God. This is the stuff that has already been corrected and filtered by God coming back to you in a cycle like way from the heart and mind of God. God is continually giving.
Now, any thoughts you have that may come up are not to be kept in your mind and analyzed or fretted over. They are to be placed immediately within this beam of air or light that is connected to God and shot up and out straight to God. This cannon is continually on all the time, it is always flowing 24/7. The goal here is to send the thoughts to God to be corrected before you even think about them. You need only ever concern yourself with the truthful corrected thoughts!
“My mind holds only what I think with God”. –A Course in Miracles
The air/energy/light is brought into the heart, sent up into the mind and then released to God.
The renewed energy/air/light/thoughts are received back through the heart. The heart shares what is received with the mind and the mind gives it to God. This is the simple way the ego/lower mind is easily bypassed.
Any time you have a thought arise in your mind immediately send it to God via this light beam. God immediately removes the untrue illusion and sends the pure, cleansed truth back to be received by the heart. If you continuously do this with habitual consistency you will eliminate all suffering, pain, worry and stress from your life.
You will also end up automatically replacing those illusions with the truth of joy, peace, love and harmony.
In the act of giving you will be receiving. They are just about simultaneous. There is only about a second or two needed to receive back the truth from specific thoughts given.
Specific thoughts can be given at any time. Either when they arise or manually at any time.
Imagine your hand placing the word or thought into the air stream/cannon flow.
At this point anything in your body that is connected to the thought will try to go with it to be released. You need to make sure you let it go! Your part is to release it, some thoughts naturally do not want to be let go of. That is the ego mind holding onto it’s illusions. Do not be afraid to empty yourself out. You will be filled with truth in just a moment but you have to empty the space first. Giving is receiving.
“Only what you are not giving can be lacking”.- A Course in Miracles
“The usefulness of a cup is in its emptiness”- Chinese proverb
The most resistance, I have found, has been with the thoughts about money, sex, food and the body. These are the most powerful illusions the ego mind uses to keep you trapped in its destructive cycle of illusion. These are the ones that typically you see as the “you” that you think you are.
So to get rid of these incorrect beliefs and thoughts all you need do is place the image of the word within this light cannon and shoot it to God. You will feel other connected thoughts try to leave the body and mind. Do not resist let it go, it is not you. If you have trouble, stay relaxed and keep giving to God, keep the channel open and flowing.
Now realize that all this takes just a single moment. It is very similar to what A Course in Miracles calls the “Holy Instant”. This is instantaneous. You can release any and all thoughts one after the other in just an instant each. They are immediately transformed and sent back in truth and light to be received by your heart only to be given up again. It is a continuous cycle that never stops.
And you will not want it to stop for you will feel more alive, more in tune than you have ever felt in your entire life. For once you start this process you will be living in truth and you will be living in your passion and in the full abundance and truth of God. The falseness and sickness of the ego cannot touch you. With just a little consistent practice you will be able to master a continuous level of “no thought” so quickly that monks who have been searching for this truth throughout lifetimes will be flabbergasted and amazed.
The only thing left to do is work this technique and expand upon it to work flawlessly for you.
Good Luck!
Blessings ,
P.S.- Once you become fully clear and have released all you need to, it is quite fun to imagine placing a large bag of love, joy or happiness and send it to God. Not only do you receive it back in an instant but it is magnified and multiplied. You can also feel good that you are not the only one that receives the benefits from it. Try it out!
Practice this techniques everyday, keep the flow going and you will transform your thoughts and your life!
Check out past articles at www.LIFEHEALING.biz
Friday, April 10, 2009
Beliefs dictate your life!
Your beliefs dictate your life.
Do you believe and think in small and limited ways?
Do you think seeing is believing or are you open to the fact that by believing, you will see?
Do you think all the things that happen in your life have some special meaning or do you believe that it is all just random coincidence?
Are you the victim or are you the creator?
Do you even question your own thoughts? Are they actually yours?
Do you know who you are really?
The questions go on and on. A few years ago as part of my journey I came up with the phrase “question everythink”. It is a good piece of advice. I have also come to the conclusion that that piece of advice is partial. The missing clue to the other half is found in the Eagles song “Take it Easy”. The profound quote goes like this “Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy”. The point is, you can question and observe your thoughts and choose whether or not you want to own them. That is how a belief is built.
Here is one of my beliefs.
I believe that everything I see, hear, touch and experience has meaning and has a lesson to learn. Something important and profound can be gleamed from every moment and experience. This includes every small detail. From the songs I hear on the radio and on my Ipod, to the bumper stickers and license plates I see on the road. From the emails I receive, to the books I read. From the dreams I experience, to the sunsets I watch. Each has an impact on revealing who I am. Each reveals a different and unique layer, concept or ideal of who I am. All these layers in total together make up and reveal all I am.
That is why people can easily contradict themselves over the years. It is in the revealing of truth and through personal growth that one may realize that the convictions and beliefs held just a few years ago may not have been truly correct and that their mind has now made a full 180 degree turn in seeming contradiction.
This also illustrates a portrayal of a person who is not consciously aware of how they live and how by living without awareness, at some point in time, they eventually hit a wall of pain and suffering that is so dense, so strong that it hurts a lot. Imagine a body moving at a 120 miles oper hour slamming ionto a wall. It is at this point, crumpled , broken and bleeding at this wall that those who have led their life immersed in the world of flesh and their small limited beliefs finally open to a possibility and potentiality that there must be something more out there. They are in a moment that hurts so bad they do not know what to do. So they do the one thing they have never done before, they reach out with their mind, with their full being to something more. There must be something more. Something more. Someone help me! Help me! Help me! HELP ME!!!
They have reached the most critical and monumental moment in their life. Where there is nowhere to go, nowhere left to run, nothing left to give and nothing left to lose.
In this final moment of complete surrender and futility, the light is revealed because they asked.
“Something more” shows up.
And oh, how one is transformed by that meeting!
For whatever name you may label “something more”, ultimately, it is a meeting with your own self, your true self. Your divine self. It takes many forms, different for each person but it is the same.
The life led after that meeting is never the same. In the mind the 180 degree turn has been made, you are led from that dead end. The self destruction stops, the life destroying habits fall away, the consciousness begins to rise, awareness creeps in, inspiration is received, life and mind are renewed, nothing is the same, and each experience is colored in a different way. Life gets better and better each day. Appreciation and gratitude grow. Self esteem and power are returned. Life is accepted and embraced for the joyous experience it is and always was.
You see, they didn’t know the truth but now they do and so do you.
(“once I was blind but now I can see”- Amazing Grace)
Realize that meeting your true self does not take the amount of pain and struggle in the example above. Mankind is so stubborn that it thinks it can do it on its own, that it doesn’t need help from any one or anything. That concept is false and ridiculous, it is a limited small belief held by the ego mind ( watch out for the wall, it can hurt!).
It is only within unity and harmony with your true self, your divine mind that this world will begin to reflect the inner peace and joy that it could and should be experiencing..
When you truly connect, feel and integrate with your divinity then the world will feel it with you and you shall have saved this world.
You are the savior. One day you shall fully awaken and know this truth.
Do you believe and think in small and limited ways?
Do you think seeing is believing or are you open to the fact that by believing, you will see?
Do you think all the things that happen in your life have some special meaning or do you believe that it is all just random coincidence?
Are you the victim or are you the creator?
Do you even question your own thoughts? Are they actually yours?
Do you know who you are really?
The questions go on and on. A few years ago as part of my journey I came up with the phrase “question everythink”. It is a good piece of advice. I have also come to the conclusion that that piece of advice is partial. The missing clue to the other half is found in the Eagles song “Take it Easy”. The profound quote goes like this “Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy”. The point is, you can question and observe your thoughts and choose whether or not you want to own them. That is how a belief is built.
Here is one of my beliefs.
I believe that everything I see, hear, touch and experience has meaning and has a lesson to learn. Something important and profound can be gleamed from every moment and experience. This includes every small detail. From the songs I hear on the radio and on my Ipod, to the bumper stickers and license plates I see on the road. From the emails I receive, to the books I read. From the dreams I experience, to the sunsets I watch. Each has an impact on revealing who I am. Each reveals a different and unique layer, concept or ideal of who I am. All these layers in total together make up and reveal all I am.
That is why people can easily contradict themselves over the years. It is in the revealing of truth and through personal growth that one may realize that the convictions and beliefs held just a few years ago may not have been truly correct and that their mind has now made a full 180 degree turn in seeming contradiction.
This also illustrates a portrayal of a person who is not consciously aware of how they live and how by living without awareness, at some point in time, they eventually hit a wall of pain and suffering that is so dense, so strong that it hurts a lot. Imagine a body moving at a 120 miles oper hour slamming ionto a wall. It is at this point, crumpled , broken and bleeding at this wall that those who have led their life immersed in the world of flesh and their small limited beliefs finally open to a possibility and potentiality that there must be something more out there. They are in a moment that hurts so bad they do not know what to do. So they do the one thing they have never done before, they reach out with their mind, with their full being to something more. There must be something more. Something more. Someone help me! Help me! Help me! HELP ME!!!
They have reached the most critical and monumental moment in their life. Where there is nowhere to go, nowhere left to run, nothing left to give and nothing left to lose.
In this final moment of complete surrender and futility, the light is revealed because they asked.
“Something more” shows up.
And oh, how one is transformed by that meeting!
For whatever name you may label “something more”, ultimately, it is a meeting with your own self, your true self. Your divine self. It takes many forms, different for each person but it is the same.
The life led after that meeting is never the same. In the mind the 180 degree turn has been made, you are led from that dead end. The self destruction stops, the life destroying habits fall away, the consciousness begins to rise, awareness creeps in, inspiration is received, life and mind are renewed, nothing is the same, and each experience is colored in a different way. Life gets better and better each day. Appreciation and gratitude grow. Self esteem and power are returned. Life is accepted and embraced for the joyous experience it is and always was.
You see, they didn’t know the truth but now they do and so do you.
(“once I was blind but now I can see”- Amazing Grace)
Realize that meeting your true self does not take the amount of pain and struggle in the example above. Mankind is so stubborn that it thinks it can do it on its own, that it doesn’t need help from any one or anything. That concept is false and ridiculous, it is a limited small belief held by the ego mind ( watch out for the wall, it can hurt!).
It is only within unity and harmony with your true self, your divine mind that this world will begin to reflect the inner peace and joy that it could and should be experiencing..
When you truly connect, feel and integrate with your divinity then the world will feel it with you and you shall have saved this world.
You are the savior. One day you shall fully awaken and know this truth.
Monday, March 30, 2009
When Men and Mountains Meet
“Great things happen when men and mountains meet”
This was the quote I received out of the air in a synchronistic moment this morning.
To me it spoke volumes. For you see there is a mountain looming over me and most of the world at this precise moment. I stand in the shadow of my own particular mountain looking up at this formidable obstacle, challenge and foe. It has been on the horizon for a long time.
It is now that great things happen. Choices are made. Challenges are met. Obstacles are overcome.
Those that give up turn away and are lost. Those that persevere are rewarded with victory.
When you see the mountain what are you telling yourself? What is your state of mind?
Do you despair and skulk away in defeat or do you declare your victory over this obstacle and get to it.
Reminds me of a great quote from one of my favorite musicians:
“Stand up next to a mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand”- Jimi Hendrix
I find that inspiring and one of the few acceptable solutions when facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The only problem I have with it is that it implies a certain command of willpower, that most think they don’t have. (Most people don’t give themselves enough credit for all the things they could be capable of achieving and being, They instead prefer to be comfortable where they are and let fear rule their life)
A similarly inspiring statement from my favorite teacher comes closer to the truth of the matter.
“I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains” – Jesus Christ
This, to me points to the place where you will find the power and perseverance to climb over or remove that mountain. It is with a level of spiritual connection and guidance that mountains dwindle to mole hills. For not only by gaining proper perspective of the actual obstacle (mountain) but to gain clarity and understanding of the bigger picture.
What does this mean to you? How does one proceed at this point from the shadow of the mountain?
Here is my answer that I am implementing personally, as I write this, to overcome my mountain.
Immediate depth of connection to SPIRIT through fasting
I have realized that I cannot do anything without higher guidance. There is a line in the charter or texts used for Alcoholics Anonymous that really clarifies the point. It is “ your best thinking got you here”. Marrianne Williamson shared this bit of wisdom on her Ten Bridges of Transformation CD’s. It is applicable to most everyone. It says that if you are relying on your ego self or what you consider to be you to “figure it out” you will be disappointed with the results and ultimately, those seeming solutions will only lead to further suffering and pain. No, the choices your small unconnected mind comes up with are not the solutions you need.
You need to connect to your all knowing mind to gain the proper perspective. You need to see the big picture with clarity and understanding. You need to connect to SPIRIT so that you may obtain a state of GRACE. It is only from this vantage point that you should be choosing. Inspired action from your higher self is the only solution that will lead you unerringly to victory over anything in this world.
Right now I am choosing to strengthen my connection to my higher self. This solution works every time and can be easily implemented as long as you state your intention and follow through.
I am now starting a week or more of fasting. As in, not eating! For those of you not familiar with the process and power of fasting please consider this. Fasting is simply a choice that states Spirit is more important to me than the world of flesh. Not only do you receive incredible physical benefits but the spiritual benefits are staggering.
First fasting cleanses your body. Most of us eat regularly which means our body is working to digest something just about all the time. When you stop eating your body will actually start to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate. It really is wonderful and incredible. I highly recommend it. Drink plenty of water!!! It helps remove toxins your body will be trying to flush out.
Now the more important benefit is the spiritual aspect. From my worldly physical perspective, I have a problem. I need help in finding a solution to this problem. I go to SPIRIT (or GOD) to receive the correct solution. This solution will not only always be the correct solution for me but will also be the correct solution for everyone it touches. It is the correct solution for everyone.
Fasting launches your connection to spirit like a rocket because you are saying that this world, this illusion and these issues are not important, but spirit is , truth is , reality is. You are asking your higher self to help you see correctly.
You have set forth the truth that this body is meaningless and just a vehicle for your inner spirit. With that proclamation, you will begin to connect on deeper levels to your inner spirit and divinity and your higher self will show you, lead you, to truth and reality. It will bring clarity of vision and illumination to darkness.
Then, when you look upon your mountain from this higher perspective you may come to the realization that there was never even a mountain there! It was only of your own making.
No matter what, you will know the answer because you asked and you put enough value on the answer by following it through with the action of fasting to ensure you receive it.
The whole process above is exemplified by the great work of Mahatma Gandhi. Do you realize that Gandhi single handedly defeated the British Empire through the simple act of fasting? You have the same power at your disposal. You have the same capabilities and power available, if you choose to accept it. Whatever your needs or problems you may be facing this solution will work.
It would not take an extended period, I would simply say three days would be sufficient and you do not even need to fully fast , just stick to juice(real juice , no sugar added, organic) and fruit. A glass of juice in the morning with maybe an apple and juice for lunch and maybe an orange and juice for dinner. You see, quite simple but incredibly powerful. You will feel the difference and experience a whole new level of clarity and connection. It could easily be your ticket to FREEDOM.
I know it is to mine!
DO IT and see for your self. You can only win.
God bless,
This was the quote I received out of the air in a synchronistic moment this morning.
To me it spoke volumes. For you see there is a mountain looming over me and most of the world at this precise moment. I stand in the shadow of my own particular mountain looking up at this formidable obstacle, challenge and foe. It has been on the horizon for a long time.
It is now that great things happen. Choices are made. Challenges are met. Obstacles are overcome.
Those that give up turn away and are lost. Those that persevere are rewarded with victory.
When you see the mountain what are you telling yourself? What is your state of mind?
Do you despair and skulk away in defeat or do you declare your victory over this obstacle and get to it.
Reminds me of a great quote from one of my favorite musicians:
“Stand up next to a mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand”- Jimi Hendrix
I find that inspiring and one of the few acceptable solutions when facing a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. The only problem I have with it is that it implies a certain command of willpower, that most think they don’t have. (Most people don’t give themselves enough credit for all the things they could be capable of achieving and being, They instead prefer to be comfortable where they are and let fear rule their life)
A similarly inspiring statement from my favorite teacher comes closer to the truth of the matter.
“I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains” – Jesus Christ
This, to me points to the place where you will find the power and perseverance to climb over or remove that mountain. It is with a level of spiritual connection and guidance that mountains dwindle to mole hills. For not only by gaining proper perspective of the actual obstacle (mountain) but to gain clarity and understanding of the bigger picture.
What does this mean to you? How does one proceed at this point from the shadow of the mountain?
Here is my answer that I am implementing personally, as I write this, to overcome my mountain.
Immediate depth of connection to SPIRIT through fasting
I have realized that I cannot do anything without higher guidance. There is a line in the charter or texts used for Alcoholics Anonymous that really clarifies the point. It is “ your best thinking got you here”. Marrianne Williamson shared this bit of wisdom on her Ten Bridges of Transformation CD’s. It is applicable to most everyone. It says that if you are relying on your ego self or what you consider to be you to “figure it out” you will be disappointed with the results and ultimately, those seeming solutions will only lead to further suffering and pain. No, the choices your small unconnected mind comes up with are not the solutions you need.
You need to connect to your all knowing mind to gain the proper perspective. You need to see the big picture with clarity and understanding. You need to connect to SPIRIT so that you may obtain a state of GRACE. It is only from this vantage point that you should be choosing. Inspired action from your higher self is the only solution that will lead you unerringly to victory over anything in this world.
Right now I am choosing to strengthen my connection to my higher self. This solution works every time and can be easily implemented as long as you state your intention and follow through.
I am now starting a week or more of fasting. As in, not eating! For those of you not familiar with the process and power of fasting please consider this. Fasting is simply a choice that states Spirit is more important to me than the world of flesh. Not only do you receive incredible physical benefits but the spiritual benefits are staggering.
First fasting cleanses your body. Most of us eat regularly which means our body is working to digest something just about all the time. When you stop eating your body will actually start to repair, regenerate and rejuvenate. It really is wonderful and incredible. I highly recommend it. Drink plenty of water!!! It helps remove toxins your body will be trying to flush out.
Now the more important benefit is the spiritual aspect. From my worldly physical perspective, I have a problem. I need help in finding a solution to this problem. I go to SPIRIT (or GOD) to receive the correct solution. This solution will not only always be the correct solution for me but will also be the correct solution for everyone it touches. It is the correct solution for everyone.
Fasting launches your connection to spirit like a rocket because you are saying that this world, this illusion and these issues are not important, but spirit is , truth is , reality is. You are asking your higher self to help you see correctly.
You have set forth the truth that this body is meaningless and just a vehicle for your inner spirit. With that proclamation, you will begin to connect on deeper levels to your inner spirit and divinity and your higher self will show you, lead you, to truth and reality. It will bring clarity of vision and illumination to darkness.
Then, when you look upon your mountain from this higher perspective you may come to the realization that there was never even a mountain there! It was only of your own making.
No matter what, you will know the answer because you asked and you put enough value on the answer by following it through with the action of fasting to ensure you receive it.
The whole process above is exemplified by the great work of Mahatma Gandhi. Do you realize that Gandhi single handedly defeated the British Empire through the simple act of fasting? You have the same power at your disposal. You have the same capabilities and power available, if you choose to accept it. Whatever your needs or problems you may be facing this solution will work.
It would not take an extended period, I would simply say three days would be sufficient and you do not even need to fully fast , just stick to juice(real juice , no sugar added, organic) and fruit. A glass of juice in the morning with maybe an apple and juice for lunch and maybe an orange and juice for dinner. You see, quite simple but incredibly powerful. You will feel the difference and experience a whole new level of clarity and connection. It could easily be your ticket to FREEDOM.
I know it is to mine!
DO IT and see for your self. You can only win.
God bless,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
How to Stay Centered and Calm!
How do you get through these times of trial and tribulation?
How do you stay centered and calm in times of struggle and change?
The answer my friend, is simple---BREATHE!
That’s right. Not only is it simple but it is actually an automatic function of your beingness.
That is why it is so important to actually focus on it and expand it to greater levels. Realize that normally you do not even think about breathing it just happens, but what is the first thing that you will learn when you are about to birth a child into this world—BREATHE!.
The answer is always the same. Always come back to concentrating on the breath. Breathe through the obstacles and troubles that are pressing you.
This works on many levels and for many reasons. Here are a few.
The science behind the breath is easy to understand. Without oxygen your body perishes. Oxygen is the most vital ingredient for your functioning in this life. Go without food for a month, go without water for a week but go without oxygen for more than a few minutes and it is game over. Now, realize that when you start expanding your breath and bringing in more oxygen your body perks up, your brain starts getting the vitality it needs and starts functioning better, with increased energy and increased blood flow.
The breath gets your body functioning properly. The blood starts flowing carrying this vital oxygen to places where the oxygen was low. You won’t even realize you were functioning at half potential until you start breathing, then you feel the difference. Start breathing and moving together and you may start a chain reaction in your body that will bring you to a whole new place.
The next reason for me to focus on my breath is the same reason people meditate. It brings focus and clarity to my mind which normally moves a thousand miles a minute.
It slows down my mind and body to the point that I can release and empty the thoughts and babble bouncing around in my mind. This gives me a sense of peace and the realization that no matter what may be happening out there, inside I am calm and peaceful. Everything is alright.
The next reason is the most important to me and it is about belief. When you breathe you would do well to imagine that it is God’s essence you are breathing. It is the divine essence of life that courses in and out of your body filling you with it’s power and grace. If you can visualize this essence flowing in and out of your body you will realize even more powerful results. The air you breathe, the oxygen around you, is the breath of life. It is the energy of the universe just waiting for you to take it in and direct it. It is the breath of God. There is no thing more powerful anywhere.
So, you can now see breathing is the most important thing you can do for yourself today, there are tremendous benefits to be had by focusing on its rhythm.
Start your practice of breath awareness today and open your self to a whole new perspective.
You won't be disappointed!
Love and blessings,
How do you stay centered and calm in times of struggle and change?
The answer my friend, is simple---BREATHE!
That’s right. Not only is it simple but it is actually an automatic function of your beingness.
That is why it is so important to actually focus on it and expand it to greater levels. Realize that normally you do not even think about breathing it just happens, but what is the first thing that you will learn when you are about to birth a child into this world—BREATHE!.
The answer is always the same. Always come back to concentrating on the breath. Breathe through the obstacles and troubles that are pressing you.
This works on many levels and for many reasons. Here are a few.
The science behind the breath is easy to understand. Without oxygen your body perishes. Oxygen is the most vital ingredient for your functioning in this life. Go without food for a month, go without water for a week but go without oxygen for more than a few minutes and it is game over. Now, realize that when you start expanding your breath and bringing in more oxygen your body perks up, your brain starts getting the vitality it needs and starts functioning better, with increased energy and increased blood flow.
The breath gets your body functioning properly. The blood starts flowing carrying this vital oxygen to places where the oxygen was low. You won’t even realize you were functioning at half potential until you start breathing, then you feel the difference. Start breathing and moving together and you may start a chain reaction in your body that will bring you to a whole new place.
The next reason for me to focus on my breath is the same reason people meditate. It brings focus and clarity to my mind which normally moves a thousand miles a minute.
It slows down my mind and body to the point that I can release and empty the thoughts and babble bouncing around in my mind. This gives me a sense of peace and the realization that no matter what may be happening out there, inside I am calm and peaceful. Everything is alright.
The next reason is the most important to me and it is about belief. When you breathe you would do well to imagine that it is God’s essence you are breathing. It is the divine essence of life that courses in and out of your body filling you with it’s power and grace. If you can visualize this essence flowing in and out of your body you will realize even more powerful results. The air you breathe, the oxygen around you, is the breath of life. It is the energy of the universe just waiting for you to take it in and direct it. It is the breath of God. There is no thing more powerful anywhere.
So, you can now see breathing is the most important thing you can do for yourself today, there are tremendous benefits to be had by focusing on its rhythm.
Start your practice of breath awareness today and open your self to a whole new perspective.
You won't be disappointed!
Love and blessings,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Be encouraged!
Thanks to all who are out there actually reading this post. It has been a while since my last one.
I just wanted to say a couple items that seem to be appropriate at this time.
Remain strong, stay courageous, do not fear!
I know that, at this time, people are feeling the squeeze. That hardship and tribulation are the entrée of the day. Well, I am here to say that it will all be alright.
No matter what you may be experiencing, it is going to be ok.
Sometimes a person has to be willing to let go of the self images they have.
Shamanism has a practice of initiation that really exemplifies what I am talking about. In ancient cultures to become a shaman or to fully realize your power you had to endure tests of extreme physical, mental and spiritual difficulty. These tests would push a person to a ritual shamanistic death. This is the process that brings a shaman to break down and release all the former notions of “self”. Shaman death is the symbolic death to former old ways of life and personal identity, in other words a dying to the preconceived images of who you think you are or sometimes referred to as “ego”. This would make room for new ways.
These tests may be happening to you right now!
Do not be afraid just because change is on the horizon. It will go much better if you release all former notions of self and embrace the new ways you are being guided towards. Typically this involves taking “responsibility” or a new awareness of “responsibility”. Don’t let this word scare you. I know that lots of people immediately turn away once the word “responsibility” comes up. It is as if it has a sub label saying “too hard” on it. Don’t turn away just bring it in to who you are and it will do the rest. Meditate on the thought or word of “responsibility” and see what happens. Ask yourself “What is responsibility?” Reflect on it for a few minutes, it might change your life.
I leave you with a inspiring thought from a true friend of mine.
“My yoke is easy and my burden is light” - Jesus
Thanks and God bless,
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light
-Matthew 11: 28-30
I just wanted to say a couple items that seem to be appropriate at this time.
Remain strong, stay courageous, do not fear!
I know that, at this time, people are feeling the squeeze. That hardship and tribulation are the entrée of the day. Well, I am here to say that it will all be alright.
No matter what you may be experiencing, it is going to be ok.
Sometimes a person has to be willing to let go of the self images they have.
Shamanism has a practice of initiation that really exemplifies what I am talking about. In ancient cultures to become a shaman or to fully realize your power you had to endure tests of extreme physical, mental and spiritual difficulty. These tests would push a person to a ritual shamanistic death. This is the process that brings a shaman to break down and release all the former notions of “self”. Shaman death is the symbolic death to former old ways of life and personal identity, in other words a dying to the preconceived images of who you think you are or sometimes referred to as “ego”. This would make room for new ways.
These tests may be happening to you right now!
Do not be afraid just because change is on the horizon. It will go much better if you release all former notions of self and embrace the new ways you are being guided towards. Typically this involves taking “responsibility” or a new awareness of “responsibility”. Don’t let this word scare you. I know that lots of people immediately turn away once the word “responsibility” comes up. It is as if it has a sub label saying “too hard” on it. Don’t turn away just bring it in to who you are and it will do the rest. Meditate on the thought or word of “responsibility” and see what happens. Ask yourself “What is responsibility?” Reflect on it for a few minutes, it might change your life.
I leave you with a inspiring thought from a true friend of mine.
“My yoke is easy and my burden is light” - Jesus
Thanks and God bless,
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light
-Matthew 11: 28-30
Monday, January 12, 2009
I am that I am
I am that I am.
You most likely have heard this saying. To most people this saying represents a feeling that a person exists just because they exist. I am because I am, would be another way to say and look at it.
I believe that , yes , existence because you exist is truth and that it can lead to a greater level of surrender in your life however it is really not the most beneficial way to interpret the “I am that I am” statement.
Read the statement, following again, but this time instead of emphasizing the “I am” parts, put the emphasis on the word “that”.
I am THAT I am.
Could you tell the difference? When thought of this way it opens all new meaning to the phrase. It says that your life is full of free will and choice. It says that you have the power of creation!
I am THAT “I am” over there. You get to choose the “I am” you live. Each and every moment you can reset or renew the ideals and beliefs you live by. You can choose high lofty ideals or you can choose low valueless ideals. You set the “I am” value.
I am THAT I am.
Personally I tend to reach to the stars and insert the highest values possible. I look to individuals like Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi, among many others, to help shape my images of the perfect ideal. Everyday I refine my “I am”
You see, I continually strive in every moment to better myself, to uncover and learn something more, to be immersed in higher truth, to realize the secret of the universe, to reach my unchanging and eternal true self.
Now your ideals may be different from mine and that is perfectly fine. It is your own personal free will and freedom of choice that gives each and every one of us our own unique story and journey.
My point is this: Do you know the “I am” you are striving for?
Take a moment now to think about the characteristics and ideals of the “I am” you have chosen that is currently influencing your life( who are you?).
Write down the ideals you would like to have inserted into your life(who do you want to be?).
If you find a difference, insert them in your life and start living them!
God bless,
P.S - Depending on where you are in your journey, realize that your beliefs and ideals can grow and change as you grow and change, so keep them in mind on a daily basis and don’t be afraid of what other people may think. They are free to make their own choices.
You most likely have heard this saying. To most people this saying represents a feeling that a person exists just because they exist. I am because I am, would be another way to say and look at it.
I believe that , yes , existence because you exist is truth and that it can lead to a greater level of surrender in your life however it is really not the most beneficial way to interpret the “I am that I am” statement.
Read the statement, following again, but this time instead of emphasizing the “I am” parts, put the emphasis on the word “that”.
I am THAT I am.
Could you tell the difference? When thought of this way it opens all new meaning to the phrase. It says that your life is full of free will and choice. It says that you have the power of creation!
I am THAT “I am” over there. You get to choose the “I am” you live. Each and every moment you can reset or renew the ideals and beliefs you live by. You can choose high lofty ideals or you can choose low valueless ideals. You set the “I am” value.
I am THAT I am.
Personally I tend to reach to the stars and insert the highest values possible. I look to individuals like Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi, among many others, to help shape my images of the perfect ideal. Everyday I refine my “I am”
You see, I continually strive in every moment to better myself, to uncover and learn something more, to be immersed in higher truth, to realize the secret of the universe, to reach my unchanging and eternal true self.
Now your ideals may be different from mine and that is perfectly fine. It is your own personal free will and freedom of choice that gives each and every one of us our own unique story and journey.
My point is this: Do you know the “I am” you are striving for?
Take a moment now to think about the characteristics and ideals of the “I am” you have chosen that is currently influencing your life( who are you?).
Write down the ideals you would like to have inserted into your life(who do you want to be?).
If you find a difference, insert them in your life and start living them!
God bless,
P.S - Depending on where you are in your journey, realize that your beliefs and ideals can grow and change as you grow and change, so keep them in mind on a daily basis and don’t be afraid of what other people may think. They are free to make their own choices.
Friday, January 9, 2009
It is our most precious freedom.
Are you cherishing it or are you wasting it?
Do you even know what the choices are?
Everyday you make choices. Whether you are aware of them or not! Take a moment to set the intent to staying aware of your choices throughout the day. This is one way you will start having some of the outcomes you desire. Most people cannot get out of a rut because they are not aware they are making bad personal choices or small errors in judgment. They keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts and running their life on autopilot with bad coordinates and programs.
Does that sound sensible to you?
If you do not like something, change it! But don’t change it only out there, change it within you! That is where the root cause is!
You have the power, you have the ability, you have the will power, you have the intelligence, you have everything you need already to start this change and renewal process.
My thought, personally, is to bring all choices under one general category. This makes the choices easier to understand and decide upon when you are confronted by them.
My category looks like this:
Now please realize that I have given about 8 comparisons, but really they all say the same thing.
I believe that life is about choosing between the aspects or ideals listed above. No matter which specific saying you may resonate towards. Do you know which one you are choosing with all your decisions?
Do you think your choosing life but still have actions that say exactly the opposite?
Excessive actions can kill the body, mind and spirit. Actions like smoking, alcohol consumption, overeating, poor food choices and habits (sugars, processed foods, meat), gambling, pornography, disempowered relationships. Overall, you know the actions I am talking about. These are clear signs that you may be making poor errors in judgment.
If you are not honoring and respecting your body then somewhere in your mind you have thoughts, beliefs and programs that are self sabotaging you. You need to find them and start to change them. Most likely they are issues dealing with self esteem, self worth and self love.
If you thought you were worthy and truly loved yourself why would you knowingly be trying to kill yourself?
Think about it and think about the choices you are making and why you are making them.
Keeping a spiritual focus and laying a strong spiritual foundation will always be the key.
Until next time
P.S - Check out "My favorite websites" category on the righthand side of my blog to see where i look to find essential products and inspiration
P.P.S- Check out this months top feature, the free ALPHAmindcontrol-mp3 audio. It is really worth downloading. I have had great success by using it myself. I highly recommend it. Click below to access the SuperMind Evolution Site to get the free Alpha mind control audio. Great articles, great people, great system!
It is our most precious freedom.
Are you cherishing it or are you wasting it?
Do you even know what the choices are?
Everyday you make choices. Whether you are aware of them or not! Take a moment to set the intent to staying aware of your choices throughout the day. This is one way you will start having some of the outcomes you desire. Most people cannot get out of a rut because they are not aware they are making bad personal choices or small errors in judgment. They keep doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts and running their life on autopilot with bad coordinates and programs.
Does that sound sensible to you?
If you do not like something, change it! But don’t change it only out there, change it within you! That is where the root cause is!
You have the power, you have the ability, you have the will power, you have the intelligence, you have everything you need already to start this change and renewal process.
My thought, personally, is to bring all choices under one general category. This makes the choices easier to understand and decide upon when you are confronted by them.
My category looks like this:
Now please realize that I have given about 8 comparisons, but really they all say the same thing.
I believe that life is about choosing between the aspects or ideals listed above. No matter which specific saying you may resonate towards. Do you know which one you are choosing with all your decisions?
Do you think your choosing life but still have actions that say exactly the opposite?
Excessive actions can kill the body, mind and spirit. Actions like smoking, alcohol consumption, overeating, poor food choices and habits (sugars, processed foods, meat), gambling, pornography, disempowered relationships. Overall, you know the actions I am talking about. These are clear signs that you may be making poor errors in judgment.
If you are not honoring and respecting your body then somewhere in your mind you have thoughts, beliefs and programs that are self sabotaging you. You need to find them and start to change them. Most likely they are issues dealing with self esteem, self worth and self love.
If you thought you were worthy and truly loved yourself why would you knowingly be trying to kill yourself?
Think about it and think about the choices you are making and why you are making them.
Keeping a spiritual focus and laying a strong spiritual foundation will always be the key.
Until next time
P.S - Check out "My favorite websites" category on the righthand side of my blog to see where i look to find essential products and inspiration
P.P.S- Check out this months top feature, the free ALPHAmindcontrol-mp3 audio. It is really worth downloading. I have had great success by using it myself. I highly recommend it. Click below to access the SuperMind Evolution Site to get the free Alpha mind control audio. Great articles, great people, great system!
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